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Everything posted by HillaryFan420

  1. He’s been a fine man following his presidency but he was undoubtedly one of the worst presidents of the 20th century. He did a lot of evil in that office.
  2. I think this is why Mitch hung Trump out to dry and wasn’t interested in a second stimulus even though it would have helped Trump. They got most of what they wanted from Trump’s first term and things are likely to go disastrously for the Dems in 2022 and maybe even 2024. Biden’s win looks like a replay of Carter’s.
  3. Virtually zero problems are resolved through politics in our society. Politics hardly even exists in this country. All that we really have is an empty culture war that serves to shield whatever politics that does occur in this country for the public eye. It’s meant to simulate the type of public contestation that takes place in other countries where the public actually has a say in the structuring and functioning of society, but without any of the stakes.
  4. Nancy was pretty milfy 30 years ago.
  5. I think Carter was actually the first "New" Democrat and his Presidency marked the death of the New Deal era. Substantively, Reagan was just an amplification of things Carter had already started. imo, the last real New Deal President is Richard Nixon. He's certainly better than any President who has followed him.
  6. He had the least white vote share of any Republican candidate in 60 years, something the article you cite doesn’t address. Of course candidates with a larger total vote share will capture a higher share of at least some minorities. The point is that Trump’s 2020 campaign was one of the least racialized in recent memory as evidenced by his relatively diverse vote share.
  7. lol how exactly did he try to murder you? I’ve heard such things are criminally prosecutable in this country.
  8. I would say the claims that he is a "fascist" and the comparisons to Mussolini and other dictators was a bit over the top, no? Not withstanding that the term "fascist" has lost all meaning, I don't think Hitler or Mussolini illicitly gained power through the filing of lawsuits.
  9. LMAO, you want to talk about lies? GWB killed nearly a million people over a war started under flagrantly false pretenses, that in itself is more vile than the totality of the harm caused by Trump's administration. Also, unlike Trump, he actually really did do a "soft coup" and flat out stole an election. He wasn't as boorish as Trump though, so that's something.
  10. This just makes no sense. Trump in 2020 did better with minorities than any GOP candidate in 60 years. Did those voters also consider him to be the great white hope?
  11. I don't think this is true of the majority of their voters. I'm sure many of them feel the election was unfair and voter fraud occurred, but that doesn't make one a cult member. From my experience, most of them are fairly normal people who identify as Republican and thus are willing to believe many things that aren't necessarily true. I won't say things are equally bad for Democrats, but you'd have to be a total rube to fail to concede that a similar phenomenon is at play on the other side. Look at all the hysteria from Democrats regarding the "end of the Republic" and comparing Trump to Hitler when in reality his administration was similar to GWB's but with a more benign foreign policy.
  12. This is ridiculous and pathologizing these people makes you no better than the "liberalism is a mental disorder" types. I think the cleavage that is forming between college educated and non-college educated voters is more to do with a difference in values surrounding nationalism vs cosmopolitanism and other more bourgeois values. Think of the contrast in messaging between America being a unique place with characteristics worth preserving and the messaging that stresses intelligence, competency, and qualifications. I think Republican messaging will become less and less racialized and in doing so Republicans will be able to head off the demographic doom Democrats have been clamoring about for decades. Look at the shocking gains Trump made in the RGV for instance. That's the future of the Republican party.
  13. Yeah, that chick is like a normal 5-6 but a Battlebots 9. Witch Doctor is also one tough ass bot.
  14. So where are we at on the "it's happening" scale this afternoon? I think we were at a 9 on Saturday and a 2 by Monday. Are we back up to 5 maybe?
  15. At this point I’ll happily take Campbell. Just please, for the love of God, not another year of Herman.
  16. But this was supposed to be his year. If he can’t even come close to a Big 12 title with an experienced team led by a senior QB with OU and the rest of the Big 12 in the shitter, when the fuck is it going to happen? This year was the test to see what he could achieve when the deck was stacked in his favor, and he came up wanting.
  17. At the very least, Herman has to be fired. Bringing him back is going to set this program up for another decade wandering the desert. Who would even give a fuck at that point.
  18. I can’t imagine who in their right fucking mind could give a shit about Texas football in 2021 with Herman on the sideline. Might as well pretend the season was cancelled and wait for 2022.
  19. He’s flawed, but he was a very good college QB. Texas fans sound like Sooners expecting improved QB play with Rattler when they talk about Sam. Even with the improvements in the defense, this team has an eight win ceiling next year year with the step back it will take on offense.
  20. What is even the point of next season if Herman sticks around? People bitch about Sam but watch this offense next season without him.
  21. I can’t believe a decision hasn’t been made one way or the other. You either fire him now or sign him to an extension with a reduced buyout. The current situation is untenable for Texas and Herman.
  22. This and Heavy Hands are my go-to HEB beers.
  23. Putting OG and SRM on the label is real "woah we got a badass" here energy.
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