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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by 4th_and_18

  1. Got my third Pfizer this morning. Heb south Congress. Lots of questions about how I was affected by the first two. Did I talk to my doctor about the third? Have I been exposed to a positive case recently? I think I just happened to get the most thorough person ever which is fine. Don’t need more than three chips in my arm. Yet.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. That would explain the "Stay the Fuck Out for the next 48 hours" email I just got from them.  I guess I'm gonna miss my middle age water aerobics class tomorrow.  
    Wow, we gotta lot of rain in Central Austin but that's something altogether different.  

    I was in mccombs today. Only the regular leaks at every entrance and the atrium roof/water feature. There is a leak over that info screen at the plaza entrance that nobody seems worried about. Pretty sure Little E is secretly hoping the place burns down so he gets his new building. Oh and that bridge to Legacy is a pond right now. Don’t advise crossing unless you’re looking for a good worker’s comp claim.

  3. Give me $500, a lift and a gas pressure washer and I’ll have that shit done in 2 hours

    It took most of the scaffolding in the state and some from out of state to get the lower part done. I remember the 18 wheelers backed up around campus that week. It was crazy how much scaffolding was built to paint. Pretty sure the guys in the Home Depot parking lot would do it quicker and without the scaffolding.
  4. 3rd Pfizer shot report: The pharmacy gave me the vaccine a few minutes ago without any problems. I didn't explain it was my 3rd and they didn't ask. In the registration process, I was asked if I wanted my vaccine to be reported to the state. I answered No. 
    I was concerned for a second when they typed my drivers license info into a computer. I was unsure how I would respond if they confronted me about already being fully vaxxed. But nothing happened.
    During the 25-30 minutes that I was in the pharmacy, no one else was there for a vaccine. 
    context for anyone not reading what I wrote earlier. I've already surpassed 6 months from my 2nd shot and I'm about to go on several trips.

    Any side effects so far?
  5. ^ffs, see what I mean?

    btw, I've noticed in every case people testing positive have taken Pfizer (not saying that it's only Pfizer, but both news stories and FB friend anecdotes point to this being a Pfizer problem). Does anyone have evidence on whether those with Moderna vax are experiencing similar infection rates? 

    Maybe this is why Pfizer is insisting on a booster and everyone else (moderna/fda) is saying “let’s see what happens.”
    • Rage+1 1
  6. Saw some cool snakes at Abilene zoo this morning. That king cobra they have is huge. I thought for sure I was seeing more than one snake in there. Nope. It just kept going and going.

    They’ve had some recent success in their breeding program with some threatened species. Some baby Mexican rattlers were on display.

    Tough to get good pictures behind the glass.



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  7. My bad, thought you were talking about this year when it's just a staging site for construction.  Yeah, should be really nice eventually with lots of green spaces. 
    I'm hoping I can convince the Blanton people to let that contiguous pedestrian area up between the buildings also house events before football games outdoors.  And then have that carry over to Speedway which will feed the E-W pedestrian corridors down to DKR-TMS.  

    Uh, when was the last time you walked by Blanton. Ain’t no contiguous pedestrian area anymore. Some rich fuck gave money and new shit is going in there. I’m talking between the main buildings of the museum. There’s still the grassy area by the rainbow igloo.

    Def agree on speedway. But considering how many hoops we jump through just to have a cocktail hour for faculty to “conduct research” at a symposium I doubt the school will ever open up speedway for tailgating.
  8. Can you request a line item list for the cleaning fees?
    I remember discussing this in a Business/Law class UT circa 2010.  That was a while ago I guess.

    I think you’re thinking of renter’s rights to see how their deposit was used by the owner instead of returned at the end of the lease. As long as the owner can show reasonable receipts for the amount kept then there’s not really anything you can do.
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