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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 4th_and_18

  1. 4.2” in 3 hours by the airport
  2. Up to 12 feet now
  3. Shoal is at 9.68 feet at 12th
  4. That might explain why the construction trailer flew across the road in front of me on 71.
  5. All 60 people in the Facebook group? Didn’t notice.
  6. Moved my truck to the airport garage and pulled the cars into the garage. It won’t hail in Austin now.
  7. Buy mulch? I already pay for that in taxes. I just pick it up at Austin recycling. Takes a bit of work to load and unload but I get a truck bed full of mulch.
  8. My high school is doing a raffle to benefit scholarships. Two of the prizes are hunting related. Thought I would share. If this is not allowed please delete and ban me to purgatory. About 200 tickets left.
  9. Except for the tax. And did he have an OOEF in place? Better write a memo just in case. #fml
  10. Highest wind speed ever recorded/estimated using Doppler on Earth was between 300 and 320 mph. F5 goes up to 318 mph. The EF5 is anything over 200 mph. Neither the F scale or enhanced F scale go to 10. TORRO goes to 11 but only when shit gets real.
  11. For what Scoma’s charges the chowder better not be out of a can.
  12. Thoughts on I care a lot? Conversation around the house was “Is Grayson supposed to be trump?” The Russian guy = GOP or Russians? Or did we have too much to drink tonight?
  13. At UT, no faculty or staff can be in a relationship with an undergrad. It’s the Kearney-Applewhite rule.
  14. Nobody is up charging for anything. And you assume it’s an inferior product because a shitty student complained to Karen. The school went above and beyond to provide the best possible educational experience which is exactly what is promised when a student is accepted for attendance. If we want to have a separate discussion about waste I’ll gladly join the “these fuckers waste a lot of money” side of that argument. But that’s not what the plaintiff is claiming.
  15. We spent a lot of money to upgrade classrooms to do hybrid learning. When classes started the students chose online instead of in person. We kept track of the numbers to show this. We canceled the hybrid and went pure online in most cases because of this. On top of the expenses to upgrade classrooms we spent a lot on technology upgrades for faculty. Upgraded webcams, laptops, iPads, doc cams, recording studio time, fucking holographic technology for the MBA program, the list goes on and on. Many of the faculty are teaching twice for each hybrid course so we had to reduce the number of students per course and hire more faculty. On top of that the faculty needed more support to answer emails and grade more online assignments. So we hired more undergraduate students to help out. This lawsuit is going to die a quick painful death.
  16. Isn’t that just six pictures of the same person? They all look the same to me...
  17. Jesus. Multiple open fractures to the lower AND upper portions of BOTH the tibia and fibia of the right leg? Mangled comes to mind. No way he plays again, right?
  18. You are your own insurance when you’re that rich.
  19. Anybody see the IG video of Wade and Woods? Is he high? That was filmed yesterday I think. Hope that doesn’t show up on the drug testing after the wreck.
  20. I always thought that was similar to a chip in the windshield. Part of the coverage and doesn’t really affect your rates.
  21. It’s as simple as some reports use “customers” and some use “people” and everyone thinks it’s the same.
  22. We transitioned to a google hosted UTMail system several years ago. Have you tried logging in to that? Posting link with way too much info below. https://wikis.utexas.edu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=108462392
  23. Serious response to serious post. Turn the gas starter off once the wood has started burning on its own. It is not designed to burn constantly and you’re wasting money/gas/logs.
  24. My guess is that someone with iPhone shared with a poor or old with non-iPhone. Then that person uploaded. That’s what it looks like when I share to certain family members with ancient technology.
  25. Yep. It’s the 911 reverse system.
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