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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by 4th_and_18

  1. Looks like we're having "virtual fans" tomorrow via Microsoft Teams? They're testing it out now.

    It was mentioned in the new game day experience I believe. Not sure how they’re choosing but I remember there being a hashtag or third party social media company participating.
  2. Damn. That's a lot of marbling. did you eat the whole thing your self? I googled and those things are pricey.
    Also this.
    This steak can easily feed 2 people, we recommend 3-4 ounces per person
    I think the Japanese don't eat steaks like we do.

    They really don’t. My Japanese boss talks about steak the way we talk about football wins against OU. We’d like it to happen at least once a year. Usually around the same time in the fall. In an extraordinary year you have it again around Christmas. And if god really blesses you it somehow happens again around the second week in January. But that’s it. No more. And it usually costs your first born and/or a large bribe to the local official.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. I'm not getting melodramatic. I don't expect them to extract them 5 minutes after splashdown, but this was a shitshow. Civilian boats surrounding the spacecraft. Big delays in getting the craft onboard and extracting the crew. There's lots of room for improvement, but it was a significant achievement.

    They got the craft onboard 7 minutes ahead of schedule iirc. If not for an abundance of caution over a .4 parts per billion reading of toxic fuel leaking then they would’ve been out way ahead of time. The civilian boats part was insane though. Hard to believe there wasn’t some kind of security preventing that. Also important to note the weather was perfect. No waves and no wind.
  4. Our 1969 team is the last all-white team to win the national championship.  Should the plaque be taken down from DKR?
    DKR coached that team.  Should DKR's name be taken down from the stadium?  Should the university disassociate with DKR?
    All the WW1 plaques around the stadium are honoring men who fought for a military that was segregated.  Should we remove all symbols around the stadium honoring men who fought for a segregated institution?

    Dr. Gordon has a video about DKR as well.
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