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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BrewmanTX

  1. We had section 1 row 51 seats for 20+ years. They were are the very edge of not getting rained on and would definitely be in the shade this time of the year.
  2. Yep, I constantly astound my wife by stating “he’s an aggy.” After it is confirmed, she says,”How did you know that.” You can just tell. It’s hard to explain.
  3. From an Airbnb in AnnArbor.
  4. How do I check my account info? Last year I auto-renewed. I’m not aware of any changes to my card. It looks the charge happened on 8/14 last year.
  5. Flock of Dipshits = Flock of Seagulls cover band?
  6. Thanks for posting the number. I couldn’t find it anywhere on the web site. Poor lady sounded beaten down but renewal complete.
  7. No mention of number of tickets in my email, but I’m assuming the same number as my season tickets (4).
  8. For anyone keeping track of the cutoff, my rank is 4,187 and I DID receive tickets.
  9. Can you expand upon this? I’m right at the 4,000 rank and I haven’t received any notification yet.
  10. Yeah, same question. I’m right at the top 10% and not even at 1,000 points.
  11. Bravo m-f’er
  12. Not sure where else to put this, but I have a good friend who has opened a Brewpub in The Cedars in Dallas. It’s within stumbling distance from Lee Harvey’s. Has a ton of great beer on tap. About 25% his own stuff and the rest from Dallas-area brewers. Give him a try if you are in the area. https://autonomousbrewpub.com
  13. Point taken. My limited interaction with the TE leaders in Austin is spotty at best. I can see how they could totally F up any NIL endeavor.
  14. I can only speak for the Dallas Texas Exes, but we have raised millions for scholarships. The chapter has funded three Forty Acre Scholars, which provides a full ride based on academics, stemming the flow of top students in Texas going to schools like Duke. Additionally the chapter has given out countless need-based scholarships. I believe Houston has done pretty much the same. Smaller chapters do what they can, providing need-based scholarships to local students.
  15. If I get my butt in the road early enough, I’ll bring some kolaches.
  16. Yeah, it’s a little scary hitting the order button without having any idea of what seats you’re going to get. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Just picked up 6 in section 115, rows 22 and 23 for a friend. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. The 2010 Gilbert 4 completed passes game came up on Better Call Saul last night. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I was the guy that put the hat on him and got a picture with my arm around him. Yes, let’s just say the frat boys did not see the humor. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I worked in IT at SWA back when Gary was Controller. My group actually supported Finance so I got to interact with Gary a bunch. You could tell he was special. I also worked with Bob J. Seemed nice enough and not a red-ass, but then again he was nothing special either. Night and day difference compared to Gary. Hopefully SWA is on auto-pilot enough to survive this. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. What kind of cheesy-ass bling watch is that?? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. The sadness in their voices is like heroin straight in my veins. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I haven’t been following in a while so I don’t know if it has been discussed, but if we want to start another fund for another position (Oline ?), I’m in at the top level. I flipping tired of losing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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