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Everything posted by DanRydell

  1. They still don't have the votes but it's a fairly thing margin. Assuming this next special goes nowhere, Abbott is going to call them back after the new year in the middle of primaries to really try to put the screws to the holdouts.
  2. At some point they're going to have to account for losing a person unexpectedly by either doing a non-elimination week or a battle back of some form. The first two evictees are for sure done since Julie told them about Cirie and Jared.
  3. They also require local counsel and the mailing of paper copies of motions and responses. They’re a scourge (as are pretty much all Dallas lawyers).
  4. A Dallas federal jury is going to draw from Ellis, Hunt, Johnson, Kaufman, Navarro, and Rockwall Counties in additional to Dallas County so yeah, it's going to tend to be a lot whiter and a lot more conservative.
  5. Why would a Southwest ticketing issue create a TSA backup?
  6. i can't speak to their homeowners claims but on auto liability claims, I have to sue Allstate insureds more frequently than any other insurer so if you carry Allstate and hit someone, you're likely to find yourself in a lawsuit.
  7. I said it sounded like he was making a narrative up and asked where he'd heard those things. You then acted like listening to earnings calls is some sort of normal activity. But now you've got me curious. So when was the earnings call where they issued a denial that they've ever encouraged password sharing? Was it on that same call that they scolded people for doing it or was that a different call?
  8. Why the fuck would I listen to their earnings calls?
  9. When did they pretend that? And when did they scold anyone? This feels like a narrative that exists purely in your mind.
  10. Final four fire making (and having a final three) continue to be shitty twists.
  11. I think it's possible that vote goes differently if local control hadn't been on such constant attack this session.
  12. I was rooting for Frannie but she's one of the dumber smart people to ever be on this show. I don't think she really anticipated being good at challenges and got so excited about the prospect of winning them that she got her boyfriend sent home by winning one she should have thrown and then got herself sent home by winning a worthless award challenge.
  13. U.S. Supreme Court lets Texas death row inmate Rodney Reed seek DNA testing | The Texas Tribune
  14. Large trucks and SUVs use more fuel, can make parking lot a pain in the ass when they can't fit inside the lines, and are significantly more dangerous to other vehicles and pedestrians.
  15. As others have said, the trailer is bad. If I hadn't loved the book, there's no chance I would have gone to see it, but it was really good.
  16. Unless he was already dead before the final shot, this was questionably murder, without justification, under Texas law. There is no legitimate argument that the final shot was immediately necessary to protect himself or others from unlawful force nor is there any legitimate argument that the final shot was immediately necessary to prevent the imminent commission of a robbery or his fleeing. There is also absolutely no question that the first four shots were justified. The only real grey areas here, legally or factually, are whether the second group of shots was justified and when exactly in the series of shots did he actually die.
  17. I know this is a controversial take with you inbred fucks but I’m actually anti-murder across the board, even if the victim is a piece of shit.
  18. What do you call an extrajudicial execution if not a lynching?
  19. This is the only actual legal defense the shooter has. But if he accelerated the death by even a millisecond with that final shot, that is unquestionably a murder. The need for defense, defense of others, or defense of property had long passed. That was just an extrajudicial execution at that point. I’m also fairly certain he’ll walk because there’s nothing Texans love more than a good old fashioned lynching.
  20. I’ve always wanted to take a scenic stroll from the state auditor to the lottery commission
  21. It dragged a bit at times but it looks spectacular and I had a good time at the theater. The last 30 minutes or so is one of the best action/war set pieces in recent memory.
  22. The last 9 seasons have made it clear that the jury is very easily distracted by the shiny object in front of them of winning fire making. Since that change was made, the fire making winner has won 5 times, the person who taken along by the final immunity winner has won 3, and the person who had immunity has won 1.
  23. Perhaps the biggest flaw in the new-ish final 4 firemaking is that it completely neuters winning final immunity and somehow makes firemaking a greater accomplishment than both winning final immunity and in politicking your way into the final 3. The idea that it would have somehow been a stronger game move for Cass to give up the necklace and make fire against Jesse (thereby increasing Jesse’s chances of making the final 3) is fucking insane.
  24. Jesse really blew it at final five. He was too busy worrying about winning tribal and not nearly worried enough about getting to final tribal. The smart play was to let them vote for him, then play the idol and vote out whoever he considered to be the best at making fire (presumably Gabler). I think Cass was probably in the driver’s seat but she really blew it at final tribal. She couldn’t even clearly and simply state that she weaponized Gabler to take Jesse out. Oh well, hopefully Gabler winning means he never comes back so I never have to listen to him again.
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