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Everything posted by DanRydell

  1. I’m pro human rights, regardless of what someone’s parents did.
  2. This is simply false. Birthright citizenship was universally understood as the law from the start (and for centuries under English common law). The Fourteenth Amendment was enshrining what the law already was and making clear that Dred Scott was wrong. For example, there was no federal statute in 1809 that made Abraham Lincoln a US citizen by virtue of being born in Kentucky. He just was, and it never occurred to anyone he wasn’t.
  3. I will stipulate there are facts which are troubling. Now what's your solution?
  4. If you want to build your business model around pandering to white supremacists, them's the breaks. But what the hell, I'll play. What is the obvious problem exactly? And what is your proposed solution to said problem?
  5. Twitter is its own hosting service. Gab is welcome to migrate away from third-party hosting if they don't want to be subject to such market forces.
  6. There are some sound and reasonable arguments against antimeritocratic birthright citizenship but they also apply to jus sanguinis.
  7. Restoring jus soli which until Dred Scott was so well understood to be the law that it had never occurred to anyone it actually needed to be written into the law.
  8. Pinkel was pretty perennially underrated for what he did at a program that had been awful for decades (although the effects of that weren't really until the late 2000s) but Dan Devine is probably Mizzou's best coach. Finished in the Top 20 9 out of his 13 years with 3 Top 6 finishes.
  9. I certainly wouldn’t call it good but that Krystal at the west end of Bourbon Street has hit the spot a couple of times while walking back to the hotel.
  10. Winter is brutal but overall Chicago is great. I'd be living there right now if my wife wasn't such a lightweight about the cold.
  11. No.
  12. If you’re trying to project how those teams will perform moving forward, yes.
  13. I think that’s fair. They’re all roughly top 30-40 teams with wildly disparate levels of luck.
  14. It was clearly offensive PI. What a screw job.
  15. It wasn’t filmed in imax unfortunately
  16. There have been at least two armed uprisings in the last four years. Trump pardoned those involved.
  17. DanRydell


    2-hour finale movie to air on NBC on December 20 per Abigail Spencer's instagram
  18. I was just counting Stratford and adjacent areas and had forgotten about basically all of Davenport being in Austin so you may well be right.
  19. While there are certainly fewer of them than Rollingwood or West Lake Hills residents, there are also City of Austin residents who live on the Westlake side of the bridge.
  20. To be fair, it seems like they’re mostly complaining about the screeching that comes from trains going around that turn, not just the normal train noise.
  21. He's been on Football Outsiders and had his own Football Study Hall vertical on SBNation for near a decade now. He's also had a podcast for a few years now. He's doing fine for himself.
  22. The Secret Service is a left wing conspiracy?
  23. I really wanted to love this but holy hell that was a boring 2.5 hours
  24. I don’t think regular S&P+ even knows whether you won or lost a game, let alone by how much. It simply knows how you played within that game. And it ignores all data while the game is in garbage time. So for your Bama-Ole Miss example, it would never even know the second half of that game occurred.
  25. The reason seems pretty straightforward...
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