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Everything posted by DanRydell

  1. Berkman definitely seems like the kind of asshole that would campaign for his former coach's job.
  2. DanRydell


    I enjoy it but yeah, the ratings are garbage so someone at NBC would have to really love it for it to get a season 3. I wonder if Amazon or Hulu or Netflix would pick it up.
  3. And orders that the program be resumed within 90 days. Decision is here: https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/4446318/Microsoft-Princeton-Daca-20180424.pdf
  4. Venue is proper in the county of residence for any defendant and a corporation is a resident of any county in which it has its registered office or other office or is doing business. So I think venue would be proper in any Illinois county that has a Walgreens. http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/ilcs4.asp?DocName=073500050HArt.+II+Pt.+1&ActID=2017&ChapterID=56&SeqStart=1200000&SeqEnd=2200000
  5. Even among the minority of judges with criminal experience, I would bet those with prosecutorial experience outnumber those with defense experience 10 to 1.
  6. If you and I stand next to each other and each fire 10 shots into the dark and you hit and kill someone and I don’t, should you be punished more severely than me?
  7. So is your problem the drunk driving or that two people were killed? You seem to oscillate back and forth. The former was a wrongful and reckless act. The latter was bad luck.
  8. Yeah, the confession didn't really matter legally. The key was getting the murder weapon in his hand.
  9. Just finished it. It was probably a notch below seasons 2 and 3 for me but I still loved this season.
  10. Such a great movie. I also saw it at Dobie back in the day.
  11. From looking at the feed for https://twitter.com/georgeclayton I'm pretty sure the Trib just made an error
  12. Do you think probation should never be an option for driving while intoxicated or just for intoxication manslaughter?
  13. I also don’t feel any better when using my CPAP but my wife appreciates that I’m not snoring and I trust it’s having health benefits. It’s a pain in the ass to travel with so I use Provent is traveling with the wife and nothing if traveling solo. As for the mask, I’ve been using the Swift FX nasal pillows for 6-7 years now.
  14. Weird. That's not at all what I would have predicted a former UT swimmer looks like.
  15. Willie Wells should get dibs over Don Baylor but Night Train Lane is great work.
  16. They should name it for Andrew Jackson Hamilton
  17. I’ll usually have two dogs. One with mayo, the other with ketchup and mustard.
  18. I disagree. The point of double jeopardy is to prevent the state from just trying someone over and over until getting the desired result. Trying someone after a pardon doesn’t violate that principle. It’s more akin to re-trying someone after a conviction is overturned on appeal.
  19. Woke up to a text that my SWA flight this morning was cancelled. Now I’ve got fucking boarding pass C20 on the flight I was “reaccomodated” to.
  20. The dual sovereignty rule is bullshit. But being pardoned for a federal crime should also not attach jeopardy to a state prosecution. You can both maintain federalism and ensure the state can’t just continually try someone until they get their desired result.
  21. The burgers and fries are decent but Mighty Fine’s shakes are great.
  22. The burgers and fries are decent but Mighty Fine’s shakes are great.
  23. The queso and fajitas are solid but not really worth the pain in the ass it typically is to go there between the waits and parking. It also seems to have gone downhill a bit since Chuy’s sold it off.
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