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Had Enough

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Posts posted by Had Enough

  1. Who knows the rule on crack back blocks these days? I’m trying to determine what’s legal.

    It was either Overshown or Brockermeyer that got it from an outside receiver early in the game.

  2. On that 99 yard drive, PK put Dunn right on Duggan on the 3rd and Qb keep. Dunn messed it up.

    Holy shit I’ve just witnessed Bama miss 4 tackles in the last two plays. There ain’t a LBer alive in today’s game that doesn’t miss tackles or get blocked. Our frontline LBers are solid. Depth hasn’t shown up yet.

    We play light in the front both in size and bodies. They’re going to get gashed some. And when a missed tackle occurs you need a 2nd and 3rd tackler to show quickly. That’s more difficult in the light box.

    I’m not saying it’s great defense, but the offense failed to put the game away. We won. We had good defensive moments. Keep working.

    The key is likely Coburn-Sweat-Ojomo. Overall, there should be hope based on what we’ve seen.

  3. Texas took more deep shots last season than Sark did at Bama. It’s not a focal point of Sark’s offense which is more about maximizing YAC in the short and intermediate passing game. 

    Very well could be. The defense still has to defend the entire field, which is critically important.

    I’m very bullish on what we can do in this offense.
  4. I think this is correct. Sark values scheme and QB decision-making over any of the Herman "lunch-pale-corch-on-the-field" bullshit. 
    It's extremely evident we have far more players catching passes in space than any time during Herman's tenure, where we had, what, 2 plays of 50+ yards?

    You might want to ask yourself who is Sark more like: Frank Reich or Andy Reid?

    Then maybe that is your answer.

    Herman was good at getting guys in space. Unfortunately it was TEs or RBs. And he did it too infrequently, which may have been the key to getting them open.

    Sam was not a poor decision maker. In some cases he was likely overly cautious. This “throw the receiver open” concept is largely a risk/reward decision. You can bet your butt some are coached away from that risk. I will say year 4 versus 2 and 3 led to more attempts downfield

    There’s some irony playing out thus far this fall. Our deep passing game to this point has been as poor as it’s ever been. That was supposed to immediately improve. But in the last two games we’ve scored tons of points without it. the best part is that the defense IS having to defend the entire field.

    Some coaches are just better than others. Great offenses make the QBs job easier. That’s not to say it is easy. But as old and fat as I am, I could complete some passes in Sarks offense. The TD to Bijan is an example from last week. The throw was low and caused him to slow down, but the call was so timely that did not matter.

    The fact that Sam And Beuchele both did well in their NFL camps tells me either could work in Sarks offense. Unfortunately for both, I’d say arm strength is their weakness or perhaps better stated is their limiting factor.
  5. The Ohio State-Miami bitching about the officiating is way misplaced because of the Gamble non -call that should have ended it. I think the PI/hold was correct too, but the non-call was terrible.

    Now, the Big 12 refs inability to call holding majorly impacted the OSU-Oregon game. Massively in favor of OSU. Helped wear the Oregon d down too.

  6. Jefferson was barely functional for several of the drives he was in there. Arkansas was moving the ball easily before he got hurt and was limited.

    And the 4th and 1 play nearing the half was massive. Put KJ on the edge versus running into the strength of the ag defense was poorly thought out. Could have been up 24-0 at the half.
    • Hook 'Em 1

  7. Pretty sure that’s how it was listed for the Tech game.

    And thought Thompson got the start. Seems like he’s played more than Schooler and started for at least 3 games.

    And how many plays did Jamison go without giving up a TD and suddenly he’s on notice to be benched. I think you will see him react positively to last weekend.

    And in another thread BJ Foster is not athletic enough. I was thinking he was pretty solid RB in high school, which for non-240 pounders is indicative of some athletic ability. Throw in some messed up shoulders, 3 defensive systems and position changes and you might understand why there are some inconsistencies there.

    The defense is an uncertainty at this point. They may have given up only 7 points in the 1st half last week except for the call to block the punt. Our end of the field ensures they go for it once the penalty was called. Plus our offense was rolling. So I would have saved it for later. Second half was let’s work on some stuff. Consistent effort and doing your job will get more positive results.

    The offense continues to roll. The defense does enough, and we win rather handily. At least by 3 scores. We see improvement where needed from last week.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. Man you are all over the place. I was responding to your own comments and now you’re both changing what you’re saying and moving the goalposts. 

    Don’t worry I’m done after this.

    And I didn’t change jackshit. I was curious on some of the details so I looked them up which was an extrapolation of my original point. Our conference schedule was clearly more difficult which offset the clearly less difficult non-con schedule. There was little, if any, discussion about the conference schedule. Never did I say the Pigs were better than TCU or Cincy.

    The justification for the Sooners was an overrated Cincy and a likely overrated TCU. Those two bested Arkansas who wasn’t good but might have won 8/9 games with TCU or Cincy schedules. We played Missouri. I said it came down to Arky, TCU and Cincy, which it did. Then I provided some details as to why it was more than that albeit much of it was ignored in that discussion back in 08.

    But I’m certain you know all the details of that season.

  9. Big12 refs fucked us against Tech. They refused to call holding all game long against them unless it was during an offsetting penalty. They were Johnny on the spot for when our line held though.

    I believe there was a picture with 3 holds all uncalled, including a choke hold where Orakpo was injured.

    Any neutral observer who actually watched the game would have seen that and discounted that “loss.”

    Fuck this conference.

    Ulatoski got called for the only hold, which was modest if anything. It took away a first down or very near. Pick 6 next play.

    Now versus OU, Tres Way flopped twice. Both bogus. Gave them the ball back. Equivalent to two turnovers. Yes, we got two cheap late hits on Colt, but one resulted in a 1st down before the penalty. The other gave us a first down, but it was not 4th down anyway so we had another play. And I think one of those drives ended in a field goal after the “almost” OU INT. But that dude blatantly held the TE so it should have been 1st instead of 4th anyway. Not to mention the bs OU holding.

    So here’s another question. How much would it have taken for us to get the nod over OU? Did we need to win by 17? 24? There is a number there that would have made a difference.
    • Rage+1 1
  10. Don’t know why I come off that way. I know that season inside and out so it’s hard to sway me. Your post doesn’t. Our gauntlet included Mizzou at home, not on the road. TCU/Cincy versus Arkansas, a team we absolutely crushed and one that finished 5-7?  TCU finished #7 that year and was 11-2. Cincy #17 and was 11-3 with an Orange Bowl appearance. 

    I did not intend to infer that we played Mizzou at Mizzou, but we played them during conference. They won the North and beat Nebraska by 35. We played the North’s #1, 3 and 4 teams. We played #3 on the road. OU played #2, 3 (at home), and 5. No 2 was at home. Their conference road games were against 3 of the 4 worst Big 12 teams, and they didn’t play the 4th. Their tough road game was the #4 team from the south. We played Tech on the road. OSU at home. OU had a bye before Tech. We were in a stretch of 9 straight games when we played Tech. Mack said he took it easy the week of practice because were banged up and coming off a tough stretch and not done yet. The 4 highly ranked teams in a row was something that hadn’t been done in 50 years or whatever. We lost on the last play with our future decade long NFL DE hurt out because they hurt his ass on yet another non-call. On the road. At night. In that programs biggest game ever. If there’s ever an ok loss, that’s it. We beat OU head to head on a neutral field.

    Yes, Arkansas was not good, but they were the only team in the country to play 2 of the top 3, maybe 3 of the top 10. Lost 3 other games by 6 combined points. TCU and Cincy we’re good no doubt but their rankings probably inflated due to their conferences. As a data point, Cincy lost by double digits to Va Tech in the bowl. Most likely if you allow for the conferences, those records are much closer.

    So an argument, easily defensible and easily won, is that a conference decision should be based on conference results not two non-con opponents.

    And secondarily when you account for the other factors in the schedule it is a shit ton closer than what a simpleton would come up with. I don’t know that computer models gave much consideration to timing, bye weeks, etc.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. Yep…. It’s amazing how O lines will respond to a decent QB.   Notice I didn’t say an outstanding QB.   If they know they can go a number of series with out a three and out and allowing a sack or two without getting the blame for it, they will get confidence.  Plus score a TD, set up field position for a FG, this helps too.     It’s the shit where they get blamed for a QB staying in the pocket to long or making piss poor decisions that can make the line in unison say WTF and give up early.  This can bleed over to the defense too

    So it sounds like you’re blaming Arkansas on Card.

    I want you to think real hard on this.

    Arkansas play 1 gets positive yards. I believe it was a run. Play 2 was again a run. A massive cluster which led to negative yards. After ULaLa, there were positives from Cards effort. So that Oline came out and messed their drawers from the opening play (or 2nd if you will). But the pass game was cleaned up well before Casey came in.

    With good QB play, we could have won.

    But make no mistake the play calling post Arkansas is more variable to start the game. Also the Oline started cleaning things up from the 2nd quarter of Arkansas on. Still too many misses, but that was cleaned up versus Tech.

    These last two games are a QBs dream. Easy, easy , easy. Lots of easy throws. Fairly easy reads on many. And a run game that has defenses skeert.

    Casey has done his job. He’s the starter.

    But damn if we can’t give the Oline some credit. And then if we aren’t attributing it to the QB.
    Sorry, but my money is on new scheme. Angilau and Jones switching spots from last year. Same with Kerstetter who also broke his damn ankle. The other two dudes are relatively inexperienced in high profile situations. And for some, maybe OZ is a big reason. Rice and Tech we had lots of hats on hats. There were times we moved the LOS several yards.
    • Hook 'Em 3
  12. 4 minute commercials after 1st and 3rd quarters. 3 plus minutes for the majority of breaks. Seemed like fewer continuance of play after possession changes.

    Versus ULaLa the breaks were shorter.

    Just one of the reasons players are making us so much money. More commercial time. More concessions consumption time.

    These long breaks are number 1 detriment to the in person game experience. The powers that be could do something about it. They won’t.

  13. Shane had 3 picks and we had a fumble to lose that game. But in 2004 we are down 20-23 to KU and Vince Young converts a 4th and 18 and the rest is history. You see how this fuckin works?

    Pretty sure we had 6 turnovers including the 2,000 yard rusher fumble after the game clinching winner.

    Defense gave up 0 points thru 3 quarters.

    Strong did hire Trsylor. Herman did not.
    Strong brought us Dickson. Herman brought us his cousin whom I like.

    Strong discussion should be done.
  14. With all due respect those are weak arguments. First, how does an undefeated #2 team not belong?  Second, if they don’t belong, our road loss is to a team that doesn’t belong. I don’t care about past talk saying MOV shouldn’t matter. In a beauty contest, it matters a LOT. 

    You don’t come off as buying any opinion not of your own thinking.

    Here’s some other points. OU schedule was based on TCU and Cincy versus Arky for us.

    However, we easily had a more difficult Big 12 schedule. We played Mizzou and Tech at their place. OU had Tech after the biggest game in program history. And had them at home. OU may have even had a bye leading up to it.

    We made top 15 teams four weeks in a row. Lost to the 4th in a night game on the road. Also of note, our Arky game was pushed back due to Hurricane. So we played 7 or more straight weeks, which again likely impacted our freshness.

    So again OU got the nod for the Big 12 game based on a mountain west and big east juggernaut even though their conference strength of schedule was lesser than ours. And we beat them head to head. Keep in mind they got two bs roughing the kicker penalties to extend drives. That’s equivalent to two turnovers.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. Self Awareness. The rest of the football world thinks many Texas fans lack self awareness.

    I know many Baylor folks. Friends. They are mostly full of shit, full of themselves, full of arrogance when it comes to football and their knowledge. With Aggies that’s a given. I’ve known associates of Tech be completely full of it.

    So basically the same as what you run into here. Texas is just held to a different standard. The sheer number of vocal tshirt fans exceeds those of schools so it’s reasonable to assume you’ll hear from a higher number of Texas fans.
  16. Aggy is going to win.

    Pig is just not that good. Even with the second QB aggy is just a better all around team. We’ve already seen their defense last four quarters against a one-dimensional, run-based offense while getting zero from their offense, and that was at altitude. Aggy won’t play right into their hands schematically the way Texas did and will cover. It will be a 24-14 kind of win. Surly will melt down.

    I agree the Pigs will lose but any reference to a team that amassed 60 yards of offense versus Minnesota when playing at home is not a good comparison.

    I’d also say calling Pig not good after 3 games is premature. To me their great unknown is pass defense. We suspect their pass offense is questionable but that’s a bit uncertain too. It’s probably not great but they’re hopeful for functional.
  17. Did you actually say:  “ if our o-line keeps bringing it” ? 
    Bringing what ?
    i didn’t see them bringing anything even  average, to the first three games. Maybe you are on a parallel universe.

    Yes, they brought it versus Rice. No, they won’t be Alabama at any point this year. Too many screw ups still. It may even be every single play. But they buried some Rice defenders. They played hard.

    Yes, our backs are awesome, but you don’t get 400 yards rushing with your backs alone. Rice played little attention to the pass game yet 400 yards rushing. They dedicated more defenders to the run than we had blockers on occasion.

    Watch the game again. Slow it down. Rewind plays. Many dudes are doing their job on individual plays. Then go watch another game, any other game. See how many blocking screw ups you see. That’s football.

    Again, three runs of over 60 yards. I don’t think a single front 7 Rice defender touched the RB on any of them. Only 3 dudes made contact and only one with a legit chance at the tackle.

    The effort was there. So yeah if they keep bringing that desire and effort and continue to improve on the continuity, then we should generally be pleased.

    The tenor of this board is a little inconsistent when comparing the last two games. Arkansas totally whipped our dline ass for 300 yards much of it in the 4th with light boxes for the entirety of the game. We get 400 with a heavier box and coast in the 2nd half yet our Oline play wasn’t even average. Sorry, I’m not going with that narrative.

    Lots of work to do. But game 3 of a new scheme with guys playing spots they didn’t play last year. The Rice game sure as hell was a positive.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  18. On this play, they have 9 defenders within 6 yards of the LOS. We have 7 to block them. Rice was trying to force us to pass. They couldn’t. Not only that but they had limited second level defenders. On occasion the unblocked dude was one we couldn’t account for.

    What we want with this group of RBs is lots of hats on hats so that our RBs are 1 v 1 cause we’ll win many of those. Bijan won those versus ArKansas, but he was smothered by the 2nd and 3rd tacklers.

    Even on pass plays, it was one defender getting free. That can be cleaned up. Whether that will happen is tbd.

    Some of the consternation is repeated trauma. Part is unrealistic expectations. And some is just flat out wrong.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  19. Piggy is not the bag of shit team some even now still claim. They will not be last in their division, and they are in year 2 of a decent coach. I don't know if we just took them for granted or still don't have the talent, or the WILL,  or all of the above. Hoping this smackdown translates into better play this weekend and moving forward.

    I think we’ve got the talent. Arkansas was fired up. We were in game 2 of a new regime. They took advantage of our uncertainty and slow reactions. We missed on big plays that could have kept us in the game. And, yes, they have some skill.

    If our Oline keeps bringing it and improves week to week, our offense could be something. Sark doesn’t need much depth at WR. He needs 3 guys. Worthy, Whittington and Dixon/Moore should do. We still miss some blocks, but there tons of made blocks and some devastating ones.

    Yes it was Rice but 44-0 at the half. That’s impressive.
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