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Had Enough

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Posts posted by Had Enough

  1. 0 points and less than 300 yards of offense. Less than 200 yards thru the first 3 quarters. Lots of reps for lots of guys early in the game. We were better in game 3 than game 1.

    No matter what you think of ArKansas they manhandled their opponent this weekend.

    Let it play out. Sweat and Ojomo are playing hard. Our LBers move towards the ball. Ovie played his best game. It may be coming together.

    No time to shit our pants now.

  2. Ok. And I’ll continue to act as though you’re full of shit. All that said, there’s a good chance he fumbled. There’s a good chance there’s no definitive proof. But it for damn sure is the oddest on field reaction I’ve ever seen. And again the booth too.

    Yes, I’m generally curious about the true result of that. It’s not like we got a tainted Big 12 champ or National Championship out of the deal.

    I can’t stand refs for their blatant Jack assery but on a rare occasion will not fault them for their errors or theoretical errors. The Boise State fumble TD being one of those.

    But yes since it is the internet I feel the freedom to aggressively run my mouth. And if by chance we find ourselves face to face nearing fisticuffs, I’ll give you some helpful insight. Do your best Muhammad Ali floating like a butterfly. 10, maybe 15, seconds ought to do. I’ll be tired by then and your odds go up tremendously.

  3. This brings up something interesting from the Texas vs Arky game. I wasn’t sure if hitting low was also a penalty at the college level. If it is, we got double fucked on that late hit on Card. Sorry for the thread derail.

    It’s not to my knowledge. You’d think in the context of a late hit that such a hit would make the call easier. NFL - you can’t hit the QB low.
  4. Jesus. I’m didn’t read any of that drivel, but is he actually threatening to beat me up? Over a blown call from 9 years ago? This thin skinned pussy is the epitome of what other fan bases hate about Texas fans. In case any of you normal ones ever think “why does everyone hate us?”

    Go ahead and flame away Mr Sensitive. I won’t read it, but it obviously will make you feel better. And he fumbled. And Poona Ford did hold.

    I responded separately. I just quoted this so you’d know. And I’m way more annoyed with the Jd Walsh fumble recovery than the Poona Ford call.
  5. I was partly joking. About the ass whipping and I addressed that subsequently.

    Now what is not certain is whether you were joking. My guess is you weren’t at least not fully. In either case, you referenced that moment 9 years ago before I ever did. Yes, I realize another poster referenced it before you did.

    I am interested in seeing the video that definitively proves the fumble before hitting the goal line.

    And part of my point was that it was so close that only one dude in the stadium reacted to the possibility that it was a fumble. The crew in the booth saw nothing for two minutes. No one on the field reacted. That’s rare. Like the only time I’ve ever seen it.

  6. I’m not really gonna whip his ass. I’m too old, slow and fat.

    I just watched a quick replay. Lowe was acting though it was fumble, but he didn’t lose it like he got the game stolen. Otherwise the depiction was accurate. There were 30 people on that field. Lowe was the only one to react. That’s cause he didn’t hit a soul. He didn’t know if he scored or not either.

    Interestingly enough somebody at OSU or the league office is lying because one side says they told Grundy it was wrong but the Big 12 office denied that.

    Oddly enough I prefer the Big 12, but misleading narratives are what I’ve had enough of.

  7. Yes we will.  Because he did.  

    To which no one reacted for 2 and a half minutes in the booth. The fans didn’t really react. 21 players played football and didn’t react. One dude didn’t play football but grabbed the ball and wasn’t exactly adamant about it being a fumble. And I believe an esteemed poster here evaluated whether Bergeron had in fact already crossed the goal line and stated he had. It was close.

    There are situations in which it is difficult to fault the refs. That is one. And again it’s not a certainty they missed anything. So you go ahead you perfection of a human man and be critical of that play.

    Yet that’s how the cowards of the former Big 12 act. Hear bullshit from Baylor fans about which they’re just flat out wrong. Yeah ISU got hosed in 2013. There was that one time in 04 in which the ball hit the ground on a Derrick Johnson Int and they gave it to us. And the two weak roughing calls on Colt versus OU, neither of which extended drives as they weren’t 3rd downs. The late hit call on the Ags versus Case Texas team. And the OPI against Kansas. Those are the memorable Texas refs calls in the Big 12. Guess you could include the 1 second vs Nebraska, but that’s probably not a game without 3 horseshit chop block calls versus Texas.

    I hear you bitch about that in public I’m whipping your ass. And go ahead and bring your friends to that party. I’ll need some rest between ass whippins because my endurance ain’t so good.
  8. When is the last time you saw a team with 3 60-yard TD runs in one game?

    Yes, our backfield is loaded. No matter how good those guys are you do not get long runs unless you are blocking lots of guys.

    But give the OLine credit. I believe two of those were untouched. The third involved one broken tackle and two sorta missed tackles. The missed tackle I believe was a guy we couldn’t account for.

    Still too many misses but absolutely no reason to shit your pants after this one. Vast improvement. Nice effort. Rice attempted to take away the run game. They couldn’t.

  9. Let’s start this off saying Thompson starts this weekend and probably the remainder of the season.

    But I get a little annoyed with the bs.

    The Oline was very functional. Many, many hats on hats. They played hard. Yes, there were some miscommunications, but I’m not certain some of the QB pressure wasn’t due to RB failings. And generally when one guy came free, all others were blocked. And they also kept playing. A good example was Roschon cut back in which Acho was hyping up Thompson leading the way. Angilau kept playing and blew up that would be tackler. Thompson did not block Jack and the guy he could have blocked made the tackle. That’s fine just don’t make it more than what it was. On Bijans 62 yard TD, Angilau annihilated his man. Occasionally, Rice had a guy on the box that we couldn’t account for. I suspect blame the lack blocking on that. Yeah, I think we just shoot for blocking man for man at this point. See Roschon long TD. I expect Bijan and Roschon to win many of those one on one battles.

    Thompson made every play he needed to make. But there were really only about 4. Play calling was good. That TD to Wiley was all the play call. There are thousands of HS school QBs that can make that play. The Acho shimmie reference was pretty useless. The corner had already jumped to Bijan.

    Looked as though everyone played hard so when one dude missed his block or tackle someone picked them up.

    We may have beaten ArKansas with Thompson but play calling was better against lesser talent. And there were no major screwups like play 2 versus the pigs.

    Just keep working. If we give that kind of effort, lots of good things will happen.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  10. Because he's white? Wut? He's no longer a walk-on, and he shouldn't be missing that many tackles against Arky. He's been good against lower level teams, but he's absent when it matters. Shit, I hope that dude balls out, whether he's white, black, pink, yellow, or the color of my turds every morning. But he's just not there yet. He plays with a lot of intensity, but he's not some irreplaceable player. 

    Dude go back and read your comment. Talking about a guy is not only starting his 2nd game but it was only his 2nd game playing any substantial snaps. But also, there were others that just seemed in disbelief that he could be worthy of playing. Before they’d ever see him play. There’s never been a dude anywhere that was anything other than “just not there yet” in his second start. So give him a bit more time. It’d be hard to find any guys who played great versus Arkansas.

    To an extent, once a walk on always a walk on. And I’m not certain how we can assume the son of a former NFLer with a very highly recruited brother missed the family genes entirely because this off season that’s the way a lot of comments come off.

    I don’t recall him missing many tackles versus ArKansas. Even if he missed a few, he was not alone.

    And funny enough one of the plays shown and discussed here from the ArKsnsas game is critical of Bush when his play is not terrible there but totally misses the backside defender cutting under a block and taking himself 100% out of the play. Absolutely terrible yet nary a mention.
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  11. Ok Ian.

    Umm Rice has won twice since 1960 against Texas.

    I’m guessing you were smelling your own farts after the Louisiana W not realizing you were about to shit your drawers.

    We out talent Rice at probably every position. We’d beat them no matter the QB. Or RB.

    So ultimately post game I do want a matter of fact view of the game. We should win handily. We should expect to do so. I want 2 100 yard rushers. A 100 yard pass catcher. A 250 yard passer. 500 yards minimum. Anything else is “let’s get back to work.”
  12. Yeah, he was a beast there which is why we went after him. I can't imagine a world where Luke Brock is better than him, yet here we are living in a nightmare where PK can't seem to understand how shitty Luke actually is as a football player. 

    Why not?

    Is it cause he’s a walk on? Is it cause he’s white?

    Yards and points have been much easier when Brockermeyer is not in there. And he has no experience either so he should improve.

    This has been the oddest non-9.95ers issue this summer. The woe is us the walk-on is playing. Set aside whatever biases there are and give him a chance.
  13. If Thompson kicks butt versus Rice, the praise should be toned down.

    Night game at the new place. We’ll play with Pride. Play calling will likely be aggressive. And it’s Rice level talent.

    And it means little while at the same time maybe the start of something good.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. There aren’t many teams around the country that have not looked mediocre or downright crappy in one of their games this season. Many of those didn’t run into as hostile environment as we did either. We’re only in week 3.

    Granted they were playing each other but Clemson and Georgia’s offense were less than good in that game.

    No Big 12 team has looked good each time. Maybe you could say TCU but good versus Cal is probably generous. And Duquesne doesn’t count for much.

    Lots left to be played. Any team with a new staff should improve throughout the season more than one with an ingrained staff. In theory.

    We didn’t play well versus ArKansas, but through the first 3 quarters nothing went our way. An inch or two from having 1st and goal. A doinked in FG. A non-call late hit on our QBs knees. The Card fumble was somewhat unfortunate. They made it happen, but it was fortunate for their guy that got no pash rush. We missed opportunity after opportunity in the passing game while making none.

    Now one of the understated failures in the game was limited use of Roschon but really the RBs in the passing game. I think Roschon had 3 touches and two first downs.

    We’ve all seen a terrible game turn into a positive season. That very much could happen here. The elements are there. And we’ve already seen a concession on Sarks part. A big one.

    Now we wait and see.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  15. Equally concerning was the large number of missed tackles. thats defensive fundamentals 101. My battered longhorn syndrome flashbacks lead to believe its likely to be a problem all season long rather than just being a case of "an off week". 

    Very well could be a season long issue, but I’m turning on the positive mode of thinking. I’m going with more in tune with scheme expectations making us a step quicker thus better tackling opportunities. As bad as the offense was, the defense is just as concerning.

    Ultimately it’s still two games so we don’t really know. New staff and schemes after staff changes the prior year and Covid too. I can see getting up to speed taking longer. And on offense, the offensive line has guys moving around from their previous spots so just one other factor.

    And not that it plays in here, but I’ve been watching some younger kids play sub-high school. Hitting and tackling and really learning the game are limited compared to what it once was. With wide open offenses and that background, great tackling may be less than it used to be. You don’t notice missed tackles as much with swarming defenses that the second and third guys cleaning up quickly.
  16. Watched some of the replay last night. Rewound and rewound a few times.

    The offensive line was not really manhandled. Actually they double teamed the hell outta Arkansas. They just forgot there was a second level. I think game 2 with a new system is the issue. Too many missed assignments. And too many to make a claim one way or another on the Olines physical abilities. Jones does look the part occasionally and more often than you think. But his noticeable misses are glaring. I don’t think the transfer Portal would have helped our issues that tremendously. Their 3-man front wearing our oline out is off base. They had 3 backers with double digit tackles. But part of that is we doubled some guys and left them to run free.

    Card did settle down some. The fumble was a bit of poor luck. The 4th down to Bijan was atrocious. We didn’t have enough blockers on that side for hat on hat. And I’m not sure what the motion was to accomplish. Gotta hit the open guys. The 4th down play call and 2nd play of the 2nd half slip screen to Whittington were terrible play calls based on how they attacked. Would have never worked.

    There were two sequences in which momentum was huge. Starting with the miss to Whittington in the end zone in the 1st half then the series with the ArKansas 45 yard pass in the 2nd.

    In my opinion, the defense should not have been tired. And I don’t think they were. They too blew assignments many of which were poor angles or paths to the ball. Arkansas took advantage whereas we did not.

    Obviously we have limitations, but a lot of mistakes are correctable. Will it get corrected and when are different questions. Once we get confidence in knowing the system and play faster, it should be noticeable.

    Still on the 10 win train.

    • Hook 'Em 6
  17. This is some interesting stuff. First I’m not sure Chiles is referencing himself here. But I’m not tweeter savvy either. If he was, I’ve never seen anything out of him showing he was a QB.

    Second, is there any larger organization in which “politics “ does not exist? I’ve seen it professionally. I’ve seen it in youth sports. I’ve seen it in high school sports. I saw it happen in the 1980s. I see it in 2021. It exists in all places in my life experiences.

    And there’s always a matter of preference. Yeah, some dudes are gamers. Some are practice players. I think Card got the nod because he handles certain elements as desired by Sark. And as several posters have mentioned, sometimes you have to prove it in live action. There absolutely is value in performing in practice too.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  18. Which, considering a raw VY started over veteran Chance Mock just a few years prior is idiocy.  And lord knows Chance will still tell anyone that will listen he was robbed that year as well.   Subsequent results be damned.

    Have you ever seen or heard anyone else with a 16-2 TD/Int ratio get benched?

    I’ll make no comments as to whether it was a legit decision, but everyone would feel robbed somewhat based on that.
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  19. To be fair to Beuchele he could have hit Burt in stride in the hands and he’d have dropped it anyway, so it was always going to be an incompletion. 

    Quite possible. But we didn’t even get the chance to bitch about that.
  20. i've never been accused of that but it's an interesting thought.  i don't believe you are correct but i would have to think about it.
    you people and your unfailing ehlinger devotion.  cracks my shit up.  anyone that made it past last year's iowa state game with any remaining devotion to the notion that ehlinger was a reliably accurate quarterback is too stupid to waste time interacting with.

    Consider it being reasonable under the circumstances.

    You could use McCoy 2008 as the standard. Or Burrow. But those years were incredible. And rare, rare, rare.

    Mac Jones, Sooner QBs. Those dudes all played glorified 7 on 7. They get hit very infrequently. They’re never used as battering rams.

    So what is stupid is even evoking a comparison in his accuracy and guys like those.

    The anti-Ehlinger just thought our accuracy issues were solved. The first two games say Not So Fast my friend.

    Pretty sure Burrows wide outs each caught more passes this weekend in the NFL than all of Ehlingers guys combined. Jones guys got more run in one week in the NFL than Sam’s guys have in their careers (probably not accurate).

    At least Black and Eagles got invited to camps. Schooler so good he moved back to DB. Smith bolted. Smith and Whittington both hurt to start the season. Moore missed the prior year. A Covid year with no spring and limited summer with a new system and some new dudes. He slipped no doubt from the prior two years. He also gave us a shot to win every game.

    Now that McCoy dude. Most underrated, under appreciated college player in history.

    Overall I’m ticked about this weekend so to come across some bs cheap shot at a dude who played his ass off. I’ll play internet tough guy too if I need to.
  21. Heard was 6 of 9 and Swoopes was 6 of 13 in that game.  I will never forget that in the second half of that one, Daje Johnson was 25 yards downfield, literally - not figuratively - literally running by himself halfway between the numbers and the sideline and swoopes threw the ball five yards out of bounds. It was the worst deep ball throw I had ever seen in my life. 
    card’s three deep balls yesterday are the closest I have seen to that since…and that is with sam “least accurate fullback playing qb” ehlinger for four years in between. 

    You’re partly right but an idiot too. Stop with the Ehlinger shit.

    And for the worst throw ever that goes to Shane Beuchele to John Burt versus OU. Down the middle of the field. No one within 20 yards. Throw it not just long but also wildly over the wrong shoulder.

    I bet you wear loafers to games.
  22. We need to get Whittington over his dropsies. He is a star in the making. The dude gets open and works like an RB with the ball in his hands. Needs about 10 targets a game. He’s the guy that can open up the run game too.

    The Oline may not have been good, but we missed on big play after big play. Hit two of those and it’s a different game. It was 23-7 late 3rd when the 4th down happened. If we’re sitting at 23-17 there, who knows where it goes. The Oline was not the issue in the 2nd half. That doesn’t mean they were great, but they had found some footing.

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  23. It’s all projection at this point in the season. Each game adds a meaningful data point.

    People are projecting the Oline will not be good because it’s been unreliable or certainly inconsistent for 15 years. Every other year Texas fans want to write off OUs Oline. That’s not smart. They’re good no matter who plays.

    I’m projecting the Aggies to beat the Pigs even though the Pigs played better this weekend. I hope the Pigs win.

    The original point of this thread was to not lose your shit about the Oline just yet. I’m in that camp. These guys have played well just like they’ve played crappy. It’s the coaches job to help the players find consistency of quality performance.

    One of the highlighted plays shows a mental breakdown rather than a physical butt kicking. Watching the play in real time, you’d think we got our butts handed to us. I recall another play in which Card self sacked himself. If he stays in the pocket, he’s got the post in the end zone with a clear passing lane. It was a 3 man rush with no pressure.

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