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Had Enough

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Posts posted by Had Enough

  1. I really hope you're right, but if your expectation is that we have essentially no growing pains this year and have our most dominant season in the last ~11 years, then I think you're likely to have a bad time.

    There will be growing pains.

    For me, every year is 10 wins. I will be correct again. It’s just a matter of when. We are primed to have our most dominant season in over a decade.

    I do think we have more depth across the board. We seem to be healthy to start, which hasn’t been the case in awhile it seems. We do have walk ons with greater upside than dudes who have started at Texas in the past quarter century or so. A good staff will have them competing at practice.

    No idea if this were the case last year, but a senior, returning QB can be a detriment when over relied upon. Whether that over reliance is on the coaches or teammates or both is a question. Let’s go ahead and make that a positive for this year - ever buddy wanting to make a play rather than waiting/hoping Sam will make one.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. I don't want anything to do with these schools.  Fuck em.  

    I understand a number of people feel this way. But you can exchange those names with others in the PAC, Big10, ACC, whose value to the college football world is not them threatening to make the playoff but rather potential upheaval when they beat someone who is a threat. Plus they can bring some hate which is a positive factor for the ultimate good of college football. I do think the hate these days has crossed the line and just become general shiftiness towards each other.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. I know we're not supposed to do anything other than chug Kool-Aid and ride the hype train, but low key, if you told me that 'Generic Team X' went 7-3 last year, then lost their entrenched QB1, lost their stud LT, lost their best defensive player, lost their best secondary player (although it's debatable if that was Caden), and hired a new head coach, then asked me to project how they were gonna do the next season, it'd be pretty tricky for me to project them as being world-eaters under most circumstances.

    And I’d say one loss was in multiple overtimes, one occurred on a fumble at the half yard line and the other was .5 yards from a double digit win. Keep in mind, we had new coaches last year with screwed up prep time.

    Then I’d say Caden didn’t play much and wasn’t the best anyway. Then you might consider that the LT missed the final two games, and we scored over 100.

    I’m certainly in the top quartile supporters of Sam, but this is how you’d like a QB transition to occur - one guy with lots of time in the program battling a dude that’s had a year and checks many boxes.

    We have tons of experience at Dline, TE and DB. High level attributes at RB with good experience in the 2 deep. Lots of starts/years in the program at OLine. P/K are very experienced and have shown they can do it. Anybody who is overly concerned with the LBer group really has concerns about their coach. We aren’t relying on a true frosh and you have a top shelf guy there too. WRs are somewhat of a question, but we didn’t have a go to guy last year. There are enough bodies to find 3 consistent contributors.

    So there. 10 wins.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. This is true.  But it leaves out a lot of programs that *almost* won a title.  WVU ('88, '93, '07), OSU ('11), KSU ('98), TCU ('14), and Baylor ('14) have all been agonizingly close to winning or playing for a national title.  That's just within the Big 12.  Even though they didn't win a title, those type of seasons keep those fans coming back, investing in tickets/donations, watching on TV, etc.  It's a major change to what college football is if you remove those "almost" seasons from the equation.  

    It also leaves out those who tear down goalposts after beating #1. You are losing against all odds victories in generally less than thrilling seasons for those type of teams.

    And the whole discussion as to who is or is not rivals. Texas fans may not consider Tech, TCU or BU rivals, but they treat us that way. That brings about intense, season altering moments.

    It’s interesting about the toothless NCAA point comes up as it largely the SEC that exploits that. In my mind, no doubt they want to control it all. They forced Texas and OUs hand. Join us or we’ll bury you.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. That's one positional grouping. It doesn't really move the needle for the perception of the program. Also, many of those guys were late-round picks or undrafted. Which, again, just supports the narrative that Texas hasn't been good at developing players.
    Current NFL DBs:
    Phillips: 2014, undrafted
    Diggs: 2015, 6th round
    Elliott: 2018, 6th round
    Hill: 2018, undrafted
    Boyd: 2019, 7th round
    Locke: 2019, undrafted
    Jones: 2020, 3rd round
    Sterns: 2021, 5th round
    Now, go compare their recruiting rankings with where those rankings get drafted, on average. Spoiler alert, it's shit.
    DB is, by far, Texas' most successful grouping in terms of sheer numbers in the NFL, but when broken down by draft position, it doesn't point in our favor. This, right here, is how other schools are able to negatively recruit us.

    Actually this is NFL dumbassery. Anti-Big 12 dumbassery.

    Only Sterns of this bunch was drafted higher than his college production. And that could be debatable if you account for injuries.

    Like Poona Ford. It was not development or lack of production that landed him as a free agent. You got it. NFL dumbassery. And lack of height. And Big 12. Which points to you know what.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. Weird. I feel like Adimora is the best player out of those four. 

    I only remember him making that one play versus Utah. I know he’s made others but I can’t remember them off the top o my head. He might have been a bit too bulky last year. He didn’t do anything to separate himself.

    Unfortunately, the others don’t have huge highlight reels. But Foster can get after the QB. Schooler has the spring play in which he’s shot out of cannon to run down the ball carrier. And Thompson did make some plays in his limited action.

    May the best dudes win out.
    • Like 1
  7. Honestly asking: now that we know the NCAA's NIL rule and what other states have done..   is there any hope of the Texas law being amended sooner rather than later to match the looser doctrines that everyone else is playing with? You would think this is is one area where there would be almost universal support since anyone even loosely affiliated with a football program in the state of Texas needs this to change ASAP. Or is amending that law something that will have to wait till 2023 when they finally fucking sit again? 

    Will it benefit the Univ of Texas more than any other? That may be the answer to your question.
  8. Agreed that KU has value, but man their football is just SOOOO dismal. From an economic standpoint, it's going to really be tough to justify increasing a broadcast deal based on bringing KU on board when it's 90% weighted toward football viewers.  KU's football ratings, as you would expect, are horri-bad. They draw fewer viewers than Baylor, and that's saying something.

    We still revert to old methodologies regarding revenue sharing. If college athletics is truly big business, treat it as such. Big10 should negotiate with Kansas based on what they bring to the table with an ability to reassess and value prior to expiration of any tv contract.

    Then you want more of the pot, you get your football program to be worth a damn.

    And schools on the outside looking in have to make a decision. Survive to play or get left out. The schools will have to be creative and willing to swallow some pride.
  9. Again, why is 16 supposedly a hard cap for the ACC, but not the B1G?

    The SEC hasn’t fully shown their hand. Are we going 4 conferences of 16 or something different?

    Tech or OSU by themselves is a complete outlier. If you take both, then you are at 16 so if we ultimately go 4 of 16 what move do you make?

    Really I think all other conferences are waiting to see the SECs long game.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. Did any of you ever consider that Ar Kansas and SEC crappiness helped cost us a shot at the 2008 title?

    Ous non- conference schedule was considered more difficult in part because new Big 12 add Cincy was much better than well entrenched SEC Arkansas.

    And we’re rewarding them by opening the doors to Texas recruiting.

    The good -
    new opponents.
    No more excuses recruiting

    The not so good -
    End of college football as we know it (actually the continuation of that trend).
    No longer playing our brothers (most consider this a benefit).

    TBD -
    The Aggies walked. Not sure I want to play again.
    Stupid scheduling due to many teams.
    Refs. Not sure these guys will any more friend. But WaltvAnderson can kiss mine.
    Uncertainty with respect to noncon scheduling.

  11. Tech and OSU are two of the top 3/4 programs out there for expansion. Both provide reasonable access to DFW. Both have higher upside than some existing PAC schools. And I think they have more give a damn. I’m not sure travel costs to Lubbock are that high. Their football programs may be better off in the PAC than the Big 12.

    If they offer up unequal revenue and maybe significantly reduced, that can lessen the financial impact to the current PAC. The PAC is next to die. They won’t survive as is.

    Future expansion is happening. Boise, BYU, CSU are the more local options.

    Cincy and UCF are the biggest tickets but not reasonably open to the PAC.

    So who do you choose?

  12. Said it before and I'll say it again, I think Tech and oSu would do really well in the Pac 12. 

    With some of these low $ projections and less than stellar TV ratings, would Tech be served well to negotiate an unequal revenue share for admittance to the PAC?

    Something that would give them more $ than the Big 12 or AAC. It’s get them better positioned for any future realignment. It may also assist in forging a different identity. The Premier PAC school in Texas.
  13. This is true and is why I think we ultimately get relegated. I think we bring more than what we're given credit for, but not enough to offset the reduced shares to everyone else.

    That’s why you reach out to the SEC just to see. Is the bigger goal world domination or 16 teams? You and Tech are cultural fits and while maybe not huge markets your athletic programs have some histories and decent sized alumni bases.

    They can only say no.
  14. Disclosure…I’m an old ag ‘71.
    This whole thread has been an interesting read and, I think, pretty much lays out the different ways this latest SEC group of schools can play each other going forward. 
    But, being newbies to the conference, you will discover the old guard that runs the SEC really doesn’t give a shit what you think should be done. You, for the first time ever, are not on home turf. You basically are leaving a sinking ship with bags of money, hoping to be picked up by somebody. You, being Texas, don’t see it that way. But it is what it is. You bags of money are what’s getting you picked up. You’re not a cultural fit with any of the schools and your reputation for trying to runs things is well known. They remember how you put them down 10 years ago as not being up to your academic and cultural standards and how you wanted to go with the west coast schools. And Arkansas, Missouri and A&M have pretty well put the word out you don’t play well with others.
    One more thing. You keep talking about this ‘Rivalry’ game with the Ags. It’s over. A&M moved on 10 years ago. For money and political reasons, A&M bosses may well take an annual game with Texas. But it won’t be because they want to. You may have heard this already, but the Ags feel like someone who finally got rid of their crazy, domineering ex, moved into a nice home in a nice neighborhood, made new friends and had plans for the future. Ten years later, the ex tracks them down, goes to the HOA,who then moves the ex into one of your spare bedrooms. And then said ex wants to pick things back up where they were 10 years ago.
    None of this may matter anyway. I’m thinking all of us could just be a minor league for the NFL in a few years. Schools would only matter as a place for the players in development to play. Yearly transfers between teams. Players on payroll. Deferred academic scholarships(no school while playing), etc. But the schools will be making lots of money so who cares.
    But, like I said, this is a good thread with grownup discussions and disagreements. I can’t say that for some of Surly’s threads. But you probably know that.

    I hope you read the why did the swc die thread Instead of outright blaming Texas for it ceasing to exist. But my guess is that is part basis for your bullshit.

    I’d say most know that Texas isn’t running Jack in the SEC and all this speculation is for fun. Damn near everyone knows this is about money and survival.

    We weren’t exactly on home turf when the Big 12 was setup. The first Big 12 championship was in St Louis. The current tourneys are in OKC and KC.

    Nebraska got pissed because Prop 48 or whatever it was. Every other school in their right mind should have voted that down. Then we proceeded to beat their asses. And in very important games too. And the odd thing is damn near anything Texas would fight for would have benefited the Aggies.

    Many Texas people don’t care for DeLoss so I’m sure he alienated certain people in power at other schools.

    Keep in mind you are in pawn for the Sec. and it’s all about their greed for money and power. They will share their money with you to achieve their ultimate purpose, but you also need to know that you’ve played a part in your Texas brethren fighting for their athletic lives because the SEC wants to rule the college athletic landscape and don’t care who gets left behind.
  15. If there are 4 16 team power conferences with the pod format with inra-conference playoff then the need for a 12 team playoff would be overkill.  Four team playoff.

    In the 4 conference scenario, that would work, but why would the SEC agree to this?

    Our #2 is better than your #1 has been their argument to this point.

    The SEC is playing to get it their way. Which way is that is the question.
  16. Ultimately the PAC 12 has a choice: gain some recruiting in Texas or money. Market share comes about going to Big 10. Or they can have more of a presence in Texas in adding Big 12/Texas schools. But NIL dollars will be harder to come by outside the Big 10.

    I’d hazard a guess donations/NIL come from similar pools longer term. The new PAC won’t be able to keep up due to conference dollars unless it’s Big 10.

    The SECs plan to wreck stuff is genius if you’re ok with money being the priority for everything. They want to be the NCAA.

    The hypocrisy is interesting. If you are one of us (SEC member), you can share equally. But if you are not one of us, we do not care if your program gets crushed. The FCS awaits you. Like them or not, this is what A&M said to Baylor and Tech 10 years ago and what we are saying now. A huge difference is that we haven’t played the holier than though card like the Aggies in touting the SEC.

    Not only is the Big 12 done, the PAC is done. Oregon and USC might be able to hang, but the rest likely get crushed. Their hopes rest in the Big10 and that the western half of the country spends its NIL dollars everywhere but California.

    I once thought 4 16 team super conferences was going to be it, but I’m not sure that’s it. 3 of 20 or 2 of 24. Who knows. The big conferences won’t allow a G5 to come in with a soft schedule, take some money from the pot and steal even a 1st round playoff game.

  17. To expand on this thought, if there were four 16 team conferences all operating on the same model you have a 16 team playoff involving all of the pod winners.
    The first two rounds determine conference champions, and the final two to determine the national champion.
    A 9 game conference schedule, plus a maximum of 4 playoff games is still only 13 games.  Add in your three OOC games for a 16 game season at most.
    Most teams would only play 12 games (9 conference plus 3 OCC), or 13 if they go to a bowl game.

    This almost has to be it. Either that or forego a conference championship. And in my opinion, you are only left with crappy non-conference games.

    16 games is a helluva lot so I think most teams will opt for 3 cupcakes.
  18. A&M barely choked games away in 2011. If we had had the Heisman quarterback performance in 2011 that we had in 2012, we would have likely gone 11-1….and gotten snubbed for Alabama and LSU just like Oklahoma State did.

    Yet one QB is succeeding in the NFL, the other is not.

    So it was not a talent issue. At least at that position. Actually I think your defense stepped up.
  19. I loathe super-conferences, but here we are. 
    Still, we get to play great marquee OOC games, plus whatever the conference schedule ends up being.  Which will include rekindling rivalries with A&M and Arkansas, and continuing our rivalry with OU.  
    It's going to be great.  It's going to be fun.  Embrace it.  Be happy.  This is all wonderful stuff for Texas.  Way better than I expected after the past decade of wallowing in complete crap.

    All I’m saying is do not lock in those marque non-conferences games just yet.

    Whatever it is locked in now is not guaranteed to be played. Who knows how it’ll go. If we never get home and homes with Michigan or a Notre Dame or An Oregon that’s a loss. It wouldn’t surprise me if the best ooc we get is someone like Colorado.

    What if Mizzou is in our pod? Baylor, Tech, TCU, OSU are all significantly better games/rivalries.

    It all comes down to whether we’re worth anything. If not, it won’t be fun.

    And I’m not buying shit with an SEC logo.

    And I’m not convinced we haven’t screwed this up royally. We may enjoy the funnies now, but it does appear the SEC screwed over the Aggies keeping them out of the loop. I have no doubt they’d screw us over in a heartbeat too.

    We’ll see soon enough I suppose.
  20. Indeed, and it's completely unnecessary in the new era of the expanded playoff.

    Not so fast my friend.


    -Reduction in regular season games.
    -We’ll be the only pod with two top 10 programs. We’re the only high profile/marque named team to have a top 5 historical program to contend with in our pod. 4 pods = 4 playoff teams. Only the winner of the pod advances.
    -The UTEPs and UTSAs may well become FCS programs. Even if not, the talent/resources gap widens. By a lot. 100% cash grab but it’ll cost $500 for season ticket holders for a set of 2. Maybe you can recoup 50% of that.
    -what’s the benefit of playing an Ohio state? Chances are these games do end. So let’s play Ohio state the week before the toughest pod matchup in the country.
    - Somebody or several somebody’s will be Kansas. Mizzou for our pod is our best hope. Kentucky. Vandy. Ole Miss. MSU. 20 years from now those destinations may not be inspiring. The best chance of survival for those teams are more FCS matchups so fewer conference games. But maybe the SEC is satisfied with their control of college sports so controlling the narrative becomes less important. And preserving records becomes less important.

    Super conferences are potentially very shitty. College football is the greatest due to the fan experience. That will be diluted for many schools. Now if you sit on your ass at home, well maybe you lose nothing. Any bullshit with a team getting a home playoff games due to strength of schedule is just that bullshit. Byes are bs too. For my preference, the NFL structure is not good for college. And I probably watch more NFL than 90%!of those on here.
  21. The SEC has taken over Omaha the past few decades. Wrap your head around this: Since 1990, the SEC has sent three or more teams to the College World Series 12 times. Current members have accounted for 13 titles (the SEC can claim 12 total using actual conference membership at the time of the championship), with LSU’s six leading the way. The Razorbacks' runner-up finish in 2018 gave the SEC 18 in total, the most in CWS history.
    Found this. Powerhouse baseball conference indeed. 

    Over allocation of teams and seeds and being matched up with the ACC in the regionals and supers helps with that.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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