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Had Enough

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Posts posted by Had Enough

  1. Really??
    No fuckin'way do you allow current California politics to be involved in any way with LONGHORN football...  

    We do have some power in the negotiations. I’m not completely certain what your concerns are or how long you define current. None of this had to be done yesterday. This sort of conference would have allowed for a smoother, more efficient transition. There is the possibility of more flexibility.

    I don’t know enough about politics to know how much it would impact football but I thought USC was one wanting to play last year. They do have a portion of their fan base that gives a damn. They have an incredible brand and history. We know Phil Knight gives a damn.

    But I know where you stand on it.
    Hard to follow all your suggestions...
    But no way in HELL do you bet your football future with teams in California -- their state's politicians don't give a shit about CFB

    A new conference.

    You’re not betting on California. You are betting on USC to give a shit. Maybe UCLA if they can convince you they care. And for those west coast schools that might care about football they are infinitely better with Texas and OU involved than adding Tech, TCU, OKState and ISU.

    If you think the PAC doesn’t care now, does that increase or decrease apathy? Might get a slight bump in the short term but talk about apathetic. As a college football fan, do you wish to see the west coast almost entirely useless?

    The question is is this totally 100% about money? If it’s not, then the SEC is not the slam dunk.

    Ask USC. Get USC. If that happens, the PAC is done. Then Oregon. Then Washington. You’ve got Texas and OU. That is a stout top 5.

    Even if it’s 1% chance, I’d explore it. If Texas and OU stay together, there’s a lot of strength there.
  3. Where do ya'll come up with this stupid shit?

    Not stupid at all. It won’t happen. But it should be a consideration. The population of how many states would California cover? Discount it by half even. Set it up for football figure the rest out separately if need be.

    The only hope USC has is a higher chance at the playoff in the crappy PAC 16. But they might get annihilated in that playoff because they’ll trail the other coast in interest, prestige, recruiting.

    Texas absolutely loses some of its identity going SEC.

    There’s nothing tremendously special about playing at Starkville, the Columbia’s, Kentucky or even Oxford. There’s trade offs to all choices. And there’s always non- conference options.

    The money would be there if done right. Texas-OU are still favorites to represent in the conference champ if that were to continue. You add premier venues for recruiting purposes.
  4. Are you dipshits this brain dead?

    Big 12 and PAC 12 cease to exist.

    We want money? Then we need markets. How about the west coast? How about USC?

    16 team conferences are awful. Super conferences if they’re coming should result in reaching out to

    Notre Dame
    Arizona State
    Oregon State
    Washington State

    If the SEC gets 16, the PAC 12 is now 4th of the super conferences because the ACC and Big 10 will follow. Limited recruiting in Texas for west coast schools.

    The pac is dying more so than the Big 12.

    USC and Oregon have big time potential and would like to have in roads to Texas recruiting. Same for al the above.

    No west coast games after 7 central for the non-west coast teams. But give us some stellar late TV games from old PAC school.

    Go 12 teams. Get rid of Kstate and Kansas.

    Better possibilities than than the SEC and we avoid some of the sec filth until playoff time.

  5. Yeah, not sure if you remember 2020...but a lot of people had career lows in HRs and SBs.  Messinger doesn't steal bases but he runs 'em well (43 runs scored in 56 games in a dogshit lineup).  Doesn't walk much and strikes out more than you'd like for a guy with that little power.  But he's a gap hitter.  Singles and doubles every weekend.  He'll flourish more with that at Disch-Falk.  He's a touch below arm and range than Cam, but not by much.  Overall, we'll be about the same by season's end at 3b with this guy, better than a dropoff I suppose.  One more utility infielder emerging from the dugout would be very welcomed.  Barring any major injuries (we are not terribly deep in the field next year with so many new faces)...we are a Top 1 or 2 defensively and a Top 3-5 offensively.  Our lineup won't have as many "stars" but we'll go better 1-9 than this past year.  

    Did you mean 2020? I assume so since that was many guys first year here. But we only played 17 games and didn’t hit the hotter months in which the ball travels better. I’d assume Kansas is more homer friendly and guess their non-conference schedule is weaker than ours, which based on Messingers numbers is where he shined. The conference numbers won’t fly.

    He doesn’t need to exhibit home run power but those conference numbers don’t come close to substantial playing time here. And he’d need to exhibit quite a bit of gap power since his speed seems limited. A guy like Stehly could match his numbers so again not a clear start. Now I’m not saying he won’t be the starter, but he’ll have to earn it. You referenced him not walking much, but he’ll have to take pitches here so no telling how that’ll work out. It’s a good add with limited downside so let’s see it play out.
  6. You're breaking up too many rivalries 

    At this point, who gives a damn. That game in October is rendered somewhat meaningless given we might play again in crappy JerryWorld to decide who moves on. And whether people admit it or not, Baylor, Tech and TCU are our rivals. Lots of games played. Memorable moments. We live amongst each other.

    Here’s an idea. Since we’re going for the 16 team SEC, let’s just have two 16 team conferences each with 4- 4 team pods. Then we can have an NFL style playoff. 12 teams. Pod winners get the bye/1st round home games. Only the championship game is at a neutral site.

    Our model should be Ohio State. Solid conference with limited true threats. They still recruit with the Clemson and Bamas of the world. We have to battle OU so our road is more difficult. There is a lot we should follow from OSU. They win. They recruit. They play in the playoff. They produce NFL guys. They don’t play in the SEC.

    Go to the SEC and we lose power/authority. Don’t think for a moment the SEC brethren wouldn’t want to work us over after allowing us into their conference. Who knows maybe our cross pod rival could be Mizzou. It’s possible that it would make recruiting more difficult. Go to Arky and now you’ve 3 guaranteed games close to home.

    And I thought for damn sure we had Alabammie on the schedule without being conference mates.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. In 2020, he had 2 HRs and 2 SBs. Not sure he fits a role Pierce had last year. Is he looking for a base hit guy?

    Yeah seems several have given the spot to him. Nothing about his stat line says he’s the starter.

    He very well could be transferring for the degree and a shot at playing for what could be an elite team. Not some guaranteed spot.

    Only Silas can hit 2 or fewer homers and get lots of playing time. And he wouldn’t be getting that opportunity at 3rd.

  8. Was that the holding on Rak? Also I think that douche for tech with all the face paint was there about then as well.

    Rylan Reed was the dude molesting Orakpo all night.

    One of the plays was Orakpo with an armed wrapped around his neck, but it was Kindle that was damn near pulled down by the face mask. If you missed one, you certainly got the other. But nope. Then it was later stopping Roy Miller, maybe L. Houston, on what would have been a nice pressure on Graham.

    Carter I think was captain face paint and spiked out hair. I do think he was a participant in the shenanigans.
    • Like 1
  9. It was 45 minutes of utterly incompetent football, 12 minutes of a brilliant rally, and 3 minutes of letdown. The halftime score was 22-6 Tech, as Texas had rallied to kick 2 FGs in the last 5:30 of the 1st half. We stopped the opening drive of the 2nd half, returned the punt for a TD, then Colt McCoy promptly threw a pick 6.
    There's plenty to dissect over that last drive. However, we sucked goat arse for most of that game. With a trip to the MNC on the plate, we failed mentally.

    Slorchy can come along and say how it’s never a game if the block in the back (borderline) is called. Except here’s one to ponder. What if we score in say about a minute anyway?

    But I wanted to comment on the horseshit holding call on Ulatoski on the play prior to the pick 6. It changed the play sequence in that series. I believe the only holding call of the game and we got it. Make no mistake that 2008 was the Big 12s worst overlooking holding. OU and Tech benefitted far greater than anyone else. Same shitbird was the head official in both games. Not only were they not calling holding but at least twice their pass blocking consisted of not just grabbing the face mask but an extended pull that ain’t even a judgmental call.

    Yeah 2008 still is a kick to the groin.
    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Like 1
  10. Anyone that complains or bitches about taunting of any kind is a fucking pussy.

    Ok human scum.

    Guess someone should shit on your grave cause they don’t like you.

    Or perhaps rub their goods on your face after taking your woman.

    Or yell at your stupid self on the side of the road after you get in traffic accident.

    They just ought to cause they can.

    From one internet tough guy to another, identify yourself at DKR this fall. I’ll give you hint. If you dance and prance for 30 seconds before engaging, your odds improve greatly.

    I wish I had known long ago the regrets I have of not making an ass of myself to those USC fans. Or those Michigan fans. Or maybe even those Ohio State fans.
    • Haha 1
  11. From 2000 to 2009 Mack went 4-6 against the gooners bud. Including scoring 0 once with Vince and giving up 6 TD’s to that little midget bastard fuck face shit hook mother fucker quentin griffin in the worst loss in rivalry history. All I’m getting at is we just need to beat peoples asses on the football field…a lot of people’s asses…over and over again. Then like the great shooter mcgavin said “I didn’t pay attention because I was to busy winning.” 

    I did say pre-2005 and dominating the rest of the decade. Not necessarily OU but we were a top program nationally from 2004 to 2009.

    Yes, beat everyone soundly and repeatedly but that won’t matter. It’s still going to happen and often.
  12. I think this is CFB's Curt Flood moment, with purists lamenting that they somehow wont enjoy watching the game anymore because of the improved financial situation of the players (weird)
    But the game will go on

    I’d say chances are good I’ll give up my season tickets of 25 years in the next few years. In part because of this but other factors as well.

    Now I do get a reduction to an extent for my loyalty. What I haven’t gotten is a refund for a crappy product when I eat a ticket here or there. Parking has gone up. Obviously I’m no Phil knight. It ain’t costing $500 bucks either.

    Playing college sports is hard work no doubt. I’m in favor of adhering to time restrictions. I don’t believe in paying players under the table. Full cost of tuition sure, but I’m guessing that is inflated somewhat. Straight up buying dudes like Master Ps kid is a bit much. My guess is that it will help keep the portal alive and we’ll.

    So I’d say what’s weird is that no one gives a shit about a certain population of ticket paying fans. But you are right, the game will go on.
  13. They hit five home runs in seven games.

    And not that many scorching doubles either.

    It’s crap like this which I needlessly begin to dislike teams.

    It’s like some focker saying the top two guys in the order for MSU wore us out. No they didn’t.

    MSU played well enough to win. But they also had 3 1 run wins and got blown out once.
  14. yes I know that.  someone was saying that we should have figured out what the zone was that the umpires were calling.  I'm saying there never was a zone to figure out.

    Right here.

    And I’m sorry but you don’t swing at a pitch that’s on the chalk of the other batters box. 1) it isn’t close 2) you’re not going to do Jack with it 3) swinging at awful pitches screws up your swing.
  15. And what shitty little sec park would you be talking about???
    Lots of Fortunate? I can think of many ways this team has had it's back against the wall and fought back.. it's what makes them so special. 
    and you can point to those few plays and I can point to some others that went against us, such as in friday's game. 
    Either way. we settled it on the field for this season, and I sure as hell would welcome a home and home if our schools ever made it happen. 

    Per the internets, that’s your field dimensions. That’s a small field. Maybe not SEC-wise but that is to inflate numbers.

    Field size LF: 330 ft (100.6 m) LC: 376 ft (114.6 m) CF: 390 ft (118.9 m) RC: 374 ft (114.0 m) RF: 305 ft (93.0

    Point to some against. There will always be some of course, but I’d like to hear them.

    It’s hard to recall your good fortunes relative to Vandys. But I believe you had a weak ass grounder to short versus UVA to extend that inning. I’d challenge you to critical every one of your cws games and see the fortunate things that went your way. That is the way sports goes though. Even the freaking rain delay benefitted you in that Nixon was completely ruled out because of that.

    Good thing you aren’t allowed your artificial cheer and high school antics in baseball like you’ve had for football.

    I didn’t watch last night but the damn play by play indicates a Vandy shitshow.

    And the original comment was Horns win a best 2 of 3 series. We didn’t play that. But you are here and you have your chance.
  16. I'm sorry.. you can choose to believe that if you like. But I strongly disagree. We are both better than Vandy I believe. 

    Just remember you won Game 1 on a wind aided pop up. Y’all hit very few balls worth a shit in game 1. Maybe even fewer than us, and we barely put it in play. And game 3 was aided by a high chopper and a sun aided double. But kudos to your .235 hitter for making it happen after a two strike back foot HBP.

    And if we played in a shitty little sec park to inflate our numbers, we may have had half a dozen homers against you instead of the 3.

    You made the most of your chances. To this point.

    Be very thankful if you pull this off. Lots of fortunate moments for you.
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