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Had Enough

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Posts posted by Had Enough

  1. i’m looking for shade too given tons of basal cell work. what range of sections have that sweet spot of shade but not too stuffy?

    That’s a difficult one but I’d guess around row 60 to 70, section 1 thru 9 I’d say on the west side. Going from memory, I’d say there are 77 rows so I’d shoot for row 60-65. You might need to careful in sections 1 and 9 - just not sure when the upper deck ceases to cover the seats.

    One factor on section 1 is the angle of the Jumbotron if you like replays and such. Section 2 close to 3 works but not certain of the angle in section 1. But I think it’s curved with the new construction so maybe it’s better.

    My memory is a little foggy because we got moved slightly due to Covid so I don’t remember what game times affect the angle of the sun.

    I’d ask the rep at the Longhorn Foundation if they have any guidance. Let them know your concerns.
    • Like 1

  2. i’m looking for shade too given tons of basal cell work. what range of sections have that sweet spot of shade but not too stuffy?

    That’s a difficult one but I’d guess around row 60 to 70, section 1 thru 9 I’d say on the west side. Going from memory, I’d say there are 77 rows so I’d shoot for row 60-65. You might need to careful in sections 1 and 9 - just not sure when the upper deck ceases to cover the seats.

    One factor on section 1 is the angle of the Jumbotron if you like replays and such. Section 2 close to 3 works but not certain of the angle in section 1. But I think it’s curved with the new construction so maybe it’s better.

    My memory is a little foggy because we got moved slightly due to Covid so I don’t remember what game times affect the angle of the sun.

    I’d ask the rep at the Longhorn Foundation if they have any guidance. Let them know your concerns.
  3. I’ll just take one last opportunity to bitch about the umpiring. Shitty balls and strikes benefitted no one more so than Bednar. And consequently no one more so than MSU. We had more quality arms to absorb innings and play the additional game, but he was able to extend due to that garbage.

    In particular was Hodos at bat after Williams homer. Absolute bs strike 3 call that would have run it full. It wasn’t even close enough to swing. Keep in mind Hodo almost homered the next at bat. Hodo gets on and that pucker begins to approach a critical nature instead of a free out. But also, game 1 we were awful but he got multiple bs calls that were critical.

    Then I’m taking chosen posters word that MSU fans were punks. So to hell with em. Go Vandy you lucky shitbirds.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. Bunting is always controversial.
    It wasn't controversial with Garrido until the end stage, when no one could hit, making it a wasted out.  Garrido thought it was good team psych to ask the best hitter on the team to bunt, and he did it with some frequency.  It only became futile when the lineups were so completely devoid of hitting prowess.
    I don't know that Pierce holds to the same philosophy.  It kind of seems like he just does the standard bunt with man on first no outs.
    I think Pierce is more aware of our offensive struggles that Garrido was (weirdly), so it seems like until we get a pretty solid lineup, bunting should be the exception rather than the rule.

    I am not anti-bunt but it shouldn’t be automatic.

    When Hodo popped it up, he was moving them over for Faltine and Ardoin who have been terrible. Hodo damn near hit it out the prior at bat. That is as dumb as it gets. Daly had some good swings this game. I’d hit and run him in the 9th.

    From an offensive strategy standpoint Augie was not great. But he was seemingly less bunt in the postseason than regular while Pierce has seemingly been the opposite. While at Texas, Augies teams were largely pitching and defense. Majewski was incredible with RISP. There were other great players but really half of Augies tenure had mediocre offense. I’d assume that philosophy chased one guy from Texas even though he had Big 12 player of the year potential. It’s also not commmon for someone to be a better big league hitter than college hitter - Belt. I do view the selfless nature of the 4hole hitter bunting as a positive
    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. Harping on Pierces coaching should largely focus on the bunts. We bunted 3 times. It resulted in nothing except 3 free outs. It saved Bednar and Sims pitches. It shortened the game for them.

    It was reasonable to leave Tristan in for the 6th. Maybe left him in a batter too long but that dude did not hit it well. He battled the first hitter well and wasn’t dominated by the next two. If he gets thru the 6th, Cole has a better chance of surviving that 9th.

    In the last 3 games, we could have created more separation to allow flexibility and use some arms that you don’t know what you’re getting. Too few key hits though. We gave up too many outs.

    Now last night he left Witt in way too long given his previous outing. But if he got out of that inning, we might have had Nixon tonight so running him back out was not the issue. It was leaving him in once he lost it. And we wouldn’t have had Quintanilla tonight if you ran him out there.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  6. Why would you test them if they're vaccinated?

    Because I want them gone and replaced with another crew that can’t call balls and strikes. It was a joke. Sorta.

    But devil’s advocate says why test NCState players that were vaccinated. Some will say they can still get it. Ok. So the Texas team could get it from hotel staff even though they’ve been vaccinated. You gotta draw the line somewhere I suppose.
  7. I think part of the point of still having testing/protocols is so that the self-interested players and coaches don't spread COVID to unvaccinated workers at Omaha hotels, restaurants, etc. The first group used "personal choice" not to be vaxed, the other group is rightly worried about getting fired for missing work, haven't been told how simple the vax process is, or simply can't afford to miss out on the paycheck if they get symptoms from the vaccine. 

    Those Omaha workers made the same decision as the players/coaches. Maybe it’s those persons who gave it to the NCState players.

    People that really want the vaccine have gotten it. Well except some kids.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. I think we can all agree the umps should be tested - vaccinated or not. Maybe we should assume they’re positive and get em out.

    Ultimately we are all accepting the risks here. That includes Vanderbilt players and staff of playing with and against unvaccinated players. They played a partial season knowing that no one or few were vaccinated. Tulowitzki still wears a face covering. Everyone is making risk based decisions.

    Now let’s assume all of Vandy is vaccinated. What’s the risk to them?

    I’m generally a rule follower, but these are rules that are inconsistent at best given the entirety of the circumstances.

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  9. That's fair. A bunch of people here were bitching that we were swinging at first pitches and getting easy fielding outs.

    In this game with their depleted staff, we should have taken pitches. We let the pitcher settle in.

    2nd inning. 2 one pitch outs is not good. Throws a hanger to Hodo then Kennedy swings 1st pitch. Then Ardoin swings at a terrible 1-0 pitch. That was the most critical sequence right there.
  10. Also, if you get too low, you’ll get more sun for longer. Of course section 2 and 7 gets a different angle.

    I’m close to seatbacks which helps if you prefer to be stepping over other persons rather than being stepped over. Unlike other sections with a two way go, there’s a railing between section 2 and the chair backs so it’s one way in and one way out.

    I stayed seated except for one trip to concessions/toilet. I prefer closer to that rail for that reason.

    I would assume there’s a railing on the north end too.

  11. My selection time is in about an hour.  Currently in upper west side 107 chair backs.  Want to stay in the same price range, thinking about bench seats in the lower bowl in one of the higher rows in section 7.  I'm getting older and have had some scares at the dermatologist office, so I really don't want to be in the direct sun any more than I have to.  Advantages over current seats are don't have to do a dozen escalators to get to upper deck and earlier shade.  Disadvantages are sight lines aren't as good and no chair backs.  Any other things to consider?

    I’m section 2 row 50 something. Best seats I’ve had. I would not want to be too far under the overhang as it seems airflow diminishes more than I’d like. I cannot tell you where that occurs though.

    Pretty easy in, easy out. We are close to the exit and ramp too.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. Actually I say they probably did shift for Boggs and Gwynn. Maybe 3 or 4 steps the other way. It’s just not a 2020 shift.

    And I used Gallo as an example previously largely because he’d be better off learning to hit rather than trying to mash it every swing. He’s a little like Melendez. Huge power but fails to square the ball up too much. Those are two guys with enough power that the homers would be there along with an increase in OPS, average if they’d learn to harness the power. No matter what analytics say, you do not get extra runs for hitting it 425 when 345 will clear the fence.

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