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Had Enough

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Posts posted by Had Enough

  1. 28 minutes ago, chase25 said:

    I would like OSU chances more with their pitching if they didn’t seemingly choke every year under Holliday.

    OSU was the best pitching staff in the Big 12 and we took 2/3 from them by outpitching them.

    OU was the best offense in the Big 12 and we took 2/3 from them by outhitting them.

    Baseball is a fickle game

    It’s a little odd that Skip hasn’t had OU pitching better.  But they’re pretty consistent offensively.  Their non-conference efforts versus their conference efforts make you shake your head too.

    OSU is well rounded, but, yes, they don’t seem to come through when it counts.

    All teams seem to be a bit of a crapshoot.  I’m never totally trusting an ACC team.  Tennessee has bouts of underachieving.  Unfortunately the Aggies may be about as well suited as anyone.

  2. 4 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

    I don’t find football and baseball even remotely similar so I don’t think that matters. But also, Tom didn’t make three BCS games in 6 years.

    I’ve seen the names that you and others have posted. Some seem like they would work, some seem absolutely moronic. None have the accomplishments DP has. Doesn’t mean they couldn’t do better here though. 
    It’s strange to act like 8 years with no title is some crazy amount of time. This ain’t exactly the first time we’ve had an 8 year gap in titles. And it’s not 1975 anymore. The overall talent is much more diverse across schools than ever before.

    DP needs to win a title and I personally wouldn’t really care if we fire him. It’s just beyond tired seeing this same shit everytime we lose a game with no real reasons other than “hasn’t won a title”.

    You say we’ve plateaued? According to who? By what metric? Your feelings?

    This is pretty good right here.  There aren’t many on this board that don’t have questions about Pierce, but there are lots of unknowns as to how CDC views DP and what’s happening within the program.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 8 hours ago, Valmy77 said:

    Dude I don't give a goddamn what you think anything means. I want Texas Baseball to be about excellence and winning championships, not losing in humiliating fashion to shitty programs like Tech and Cincinnati.

    But hey, whatever, win a Regional and all is forgiven.  But color me skeptical we are going to do much better than go 1-2. But we'll see.

    What exactly was humiliating about those losses?

    I will never understand this mentality of referencing being embarrassed or humiliated. 

    • Haha 1
  4. 34 minutes ago, chase25 said:

    How can you not grasp the difference between them not mattering and forfeiting?

    Someone from Marlin ran him over back in the day.  Early stages of CTE.

    The flag corps didn’t get off the field quick enough.

    • Haha 1
  5. I’d rather Tech beat OSU first.  As winning this tourney is meaningful.  I’m not sure it’s decidedly meaningful but OSU should have more pitching depth at that point.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 39 minutes ago, D3zii said:

    Never would’ve thought Texas Baseballs fan base would’ve been in the business of conceding games/tournaments, just cause we can’t win em. 


    The fan base that is about only dogpiling in Omaha?  If that’s the ultimate goal, you plan for that.  

    The conference tourney is secondary.  We didn’t concede anything but strategically when didn’t play like our season depended on it.  Tech did because their season does depend on it.

    • Like 1
  7. If I’m counting correctly, we could get a Q2 win and 3 Q1 wins if things fall correctly with the potential of 3 against the current 15, 16.

    Hookem can you determine where that might put us?

  8. 1 hour ago, TrashMaster G said:

    Regional as a 2 seed will likely be a challenge for us. 3 seed will throw their ace against us in Game 1 and if we win that we will definitely see the #1 seed's ace in the 2nd game. We struggle offensively against really good pitchers (a little duh there, but this team seems to have more variation than most on aces vs others).

    Yeah, nothing is easy. Just ruminating because this team is so damn hard to figure. 0-2 would not surprise, neither would Omaha. 

    Yeah, I think a super regional is better suited for us.  You play 3 no matter what so you just have to win 1 of the first 2.  In the regional, we need to win the first two.  A 2 or a 3 seed doesn’t much matter as chances are we get the #1 guy in game 2.  So we need to avoid those teams with top end 1s.  And obviously us winning game 1 is no gimme.  Hard to imagine this team surviving the losers bracket.

  9. 8 hours ago, Fletch said:

    It’s not this years results. It’s his tenure. He maxed out the 2017 and 2018 teams. Good work. The 2021 team was awesome. The 2022 team was supposed to be awesome, but Witt went down and Stevens regressed. As did Nixon. Just like LBJ this year and Ridgeway back in 2019. For whatever reason, a stud pitcher or 2 seems to regress yearly under Pierce. Then last year went to the supers which was mostly fine in a rebuilding year. But this years team is roughly the same, arguably worse in some areas. Of course losing Mercer and Storm hurt but still, the fact that preseason Pierce thought Witt and Harrison would be legit contributors which makes me question his evaluations. 

    So basically, is Pierce a good coach? Yes. Can he sustain a top 10 team yearly? Doesn’t appear so. With that being said, what a crazy ass year it’s been. Maybe we pull a ‘22 ole miss. That’d be pretty nice. 

    You’re kinda talking about the overall program status rather than this year we need to get to a super regional or else. That’s what CDC needs to do is evaluate the program.

    The injuries need to be evaluated.  Witt is two years out now.  From my seat, DP should have been able to rely on him but something went wrong.  What was it?  I would say this team is potentially 2-3 guys that from being top 5 caliber, certainly top 10.

    It’s an odd time.  Stanford and Miami both have losing records.  The two finalists from last year have losing records in conference.  Montgomery left Stanford for the Aggies.  CDC needs to evaluate what disadvantages being in the Big 12 over the SEC had because that’s now going away.

    Staff turnover looks bad, but CDC knows better than us how that played out.

    If we want to talk regression, let’s go to Wake Forests roster.  J. Hartle has gone from a sub-3 ERA to above 5.  Chase Burns is back to form but last year he went from freshman phenom to bullpen guy (that was a Tennessee problem).  Massey from mid-2s ERA to 4.22.  It happens and overall those need to be fewer than the improvements.

    The name Texas means something in baseball but probably less so than ever.  That’s certainly not all DP.  And at least part, if not almost all, changes July 1st.

    DP is a good coach.  I don’t know where he ranks overall.  CDC is good at what he does so I’ll assume he’ll make a well informed decision.

    • Hook 'Em 4
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