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Heme Doc

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Everything posted by Heme Doc

  1. This is complete dogshit “science/modeling” and contradicts existing knowledge and CDC guidance. There’s no data showing that masking vaccinated people is going to affect jack shit. Cities can eat shit if they want to start mandating masks again for vaccinated individuals.
  2. It’s oddly worded that it’s “a form of Hodgkin’s lymphoma”. Hodgkin’s doesn’t have forms. It’s just Hodgkin’s (often referred to as Classical Hodgkin’s lymphoma). Unless they’re referring to various pathological nuance like mixed cellularity Hodgkin’s or nodular sclerosing Hodgkin’s. But none of that really matters. Hodgkin’s is all treated more or less the same and has an excellent prognosis in general. Maybe he has nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin’s which is a terrible name and isn’t really Hodgkin’s at all.
  3. They need to STOP TESTING ASYMPTOMATIC VACCINATED PEOPLE! This pre procedure testing actually go against CDC guidance
  4. I think the data shows fairly convincingly that a vaccinated person who is asymptomatic is not generating enough viral load to transmit. If you’re symptomatic, that may be another story. So testing symptomatic folks: fine. If you test positive and have symptoms, then quarantine. Vaccines only 95% effective at preventing symptomatic disease Testing asymptomatic people: dumb
  5. He didn’t get COVID. “COVID” is the illness you get from the virus. He breathed in some SARS-COV2 virus. But it didn’t make him sick. Because he was vaccinated. And his immune system kicked the shit out of the virus. And they found dead virus pieces in his nose. Which he can’t transmit to anyone. Hospitals need to quit this dumbass policy of testing asymptomatic fully vaccinated individuals. All his positive test tells you is that his vaccine WORKED.
  6. I’ll fix any problem... for about Tree Fiddy... Hundred Thousand Dollars
  7. https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/31439470/new-york-yankees-ss-gleyber-torres-miss-second-straight-game-sources-say The routine COVID PCR testing of fully vaccinated asymptomatic patients is FUCKING RETARDED and needs to stop NOW. Stupid shit like this erodes vaccine confidence. The 8 Yankees that tested positive (see article above) are ALL asymptomatic. Because they’re VACCINATED! The vaccines are working! If you’re vaccinated and breathe in some COVID virus, your immune system blasts the virus to hell before it can make you sick. So it never proliferates enough for you to transmit it or make you sick. But the PCR test is designed to pick up those virus pieces that have blown to hell. So who gives a fuck if you’re asymptomatic and test PCR positive if you’re not going to get sick or spread it? If you’re vaccinated and get symptoms and want to get tested, get a rapid antigen test. End of rant
  8. And to pile on the absolute shitty CDC messaging further... https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.yahoo.com/amphtml/cdc-exaggerating-risk-outdoor-covid-135958591.html Today they said that less than 10% of transmission occurs outdoors. Thanks for that misleading stat assholes! Outdoor transmission probably accounts for less than 0.0001% of transmission. Maybe you’d like to tell us next how less than 50,000 swimmers die each year from shark attacks!
  9. I think it’s a pretty fair comment. Those getting sick and hospitalized are primarily the unvaccinated. Most of them could have gotten a vaccine by now. I drive by 3 places on my 10 minute drive in to work that advertise that they have free vaccines. I tell my immune competent vaccinated patients that their personal pandemic is over. If you want it to be over...get vaccinated .
  10. I like how vaccines are often presented as a useful “tool” against COVID. Masks, distancing, hand hygiene are tools. The vaccine is the SOLUTION. If COVID is a grizzly charging at you, the vaccine is your shotgun. Your other “tools” like masks, distancing are like a pointy stick and your fist.
  11. At least it’s not triple or quadruple pneumonia.
  12. The CDC fucks it up again...shocking The entire vaccinated side of the graphic should not have a mask There is no data, and ZERO plausibility, to justify a vaccinated person wearing a mask in an indoor gathering. The chance vaccinated people have symptomatic covid or even asymptomatic PCR carriage at a level high enough to infect is ABSURDLY LOW The further delta that comes from wearing a cloth mask with imperfect compliance is LOW Combining an ABSURDLY low with a low number and you get an ABSURDLY low possible upper bound theoretical (but absolutely unproven) benefit At some point, the precautional principle is gone. You gotta have actual reasons to justify restrictions. Probably the motivation for this is the idea that 'no one will know who got vax'. but they should say that explicitly and not sanction the idea that it does anything
  13. Plus, this thing has been going on for over a year. If immunity only lasts a year, then why aren’t we hearing more about all the re-infections and hospitalizations from people infected a year ago? Very likely immunity lasts more than a year. Your antibodies wane a bit over time but we know you’ve got your T cells and memory B cells at the ready to kick ass. Antibodies are easy to measure but not the only part of the immune system
  14. If Pfizer said “Hey HemeDoc, come back and participate in this trial for our new COVID vaccine booster”, I’d only say “Yes” if it were powered for clinical endpoints (not immunologic endpoints). So half the participants get the booster and half get placebo and let’s see who gets more sick with more COVID.
  15. I think that would be a very reasonable response to the data we have
  16. Pics of the young women with CVST not showing up. Am I doing this right?
  17. Hey, I’m anyone! Its likely due to the immune system making antibodies against the viral vector for these vaccines (AZ and J&J) and then those antibodies cross react to platelet factor 4 and cause platelet activation (resulting in clots - not sure why the predisposition to clots in unusual locations like cerebral sinuses) and platelet aggregation resulting in thrombocytopenia. I would treat the same as a patient with HIT (heparin induced thrombocytopenia) since the mechanism of disease seems the same. I’d use an alternative anticoagulant like argatroban initially then transition to warfarin or maybe DOAC like Eliquis. But what the hell do I know? I’m just spitballing here
  18. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/13/us/politics/johnson-johnson-vaccine-blood-clots-fda-cdc.html#click=https://t.co/NkjtHukwHQ Shit. Not good. A major mistake IMO I guess it’s time for ol HemeDoc to weigh in vis a vis the clotting and platelet issues surrounding the AZ vaccine and now maybe J&J...so let me wave something shiny in front of you monkeys. The AZ vaccine has reported a rare form of blood clots plus low platelets. ~60% involve veins of brain. Almost all after 1st dose. Risk from the UK is about 1 in 250,000 people Risk of dying: 20-25% of people with these clots have died Approximately half of the deaths in the UK (11 of 19) were under age 50. The benefits of the AZ vaccine according to regulators appear to outweigh risks in all except those less than age 30. While blood clots occur at a certain rate in population what is unusual about these clots is the association with low platelets. Platelets help make blood clots & when platelets are low we are at risk of bleeding not clotting. Low platelets in context of blood clots is unusual. This type of combination of low platelets and blood clots occurs in patients exposed to heparin (HIT). It can also occur with hemolytic uremic syndrome, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, and sometimes with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. Emerging data suggest that the mechanism of the clots may involve antibodies generated (presumably by the vaccine - most likely the adenovirus vector) that target platelet factor 4 (PF4), similar to the process that happens in some people after exposure to heparin (HIT)
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