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Certifiably Surly
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RomaVicta last won the day on July 15 2019

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About RomaVicta

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  1. When you have no choice, you may as well volunteer.
  2. I think we can say mission accomplished on building the new culture, Michael.
  3. @Pato del Muerto stole my Phil Harman
  4. I don't know what the prospects of war with Canada are. It sounds so strange. Lifted out of the rational world and considering the malign idiot running our country, I can imagine Trump thinking that everybody in the US unites when we attack somebody. Usually we do so with an absurd fairy tale of how we're actually defending ourselves. Afghanistan is the only exeception that I can think of. Trump cannot be expected to have any notion of what war is actually like. He ran away from it as a young man and has neither the curiosity or imagination to visualize it. He's one of the idiots who thinks, "neato!" watching the tanks roll. He'll get to watch all the best battle footage. Vicarious thrills and bravery! If any other president spoke like this in the past, we would question his sanity. Plans to erase the Palistinians to build a resort is lunacy. His abuse of power is manifest in his moves against government and persons he resents. He feels nothing doing so. He's sociopathic. I can certainly believe that Trump has images in his head that make attacking Canada seem like a glorious plan of action. I just can't see anyone carrying it out. I guess maybe he could keep firing generals until he finds the right psychotic, but the whole chain of command would presumably be revolted at the idea. Sorry to muse at such length. I'm taken wholly by surprise that so many of you conclude this is very possible. Can't get my head around it. I'm rooting for a junta. Strange days. Apt.
  5. Taxing them is the nicest of the options for what to do with them.
  6. Real discouse heads toward a conclusion even if it's disagreement. The "republicans" shown and all over the place start from conclusion and move towards argument. This is bad. I was told that. Now I must argue with people who are wrong about why it's bad. If they don't get it, that's on them because we all know it's bad. Argument proof. Persuasion proof. It will, as many say here, take pain. They must keep touching the hot stove they worship until it's unbearable. Most will have to burn through flesh to the bone before it dawns on them that they do not have to keep burning their hands.
  7. I watched some of it. I'd never heard of the man. I think he looks like a great introduction to politics and discourse. The format is entertaining which is required to hold attention. He argues well. The way he thinks is how things should operate in discussion about serious matters. Two thumbs up.
  8. From today's NYT webpage: USA! USA! USA!
  9. I like the detail of someone dressing the shot with those toy cars: What a fucking dick.
  10. Double plus good!
  11. Oh, William! Such badass fantasies you have. I guess continuing to run away from football after you left really established you as the dominance humping manly men. I think the whole failure to capitalize trope is similarly vain to William's wet dream of dominating Texas. The premise is that A&M was just about equal to Texas and could have pulled away had A&M only "capitalized" on the advantage. It's like the way they say underachieve instead of lose. No, you tried your best and lost. Face it. They didn't wander into the SEC and dither about what they should do. The went in with a 100 year plan and poured money into their program. They recruited better. They paid big for coaches. They capitalized full on. And simply failed. Go back to the premise. We're a sleeping giant who need only get out of the shadow created by the fags at t.u. to awaken. Nope. Nobody esteems A&M. Nobody who really knows them likes them. They gave it their best shot and they're still Texas 8and4. The Aggies peaked. They just don't got it.
  12. Victory or Shreveport!
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