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Certifiably Surly
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RomaVicta last won the day on July 15 2019

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About RomaVicta

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  1. The wicked are coming! The wicked are coming!
  2. Now start one with "Dear men." Or dear white men. Your idle speculation on all topics is welcome. Homogenize a hundred million people again and let us know what you think.
  3. They do it because they are in a war dealing with enemies. When I made a very diplomatic plea on facebook for people to vote for Harris largely based on character, a high school acquaintance answered in firm opposition. She cited abortions and sex changes and proclaimed these things "Kingdom issues." Years ago, I got a hint about this movement when I saw placard advertising a call to people to hear a guy known for leading a philosophy of holy warrior voters or something like that. Nothing about this on major news outlets. Now, someone has pulled it together. Atlantic has a great article on the Christian Kingdom movement. That's long but worth it. It's not the aggregate effect of many different preachers railing on about this stuff. It's organized and nationwide and possessed of the belief they are moved by God Himself. When I was driving from Lakeway to Clarksville late in the evening of the 9/11 attacks, I wondered if there was anything we could have done to prevent the attempt of such an attack. I concluded not much because how can a person believing he is ordered by God do otherwise. Sadly, it has wider application than I considered at the time. I also decided that late night to never criticize religious hypocrisy; without it, religion is unbearable.
  4. It's good of him to drive home my conviction about not voting for white men.
  5. I think maybe we should be talking about length of term rather than number of them. Trump said that there would be no more elections. It's very confusing with the Dept of Energy out there, too. Which DOE takes care of the nukes? You mean one of the DOE's maintains the nukes? I'm getting a headache!
  6. An electorate pays attention.
  7. As a nation, we are unavoidably self-centered and selfish, my friend. We were led to replace the cause of liberty and freedom in the world to fighting for capitalism. The eventual win over the USSR was a celebration of our economic system rather than the cause of liberty and self-determination. We tell ourselves that we're always attacking and killing people as a repeat of WW2. No. That was the anomaly. Since that war, we stew in advertising that speaks in terms of entitlement. The strategy shifted from this is something you need to this is something you deserve. Americans can't be bothered to reduce their consumption of beef (oh no! hamberders!) to make a safer world for their own children. They ignore science because it gets in the way of wasteful consumption.
  8. I hope they get rain. Trump's fuckery seems to carry that neurolizer memory eraser from Men In Black (and fuck Will Smith, too!). The farmers jeopardized won't forget. 80% of the country would have to care before they can forget. The rest of us know the Titanic isn't unsinkable.
  9. Poor sip. Nothing special until two years ago. Maybe you did, and it's not everything you think it is. Better leverage your loud stadium and howdy! for real results!
  10. If it were loyalty, virtue, and belonging to something bigger than oneself, the Aggies would have the number one class every year just like 2022. Now money has ruined everything. The only reason anyone would go to t.u. is for money. They are masters of dissonance.
  11. They're increasing the ratio of whites to mud people. I'm guessing it's a winning move on its own if he can deport even a fair fraction of his goal. I'm also guessing many non-white immigrants will re-immigrate somewhere else. Canada may benefit from a person of color brain drain of this stinking country.
  12. He expresses himself so well.
  13. Clearly, we need more white men running shit.
  14. The subject of this thread is both description and remedy, it seems.
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