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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RomaVicta

  1. Trust in RC Fran the Sherman tank Sumlin Jimbo "he knows how to win a natty" Fisher Elko and Klein! The first and last posts are just sad. Georgia and Texas don't need extra motivation just like 'Bama and Georgia didn't. Aggies don't have any rivalry where the outcome had national championship implications for them. Middle guy has the right of it. This is repeated over and over. We are always defined by our worst game. Alabama and Georgia have both had similar games: Georgia (ranked 2cd) 13-12 at KY this year. Alabama (ranked 5 after losing to us) 17-3 at S. Florida last year. I guess the Aggies best victory is a close contest between Bowling Green (lost to Old Dominion yesterday) and Arkansas. If Notre Dame keeps winning after to losing to NIU, that quality loss may be better than their best win! I think the coronation and gushing over Manning is, indeed, too much. Manning has no control over what idiot sportscasters will do. Arch is over-hyped but also appears to be very good at the moment with a rare level of excellence to come when he takes over the team. I mean, if we can't have Wiggy, I guess Arch Manning will do.
  2. How ground up are the Longhorns today? How many players died? Sure, we'll show up for OU. I mean, they're just another BDF re-tread like us. But then Georgia? And then the rest of the SEC schedule? The grind? I weep for our players! Oh the humanity!
  3. This is dumb. Just state that you don't think "Kill Everybody" is a good thing without invoking and, frankly, trivializing a murder totally unrelated. If that family doesn't have an opinion about it, you shouldn't use it for a cheap pull at the heart strings. I don't give a rat's ass about Williams other than admiring his talent. The Kill Everybody thing, I'm sure, kind of sounds badass to a teenager. Actually, it does to me, too, but I wouldn't put it on my face. It'd make a good t-shirt under your jersey. Anybody know how old Williams is? Last night I began to think "he's 17 years old" was his actual first name.
  4. That's why you take the points. There's a reason it's fourth down; they've stopped us. Take the small victory of a field goal even if the world of sportscasters has decided it's something that is "settled for." They are wrong. They are dull-minded parrots. In this case, it puts Miss St. deeper in a hole that they're unlikely to climb out of. Psychologically, we're celebrating while they're lamenting. Texas victory looks increasingly inevitable. And, as stated above by @Jkwellborn, they have to change their game. Instead, we fail on fourth down instead of kicking, and they're fired up while we're lamenting. Sportscasters have also confused the words "stupid" and "aggressive." Coach is being aggressive here going for it on 4th and 2 on his own 38 yard line. What's on the line? A first down on your side of the field (not great odds for scoring from there) versus maintaining field position and letting your defense play and maybe getting the ball around the same spot later on. Sark is way smarter than I am. He's made this error fewer times (only this once?) this year than last year. I hope this failure of a decision re-inforces the restraint in these situations. It was a somewhat frustrating win that dropped me into PTSD recalling the runaway games that became shit fights with far lesser teams during the Herman era. However, we weren't desperately hanging on at the end. We should have stopped more runs at the line where the back often squirted out of pile for extra yardage. However, we kept them from scoring much. It had all the signs of one of those games that all teams have. Not sharp, but sharp enough. Hook 'Em!
  6. We are a sleeping giant. Isn't that like anyone else declaring that they are asleep? Don't bother me, I'm asleep. I'm a giant, too. HOWDY! But, you're not asleep. You're talking. Endlessly. Well, I'm a giant. Nope. Well, I will be as soon as another modern era comes around. Just you wait! You're kind of weird, aren't you? Can't hear you! I'm sleeping! Sleeping giant! Go away, sip!
  7. What a miserable three pages.
  8. The return of the Marine! That marine is soooo dreamy. Aggies on TexAgs were outraged that some women took offense.
  9. You, my friend, are abandoning the anti-republic party and voting for the pro-republic party. It over-rides all political policies. Tell your friends. Lead the way. Thanks for opening your mind to the real issue with no help from national TV news media. You're a hero of the republic. No shit.
  10. Idiot World is not an exclusive locality. Our idiots are at least hoping to do something positive no matter how ironic the results.
  11. All that thinkin' and rational-ty maht hurt her in the campaign season, doncha know. Thanks for making me aware this.
  12. I believe I wrote that he looks like a guy who won the shot-put in the Special Olympics who was made honorary coach for a day. Again, I'm not a fashion maven, but wear a maroon polo. Maybe try a windbreaker. The tennis shoes are even iffy. "Is this where I stand?"
  13. Oh, c'mon. They're just being balance and fair. Trump is a constant and malign liar who declares Kamala lied about a job she had as a youth. Which is the bigger story? Of course, it's did Kamala really work the fry machine? It's a presidential election and we can't have dishonest people running for that high office. Waddaya know, Kamala did work where she said she did (what an odd thing to lie about that would be! Turns out Trump was lying making unsubstantiated claims or mistatements of fact. There are likely a dozen repeated quotes from Trump about setting aside the Constitution, jailing the press, imprisoning persons who speak against a (MAGA) Supreme Court judge, denying election results, laying down 100% tarriffs on targeted companies, befriending and admiring dictators, oh and generated a treasonous mob attack on the Capitol while Kamala hasn't included enough details from her 80 page policy stance into her speeches to satisfy the baseless charge that she's too vague. Which is the bigger story. You get the picture. Now that the Dems have come to life, the other bastion against abuse of power and purely wicked intent remains lazy and narrow-minded. At least the news media are proving something I've said for a long time: most news outlets are not politically prejudiced. They're just shitty at their jobs. It's okay to report what you actually see and hear. There is no doubt whatsoever that Trump wants to turn a republic into a fiefdom. That's not a campaign issue. It doesn't require "balance" if it is obviously true to begin with. This and likely climate catastrophe are the biggest stories since WW2. Give reporting about them a shot. Please.
  14. It's worth recalling that the above picture was snapped at a nationally televised game where most of us got our first real look at Elko. He knew he was going to be on camera and that's how he showed up. I'd had no idea what he looked like. My only thought was that he better be a brilliant coach if he thinks this is an adequate image for the face of the program. As we learned, it wasn't a one off. He doesn't give a shit. I look like shit a lot of the time, but if I were a millionaire heading a multi-million dollar operation, I'd go to a fucking tailor and hire a consultant. Snappy white t-shirt under the gorgeous sweatshirt.
  15. Don't forget Pedo State although those guys were probably all already voting MAGA.
  16. Once the Aggies swear to their honor code, sway arms interlocked on shoulder as they sing about us, and speak their first lie about tu, they build an immunity to our toxic vapors and ebil doings. They are the Cassandra of the SEC warning of the toxicity of Texas, but no one will believe them. Another example of their remarkable abilities in the area of dissonance: Do you talk about anyother fan base like this? Does anyone other than the Aggies take a stance like this: As for the last part, just as you did in the Big 12, you voted with Texas when you voted to approve our entry to the SEC, not that we needed it or even cared about it. It takes some pretty extensive self-brainwashing as a matter of tradition to arrive at this absurdly jihadish disposition.
  17. Constant portrayals of persons with badges and guns as being squeaky clean Boy Scouts doesn't help. They are all good guys with guns looking to kill the bad guys with guns. Remember the whoring story in S. America. Look at the willingness of some Secret Service to look the other way when Trump was inciting a riot. Look at the ex-SS guy close to Trump on that day trying to manipulate the SS. If the SS driver and agent in the limo on Jan 6 had not refused to drive Trump to the Capitol, I think that day would have ended/continued far differently. I don't see the Capitol Police bodily trying to keep Trump from entering. I don't know what the rotten GOP members of Congress would have done. Those agents decided on their own to do the right thing. But where was the investigation of the chain of command there and the chain of command through the Pentagon? There needs to be a massive housecleaning and legislation to codify what's treason and what isnt.
  18. Great post. Trump didn't make them up, though. The menace of liberals and the redefinition of that word to just mean evil doers was the creation of Rush and Ronnie. Liberals were/are the new Juden. In many ways, if not in all ways, it works even better than choosing an group that really exists. The illusory liberal looks like you and me! They may be anywhere! You lap up that vomit long enough and it gets into the bloodstream and the brain. This is how they'd have it: But I doubt enough of them have the stones in a heavily armed county to pull a Krystal Nacht. Odd. The guns they want to protect family and county would be turned on them to actually fulfill that role.
  19. I'd love to see Washington have a go at this clown. Lincoln could just about literally tear him limb from limb. Lincoln could take the end of an axe's handle in his hand then hold it, with axe head at the other end, horizontally from his shoulder. One of the notes from his autopsy reveal just how extraordinarily large and developed his arms were. Teddy would cuff him around the room until Trump cried.
  20. It's a smart real estate move. Runoff your nig blacks then build high rise condos. No brainer. Should work in Gaza for his brother from another mother. I fucking hate Netanyahu.
  21. Wearing this hat, Trimp could shoot a lib Supreme Court Justice on Fifth street and not lose a vote.
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