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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RomaVicta

  1. It's the Aggie Big Lie. All will be revealed once we start playing games. The only fanbase as insufferable as Aggies claim we are is located in College Station.
  2. We're of like mind and philosophy. I'm not a violent person, and I've been immune from bullying because I've always been big. The values you list and try to live by are aligned with me. I just feel that the intrudor is already in the door. All of this will come down to widespread violence or tame submission. Some options seem far better than that. Thanks for the response.
  3. I'll be tiresome, my friend, and refer again to the paradigm shift in this contest. It's not politics which is usually tied to poiicy debate. -Fuck anyone on the left saying don't miss next time. What would people on the right be saying had the bullet been aimed at the worst president in history who is abusing power to persecute Donald Trump? No, I'm not saying to model our own behavior on their animalistic tendencies. I'm saying that this opponent will happily endorse harmful acts against us because they see this as a war. On us. -Fuck anyone on the left saying don't miss next time. Is this as a matter of politeness and not disturbing the ears of the children? Do you use "saying" to recognize that the sentiment of don't miss next time should be kept to oneself? I think there is some validity to that. Murder as a means should never be taken lightly. If you mean to condemn the thought of wishing the thought you mention, how can one stop that? One can examine it and break it down to its root: is it childish/feral response springing from hate? Is it an option to be considered due to the threat posed to people and institutions? -We should not condone violence, ever. I believe this sentiment is too absolute. It's civilized. It should be the goal for any society or culture. I'm serious about that. However, we cheer violence constantly as Americans. Our mythology is killing the bad guy. It gets us into a lot of immoral killing abroad. It's too much. Violence against someone who means harm to my fellow citizens, means to seize unprecedented power to punish political opponents, means to keep his voters motivated by fear and hate of anyone who is not white, heterosexual, or, basically, male? Is that thought of violence really to be absolutely not considered? There are times for violence applied in cold blood: protecting and defending something or someone important or dear. I said about a thousand pages ago that I was honestly ambivalent about the outcome of the murder attempt. I wrote that I don't wish assassination on anyone, but that I have a sense of poetic justice. I'm less and less ambivalent. We cannot ignore the obvious anymore. We are not facing a philosophical challenge. We are facing an irrational opponent who means us harm and destruction. Written with respect.
  4. I chuckled when I saw this: That was quite a plot. We'll get a guy who got kicked off his high school rifle team to walk past cops, climb to the roof of a nearby building where adherents can see him and report him, and then he will take carefull aim with a rifle that has no scope. There's also no exit plan for the would-be assassin, so we got to find the right guy.
  5. I absolutely love this: They're learning the plays! They're sleeping at least 8 hours a night! They're getting their swagger back! No other team has a chance against them until they adopt this radical new Elko Regimen.
  6. Quoting myself because I reflected on another small-man petty pet peeve: A&M's hatred of the fact that we are Texas and not them. They can't even say our name because it galls them so much. This same decision they're celebrating also suggests that the Aggies should never have only the word Texas on any of their uniforms. Nor should they call their team the Texas Aggies. They'd stab themselves in the eye if they thought the juice would stain our shirt. They'll never be the real Texas. They're the only ones who ever think about it.
  7. I don't see anything about this on our boards. It's evidently a huge deal and long-deserved validation for Tennessee (UT!) Naturally the team maybe celebrating this more than anyone is Tennessee Texas A&M University. Then the real geniuses show up: It's evidently true. It's reported in the Knoxville paper. I also got a glimpse of the UT Aggie Vol mindset. It's like he's winning an Academy Award. I'd like to thank Gil who fed the hogs while I was away campaigning. Thanks, Gil!... Now for the insecurity: 1 & 2 Nope 3-6 Who cares? Now he goes maximum Aggie. Now he goes the way I think of Tennesseans: Yeah, we're all very upset about this down here. I'm sure it's all we'll talk about for the next week. I'm not sure who has been designated to look up our history. There is one thing though: I think most of us would choose TEX over UT. After all, we are Texas. So, no hard feelings. Oh wait, another thing: Being known as TEX means we'll never be mistaken for Tennessee. Who would want that?
  8. What kind of a mind keeps parroting the same stuff in the same words over and over and over. I thought @Longhornfrenzy had dug up an old Aggie thread, but nope. This guy checks just about every box: Put this into the Texas is a bad conference mate folder. Again, a repeated sentiment just as above. It seems to be more of a tradition than an option. I guess losing Schlossnagle and all their pitcher recruits to us put Tarp squarely back in the fold. We haven't even played yet and the Aggies are unglued. Should we lose, I'll hate it, but I doubt I'll write like Tarp does here. Shrill. Goddamn, Tarp. You're the most extreme poster: 1 Compared to who? No need to take that any further. 2 You don't have a choice? Cult Do you even remember what the real prize is? And over-focusing doesn't seem to help much with us, either.
  9. I gag a little bit thinking of that big aluminum pan with lots of chicken floating in butter like it was a separate pool party. Literally. Ugh.
  10. That's been a bust since 2021. All the parrots on Texags chattered about it constantly in the lead up. No more. Maybe Mr. Personality will recharge it. He rocks the gear!
  11. Wasn't when he was president, either.
  12. They keep phrasing it as a military issue. We must secure our borders. They/he insist that we're getting murderers and rapers and terrorists. Of course, that's a lie. They evidently can't find anything but lies to explain the problem that we should all be so worried about. It's a social services issue that can be addressed with humanity no matter what our policy is about what to do with immigrants once they're here. Pour federal dollars and angencies into border localities to assume the burden there. Of course, this is useless trying to make sense these days. These yahoos think the same way as those idiots who weaponed up and went to the border to help defend it. From what, exactly? Doesn't matter; we're here with guns and manly poses.
  13. Long ago when I used to watch, the conventions themselves went late. I guess that was before primaries completed locked up a candidacy. Now they have to feed their panels who largely tell you what you just saw with generally uninsightful speculation about the horserace. When I had cable, I liked watching the girls (said with affection and admiration) on MSNBC after events like this. Reid, Maddow, Wallace Smart, fresh, and funny. They were great after the Jan 6 hearings.
  14. These kids committing to us have been warned by Aggies of Texas' true nature and wickedness, but they are taken in by Schoss' evil magic powers. It's the only explanation for why a player would commit or transfer here. Schlossnagle will create a bigger monster here even than the one he was creating in College Station. I don't think I've been happier about a UT hire since Mack Brown. I'm a fair weather fan when it comes to UT baseball. Looks like the sun is coming out.
  15. It's not Republican versus Democrat. It's anti-republic versus pro-republic. You're treating this like football. Same with the survivors of the soldiers you've brought up. It's not a considered position, it's blind loyalty to a jersey. And if it were football, these nutjob jihadists who have no grasp on reality are the goddamn Aggies. It's why I can't watch it.
  16. Reading too much Olin can really kill your standards. Cue the hysteria! OMG! OMG! OMG! This guy kind of explains it: It doesn't just look immature, my friend. But he makes a good point about Aggie wit and taste: They berate Richardson as though he is a Longhorn. He's not.. Lastly, accompanied by the usual irony deafness, they turn to William as the standard: He's redefining class for middle-aged men:
  17. A man would laugh this wound off. There's an absurdity to the wounded ear, but MAGAs don't do absurd or comedy. God stepped in and deflected bullets into hapless people other than Trump. He would have left anybody else to his own devices. Hell, look what he let his Son go through! He likes Donald Trump more! I wonder if Donald will find some way to wince from the ongoing agony of having part of your ear shot off. (It doesn't matter to me if it was plexiglass. Somebody fired bullets.) He will tell tales at Camp Trump, the presidential retreat, about the heroic efforts of the Secret Service to revive his ear. "People are saying they've never seen someone recover from a gunshot wound so fast. A Green Beret Airborne SEAL came up to me. Arms bigger than trees. Tears running down his manly face. People say I have a manly face. Do you think I have a manly face? I'll never get credit for it, but that's okay. Where's the golf cart?"
  18. 1 2 A new Texag fact is born. Sadly for you, we don't have to try to convince anyone that our program is more prestigious than yours. I'm sure Bama is grateful for you standing up for them. Profound. Hard schedule: Easy schedule: Looking like a Pulitzer for Olin. This message apparently arrived via telegram: He borrowed William's mother's Camry yesterday to rush up to Dallas to ask the tough questions. The car threw a rod in Corsicana. Otherwise, Sark would have been in deep shit.
  19. He's married to the woman playing is wife, Elizabeth Marvel. They're both great supporting actors. Seems like Marvel Camp both started appearing in more movies and TV maybe a dozen years ago. As for the show, I don't think the latest episode got much done. I'm getting a little tired of all the one-shots of Rusty anguishing. Gyllenhall is a terrific actor, but that's asking too much. I do like how the trial is going. I'd like to spend more time with the lawyers and in that room. I'm wondering if David Kelly is going to go all the way off course from the book and have a surprise ending. That's pretty good strategizing as a writer to make someone familiar with the source material wonder if they know what's going to happen next. In The Shining, Kubrick pulls such a trick with Scatman's fate.
  20. They're doing their usual self-brain(such as it is)washing so the truth in their version of reality is: A&M always had a standing invitation from the SEC. The SEC was in love with them. Texas, sorry, tu bullies and ruins everything so that's why they left the Big 12. A&M leaving the Big 12 had nothing to do with tu. They said they'd play us anytime anywhere, but they never want to play tu again. Texas and OU approached the SEC. No standing invitation. Sanky went behind everybody's back and shoved a knife in noble A&M's. The SEC was reluctant until ESPN (tu subsidiary) forced the deal and forced everybody to act happy about it.
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