I love that the US and Russia signed and bailed. "What, you mean that's actually a crime? Shit, take our name off that shit!"
I was in the car a lot yesterday. I heard the outrage of Israel's spokespersons at being compared by even one iota with Hamas. In the particulars of the crimes against humanity carried out, Hamas' attack was like opening the doors of Hell for the victims. Hooray for Israel! They cleared that bar!
Sadly for Israel, pointing to more horrific crimes is generally not a defense for one's own crimes.
I would also propose that the focus of the criminal charge is what was done to victims and, for nation states or stateless terrorist groups, who the victims are. In both of these attacks, extreme cruelty was imposed on civilians for no reason whatsoever.
Lastly, Israel's official denials and assurances come with zero transparency. They control the news, they shoot at dissenting reporters, they heavily restrict access to their slaughter campaign.
The big Israeli denier yesterday exclaimed something like, "We are a free democracy with a revered Supreme Court, how can you compare us to Hamas?"
Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter.
It's your own acts, dickwad.