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  1. https://247sports.com/PlayerInstitution/Lebbeus-Overton-at-Milton-254386/CurrentExpertPredictions/ Fonged
  2. or Rice
  3. Im not acting like anything. Math isnt hard
  4. Herman lost 6, 4, 5 and 3. IN the big 12 But, OK
  5. I dont even understand your point. You would rather have Herman or Sark rather than Jimbo? Why?
  6. Seems to be working out well
  7. Is a 3 loss season bad now? Think I would take it
  8. Thank you
  9. I clearly know nothing about virtual currency. But, if I had 20k I was willing to risk, is there a way to buy this stuff in a fund without having to get a wallet and all the passwords? Thanks
  10. Damn. Once again nothing even marginally interesting
  11. No Will aggy have a top 5 finish?
  12. Couple of things I don't get. first, Texas will wind up with a top 10 or so class. Why all the angst? Aggie might be 7 0r 8 but not a big difference. Second, why is Sark even having these problems? Is the Big 12 that big of a drag?
  13. Taylor commits, as expected
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