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covid 19

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Everything posted by covid 19

  1. https://247sports.com/PlayerInstitution/Lebbeus-Overton-at-Milton-254386/CurrentExpertPredictions/ Fonged
  2. or Rice
  3. Im not acting like anything. Math isnt hard
  4. Herman lost 6, 4, 5 and 3. IN the big 12 But, OK
  5. I dont even understand your point. You would rather have Herman or Sark rather than Jimbo? Why?
  6. Seems to be working out well
  7. Is a 3 loss season bad now? Think I would take it
  8. Thank you
  9. I clearly know nothing about virtual currency. But, if I had 20k I was willing to risk, is there a way to buy this stuff in a fund without having to get a wallet and all the passwords? Thanks
  10. Damn. Once again nothing even marginally interesting
  11. No Will aggy have a top 5 finish?
  12. Couple of things I don't get. first, Texas will wind up with a top 10 or so class. Why all the angst? Aggie might be 7 0r 8 but not a big difference. Second, why is Sark even having these problems? Is the Big 12 that big of a drag?
  13. Taylor commits, as expected
  14. Have you seen the purported offer list?
  15. Two more out of state kids. Why would they choose College Station? Other offers not really commitable?
  16. So you think the aggies were dumb fucks? You think they would have been smarter to maintain the status quo?
  17. Didn't mean it as an insult. Lebron looked 40 out of high school and he did ok
  18. lol Remember when it was fun to make fun of aggy for over paying for Jimbo?
  19. Realistically, how much would it cost to hire Urban? More than Jimbo?
  20. Aggy had over 180 yards rushing against Vandy, averaging 6.8 Not sure that qualifies as shit
  21. Need more cubes, maybe?
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