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The Doctor

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  1. TEXAS football soon = SMU football. But the traditions and songs will be awesomely great at Rugby games.
  2. When players' parents and recruits parents start talking and feeling shaded... This is the development I am most concerned about. If you lose mama, you usually lose the recruit. It's not just the kids; it's whole families you have to consider.
  3. I was thinking the same thing yesterday. The Wyoming documentary...
  4. It doesn't matter what effect it has??!?!?!? What?! Do you even read what you type?! Of course the EFFECT matters. What the hell?1
  5. BurntOrange&White, You're kinda the extreme opposite of smart. Anything that resembles "forced" should horrify you as a UT fan. This is not a good development. It's a possible match to a powder keg if one group of vocal players decide not to fall in line. Herman, CDC and even Hartzell are all walking a very fine line and they know it. Notice they never get close to using any words that sound like coercion (expectation is what CDC said) of the players. With more details being discussed behind the scenes as we speak. Because they are smart people in the middle of a really tough spot with a fragile team/program. I don't envy the position they are in. This could go South very fast and have wide ranging repercussions. The guy who posted the video about culture is right. It's a program that is not in a position to absorb trauma and quickly emerge in a good place. Darrell Royal and Mack Brown was also so very right about the challenge of getting all the the BB's back in the box. What a total cluster. I don't know about you but I don't want more Texas HS players opting to go to OU, the SEC and Big 10. Enough of that crap.
  6. No he isn't. Come off that B.S. Don't call this man a bigot over this topic because you disagree with him. Debate with some dignity.
  7. Maybe. I haven't (don't care to do it) done the math but all the billionaire donors in the world can't really prevent a program from slipping into irrelevance or the Big 12 from becoming the AAC or the Mountain West Conference. For decades it killed me to watch our best players leave the state and have to listen to how great USC, Alabama, Miami, FSU and LSU were, when I knew Texas High Schools produced the best players and Texas programs could be great if they could keep them home. For one brief moment Vince & Co. proved me right and Tx College football was fun. Billionaires didn't get any natty rings because they didn't make it happen. It's all about the 18-22 year old Jimmies and Joes. Recognize.
  8. What's truly disgusting is to stereotype and make generalizations to suit the silly point that young people don't possess the capacity to lead a meaningful and significant change initiative. They do and they are. And thank goodness they took the lead at UT and around this country. Give them some credit. Apex73, it took me some time to respond to you because I was waiting for "Francis" to respond first. Additionally, I was looking around to see if you had said anything on this topic that isn't myopic and regressive. But since I had a few extra minutes, I went ahead and responded anyway. Maybe Francis, will eventually get back to you also.
  9. So you're saying some ex-players are trash, exploited UT and do not care about UT, and that UT and its fans are totally awesome, altruistic, don't exploit players and care so much for all of the players and ex-players? And the players are clueless about their own interests and never have a clue about anything because they are 18-22? Got it. Well researched, fact based POV. We learned a lot here. One question - How many of these players that you speak about, do you actually know?
  10. Well if no one watches then that's problem solved, right? You won't have a team and the SEC and Big 10 will happily take all of our Texas homegrown kids. Simple calculus - which these young athletes understand now. These kids didn't wake up one morning looking to fracture the fan base, but the fan base needs to realize the kids are not robots and you have to deal with them on new terms or it will cost you. It will cost everyone who loves college football. They don't have to go to Texas. They choose to go to Texas IF it makes sense to them. If it feels like a real home to them.
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