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Everything posted by WinningIsHard

  1. Well said sir. Texas not having to play against a good defensive coach named venables or smart/muschamp for the next 4 weeks should be the "snapping of the fingers." I hope.
  2. How do you know what arch’s football IQ is? He played against 3 shitty defenses and hasn’t been tested yet. The two drives he was in he made 3 bad decisions that were devastating and he has a tendency to force the ball instead of throwing it away. Stop sucking his dick before he’s done anything. He will give you plenty of chances to blow him over the next couple years, I’m sure of it.
  3. He thinks Quinn will clean it up. How the fuck is he going to clean it up if he’s on the bench like you think he should be? This is the second shit for brained post from you where you help the other side of your argument. Outstanding lol.
  4. Our fearless leader and his retarded minion (who reminds me of daddy98) have it on solid inside locker room info that Quinn is a soft pussy. The Quinn experiment is over, they want arch lol. You’d be better off arguing with Derka my friend.
  5. Did you listen to the first 5 minutes of that video? That video and that bolded section don't fit your narrative very well, which is amusing. I do agree it's cool to listen to those guys perspectives.
  6. If everything was taken at face value on the internet you would have been crowd sourced years ago for being a fucking idiot. You of all people should appreciate nobody taking every comment serious.
  7. The guy that gives money to his TE's calling him a pussy over and over ad nauseam like an aggy is going to help. I'm sure of it because I'm Quinn Ewers.
  8. You showing this whole board how dumb RS freshman qb's can be is ironic.
  9. 841 passes and he's thrown 16 interceptions. I can't find how many times he has fumbled but I don't think it's a ton. In the oklahoma game where he had his head up his ass he threw one pick and didn't turn it over again. Venables is a much better defensive mind than anything vandy, florida, arky or even elko will throw at quinn. Kentucky gave up 48 to florida, and 31 to south carolina....those are not great offenses. Up the thread here I said that if quinn plays like ass and just looks completely lost then toss arch in and never look back. I just don't think he will.
  10. The bad version of Quinn isn't going to turn the ball over 2-3 times a game against the regular defenses we are about to face. He is risk adverse which is why so many people dislike him on this board. He, much like a lot of NFL qb's, will take the lesser gain if it's safer or easier to complete. I'm not saying Arch can't win or that I know he wouldn't be better than Quinn. I am saying that there is a ton of data that says RS freshman qb's tend to make mistakes and those mistakes are amplified when you're trying to be the savior. This team should win at least 11 games, that's a lot of pressure on a young kid who is taking over for the former starter who has won a conference title and been to the college football playoff. It's a shitty position for Sark to be in and it sucks for Arch as well, honestly. I hope Quinn reverts to form and we win out without talking about this ever again lol.
  11. Nobody on either of those teams you mentioned can hold a candle to a motivated mykel williams or javon walker with his motor running the way it was against Texas. They don't have kirby smart either. We aren't going to get bullied at the point of attack a bunch, our rb's/wr's arent going to tip toe, and I'm pretty certain our running game will be better against anybody not named georgia. If you think anybody in the country compares to a motivated georgia team that was embarrassed by Alabama and can't lose another game then you're crazy. It's ok to be crazy by the way lol. Sports does that to people.
  12. I hear all that, and I understand it as well. History says that RS freshman qb's have a tendency to fail when put into positions like facing oklahoma or georgia that have great defensive schemes and good players to run them. Let me state my point here as clearly as I can. I believe that even a bad version of quinn can beat the rest of our schedule, that's how confident I am in our defense and the playmakers quinn has around him. However, If for whatever reason we see bad quinn continue to show up and he appears to have just completely fallen apart then I will admit I was wrong about him and we should absolutely roll with Arch because at that point that is what's best for Texas. I just don't see Quinn completely falling apart or being so bad that Sark sits him for the rest of his career at Texas. I have been wrong before though lol.
  13. Kirby smart would have ate arch alive. Miss state’s defense is terrible. Georgia was motivated, angry and backed into a corner. I believe everything you say about what arch can be one day. I also believe he ain’t ready to step into the arena with the best defense, being ran by a great defensive mind, in college football. I’m glad you’re pumped for arch, I hope he takes Texas to places that colt and Vince couldn’t (multiple national championships). I watched him in those two series and he would have gotten his ass handed to him. They would have harassed him into multiple turnovers. I will say that every bit of this is speculation based on me watching years and years and years of football. Young QB’s that don’t have a great running game to lean on will struggle. Period.
  14. You think that vandy, Florida or Arkansas are going to throw out a game plan anything even remotely close to Venables or smart? Elko might give it a good try but any version of Quinn with our defense can beat those last 4 teams. We lost to Georgia by 15 and Quinn played terrible. Get a grip.
  15. He doesn’t know he’s about to get obliterated. He had no idea that CB was on him until he was hit. I’ve seen every QB at some point in their career get hit like that, hall of famers and scrubs. It happens. What I’m struggling with here is the strange notion that arch would have done fine or probably better like we didn’t see him play two series. For years this board has shit all over Sark for being a loser, indecisive, “he is what his record says he is” and just a plethora of other horse shit. Since then Texas has won a big 12 title, been to a college football playoff, face fucked all those scrub big 12 teams on the way out of that garbage conference, and recruited lights out while keeping an elite staff. He now has benched Quinn in the middle of a huge game showing that he isn’t scared to try some shit, and hopefully put to rest the “he has no balls” to make a tough call. Arch played, he was in for like 18 plays across two drives. He missed a wide open receiver underneath trying to force a ball, was sacked trying to take the corner on a better athlete when he should have thrown it away and just like Quinn…strip sacked in a pocket that was violently pushed around most of the night. What makes anybody think a RS freshman with almost no experience in a moment that big against an elite opponent does anything but fuck up massively??? I feel like his name being manning is fucking people up. If we had an elite running game that could take over games then I’d sit Quinn’s ass and let arch play. All day, every day. We don’t have that but we do have an elite defense that needs an offense to not make costly mistakes while the qb goes through growing pains. Quinn can beat vandy, Florida, Kentucky, aggy, and from there it’s a toss up as to which version of Quinn Texas has trotting on when the conference championship games comes up. I’m glad we have arch and next year he’s going to be a stud. Next year.
  16. All that sounds awful man, seriously. This whole place is just make believe ok, I know you use it as an outlet but 25 years ago this place was Jurassic park man. It didn’t exist. Try not to let people get to you, ignore them and even me if it helps. The ignore feature on here will do you wonders.
  17. We just faced the two best defensive minds in college football which happen to have some good (blOwU) and great (Georgia) players to run their high level schemes. If vandy, Florida, Arkansas and Kentucky scare any of these pussies to death then maybe I can interest them in a chocolate covered pretzel, they are exquisite? Elko is a wild card but I’m fairly certain we will beat them handily as well. Quinn ain’t winning a heisman but he’s taking us to better places than Casey fucking Thompson ever did.
  18. He asked for people to not judge his character or his appearance anymore then proceeded to shit on a 19 year old kids appearance and character haha. That’s bat shit crazy.
  19. That’s the transitive property you guys say doesn’t work and that aggy’s do all the time. I don’t care about his stats. Lawrence did all those things and people doubted he loved football enough to be great in the nfl. They were wrong just like you’re wrong now. Quinn doesn’t need to be a fiery leader who lets his nuts hang out to get us to the sec championship game or the college football playoff. Baker mayfield never won a title despite being what you think Quinn should be. Our defense is lights out and if our offense never plays like they did Saturday again then we will win out. I’m confident we will be just fine.
  20. Trevor Lawrence wasn’t a fiery locker room leader. They talked about it ad nauseam before he was drafted. His demeanor was so chilled that they doubted he even loved football. It may not be conventional or what you want out of your QB but Texas is doing just fine considering that 4 years ago we were worried about losing to Kansas and TCU regularly. Stfu
  21. Your argument is that quinn doesn't get the full playbook fucktard. I'm sure the full playbook is there, now whether he is able to take advantage and utilize it to it's fullest is up for discussion. Quinn has struggles, but to say that a young qb gets more of the playbook than the older more experienced qb is fucking stupid. Arch will learn how to read defenses, make audibles, and then the whole playbook will be opened up to him. The checkdown is an absolute necessity for a QB looking towards the NFL. You may not like it but Sark doesn't give a fuck what you like. We are 6-1, thanks to Sark and his ability(recruiting/play calling). Quinn is 20-6 as the starter. He gets the nod until he shits the bed so bad Sark has to make a permanent change.
  22. The wr’s still run deep and the opportunity to take big shots is there…Quinn just doesn’t take many chances. You can fault him for not taking big shots all you want but that doesn’t change that he reads defenses faster than Arch can just based purely off experience. It’s embarrassing for surly that you have the pos rep here that you do lol. You think sark calls plays where receivers just run 6-8-10 yards because Quinn can’t throw deep? You’re dumber than your posting history says.
  23. Quinn had two TD passes and led a 55 yard drive to open the 3rd quarter lol. Arch’s last drive ended with two sacks, 22 yards lost and he was stripped of the ball which we lost. That’s not me making up numbers to prove my argument or anything. That’s fact. He was given a chance and it was much of the same result. The offense isn’t more open with a RS freshman who has started 3 games, you’re smarter than that. Quinn gets the full playbook not because he’s the best qb ever but because he’s been around sark the longest. Sark’s offense is way too complicated to think that arch can just run it wide open while also learning pocket presence, how to audible and read defenses. That’s madness
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