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Everything posted by WinningIsHard

  1. Quick update for all the quivering vaginas in here, Georgia is losing to the worst Auburn football team I’ve ever watched in my life. Oh and it’s 20-7. Stop all your whining haha.
  2. Kansas is now 0-4 on third downs, for those of you shitting on the defense lol
  3. The bubble pass garbage appears to not work, I wish we would stop that shit. Kansas has some damn good CB’s tho.
  4. Bout to be 20-7, and after reading a lot of these posts I get why looch permabans people so often haha.
  5. Is Jackson hurt? He seemed to be doing decent at rb but has no stats tonight.
  6. It should say “ball game”, then it would be damn funny. Greenspoint would love that shit lol
  7. Looch says Weigman is “that dude”, he gets hurt and max Johnson is somehow just as capable with the same OL that got Weigman killed.
  8. @Longhornlove you mean like this asshole? This guy here could find a problem with Mother Theresa.
  9. Somebody crow hopped and flung the fuck out of that tire. She may not have died but she damn sure went into a coma for a little bit. I laughed at first but watched it again and felt awful.
  10. I understand the sentiment of getting game reps, but I don't think you can simulate the other team's number 1's trying to rip your head off and embarrass you. In the middle of a tough battle with kansas state or blOwU if Malik has to come in it won't matter that he got to throw passes against rapelor or kansas's second string. That's just my opinion.
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