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Posts posted by HottyToddy

  1. 9 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    I didn't say that those who openly hate the players hate all black people. They hate the players themselves, in some cases in very personal and targeted ways; Read the thread. The visceral hatred and disdain for our athletes (note: based on virtually nothing but poor play and going to the locker room during The Eyes) drips from every page of this thread since Saturday. Some of those same people posting that hatred here will go sing this at those same players in the future. That's disgusting.

    Also, plenty of racists love watching black people entertain them. I'm not saying that's what is happening here, but in general. (I can't stand the Irish. Just awful people; never should've allowed them in, but I love watching Conor McGregor punch people in the face. And I'll listen to The Cranberries and read some Adrian McKinty.)

    Also, you're on a UT message board. You're going to get teased and I didn't even tease you that hard. But if you're going to whine about mild teasing then make ready your ass. I thought about saying, "this is like a fully-robed Klansman talking down a pony-tailed woman in Sephora who is about to lynch a black cashier over an expired coupon" but I went softer because we don't know each other.


    It's not about you, I'm fine with being stereotyped as a racist/Klansman for attending Ole Miss considering that's what our in-state rivals constantly do even though we got rid of almost everything of that natureĀ in our athletics and the statues etc etc. I was more concerned about the vitriol and namecalling towards eachotherĀ in a rather inconsequential negotiation that wont even affect all that much and that none of you are even involved in. I was upset about the hatred towards the players too.Ā 

    Also, that might not be the best example considering how hard the internet screams from the top of the hills that Irish Americans are not Irish and are separate entities and that we shouldn't claim Euro identity or whatever. I get what you're saying though I just didn't understand the example of the open hatred for blacks meaning just longhorn players.

    I apologize.

  2. 9 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    An Ole Miss fan having to come in and talk Song Karen down off the ledge. The Lord surely does show us wonders.

    The players are physically tougher than 100% of the posters here and mentally tougher than 90% of the posters in this thread. I genuinely don't understand what "backbone" you think alumni are demonstrating right now. All they are doing is taking a stand to make sure everyone respects what they want to happen.

    Alumni who are mad about this are saying it's about protecting the University, but the University is not The Eyes. CDC could've come out in June and said, "We're replacing The Eyes with The Yellow Rose of Texas" and it still would've been the University and the vast majority of Texas students and alumni wouldn't notice/care and most of the crowd would leave before it was sung just like they do with The Eyes.


    I won't prognosticate about what WILL happen, but I do know that even if the players are out there, most of them won't want to be. And we'll have a majority-black team, most of whom object to the racially problematic history of The Eyes, having it sung at them by a majority-white crowd, many of whom openly hate them.

    Absolutely shameful stuff.

    Song Karen will be happy, though. What a pretty picture it will be!



    Ah, yes Karen this you're this blue hair that, reading through this thread was sickening/upsettingĀ at first with how little people respect each other and jump for the proverbial kill as soon as they can. I hope this is just message board behavior and not how Texans/Longhorns treat each other.

    I also don't think that people would attend a gridiron football game if they "openly hated" blacks. But okay.

    I also feel that this was to be expected, considering the nature of negotiation. None of them even threatened to strike, and it wasn't only about the song.

  3. I'm an Ole Miss alum. I wanted to chime on this.

    Like renaming the buildings, getting rid of statues etc. Most people didn't care about that stuff or even supported it because most people are apolitical/one issue people and generally, the big ask was a lot of the traditions and identity, though we did get rid of some stuff like Colonel Reb (who has too complicated a history to go into here) in the late 90sĀ (and fully in the 2010s)Ā before the fervor among young people for this sort of thing. Wanting to drop the rebels nameĀ was the big ask, which was compromised on and eventually redefined fully but the name and wordmark was kept. Other things like Dixie were slowly worked out.

    The problem was the new traditions that were attempted to be started were incredibly lame and artificial, like the black bear mascot. It's like the 'skins rebranding not being well received because the WFT is incredibly generic and lame. (Seriously, why not just do Washington FC if you were going to go that route?)Ā The solution was tying something natural with winning football.Ā That, and simply giving lesser known traditions greater prominence helps too, the student body loves this kind of stuff.

    Trust me, if you ever get a competent AD, it will be fine and other stuff will emerge and maybe even stuff you didn't even know happened will be very fun and cool for fans and students alike and the atmosphere may even be better than before. Texas is a blue blood with the money to do this, much more than my school, I promise to all of you worried about it. And it's not like Eyes will stop existing, you can still listen to the records of it and other stuff that could be phased out from the band, I still have a flag with Colonel Reb on it in my rec room because it is part of the history of my school that I love and nobody is denying that, but it's just not fit for public consumption anymore.

    Texas is a moreĀ liberal state and Austin is very liberal, so it will be fine, I promise again.




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