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Da Fino

Certifiably Surly
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2920 Surly 10%

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  1. Fuck that. Go. There is fun to be had in that weather. Put on some boots. Animals will be out.
  2. Ok. Let’s hear it.
  3. I'm confused. Why ditch it after you clear security? Just in case you have second thoughts about flying into a more unreasonable state?
  4. This is just great. He’s not even pretending to hide it anymore.
  5. You like beaches. Shut the fuck up dork.
  6. Nihilo sanctum estne?
  7. Note that I never mentioned Elon, please.
  8. It is very fucked up that people are applauding the killing of that insurance dude. He really is not the enemy to target.
  9. You might be the most insufferable, pedantic, sad sack of a person that I have ever encountered. You are the epitome of the “Ackchyually” meme. What do you have going other than contrarianism and eating lamb?
  10. That's a nice triangle
  11. Dodge ranking 7th for best drivers is hard to believe.
  12. Next door neighbors did. Only reason I know is because they texted the block to see if anyone was missing a package.
  13. Is that a real picture? I missed most of the game herding kids and cooking.
  14. Ditto
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