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Da Fino

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Da Fino

  1. Your LinkedIn profile is problematic considering this. Are you really an election judge?
  2. This guy just doxxed himself with a flight itinerary. Real solid stuff. I like your Harvard shirt.
  3. You are a better person than I am.
  4. You should not be apologizing to this dork. He’s throwing shit at the wall.
  5. LOL. What the fuck is this nonsense? These people have taken in pretty easy on you.
  6. I don’t think he really learned about them, he learned the word.
  7. Keep all your paperwork. You will be audited once you break 1m.
  8. They will be the new diamond and silk. I guarantee it. Those charges are going to disappear.
  9. This Oval Office interview tonight will never be topped.
  10. Dignitaries IMG_4730.mov
  11. Can’t you guys just step into the breakroom at the office and argue about this?
  12. I've heard this new park is cool https://www.hermannpark.org/plans-projects/the-commons-at-hermann-park/ From there you could get on the zoo train and ride it to the zoo entrance. The zoo has a new galapagos area that's supposed to be pretty cool. Depending on the time of day you can also feed the Giraffes. Miller outdoor does some night movies in the summer and is also within the zoo train perimeter.
  13. Johntay posted about 15 pictures of himself over the last 24 hours and one of Wingo. Weird shit.
  14. I would add Levy park in here for the splash pad and its proximity to Color Factor and Men's Club.
  15. Kiffin is the obvious move for me. It would be so entertaining.
  16. Joe Rogan is close to being a billionaire and he started out by extolling the benefits of the fleshlight. I see big things for Gerry.
  17. Good god I forgot about that. That Covid season is such an afterthought.
  18. That’s not the way most people deal with stressful situations. Especially people that haven’t been in really bad shit. I’ve seen much worse than what she did.
  19. There was definitely a time where Sidis pantsed you over and over in an economic discussion and you disappeared from the thread. Wish I could find it.
  20. My wife finally heard back from her last boss that moved to the area. They had been in NYC for all their lives, but picked up and moved for a last ditch effort to have a child. They had been to all the major IVF places and failed. They moved there and finally got pregnant. Due in two weeks. They lost everything yesterday. He sent a video and it looks like a bomb was dropped on his house and then someone lit it on fire. He was on a flight and she was at work when it happened. Dogs and cat are scorched. All those baby clothes and accoutrements are lost. Devastating thing for people that have suffered for over a decade to have a child.
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