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Da Fino

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Da Fino

  1. 4 minutes ago, royiv said:

    Meh, it's actually decreasing after the COVID crime bump. Being armed isn't really going to put a dent in petty property crime unless you catch the thief red-handed. And, even then as much as I hate thieves, I question if deadly force is worth it.

    I don’t do it to try to put a dent in petty theft. I would never step in to stop a petty theft or any thief for that matter. I’m not some fucking victim that’s complaining about being a target, but I don’t plan on being one either. It’s cheap insurance and it’s legal. 

  2. On 2/12/2023 at 8:50 AM, Vito Andolini said:

    Couldn’t find anything on this on the Movies & TV forum, three part doc is oh Hulu. Ep 1 a little slow, but picks up, Ep 2 disturbing as hell. Actual audio and video from the freak is used, he’s such a narcissist, he provided them to the filmmakers. It’s just preposterous to think this could happen.


    From the article:

    In 2005, five years before he moved into his daughter’s dorm at Sarah Lawrence College and took a cult-like hold over her young friends, Larry Ray received a psychological evaluation. It was conducted as part of a custody trial with Ray’s ex-wife, and the judgment was alarming.

    “It is literally impossible to evaluate Mr. Ray in the usual clinical manner,” concluded the evaluator. “His personality dynamics are so configured that he is able to manipulate and control almost any situation in which he finds himself, including a psychological interview with a forensic examiner, no matter how experienced that examiner may be. Mr. Ray is very good at what [he] does.”

    The report, which is uncovered in Hulu’s new three-part docuseries Stolen Youth: Inside the Cult at Sarah Lawrence, goes on to call Ray a “calculating, manipulative, and hostile man who masks his hostility, presenting instead a boyish, charming façade.”

    The summary proved prophetic in 2010, when Ray began posing as a mentor to his daughter’s college-age friends and brainwashing them. He systematically isolated them from their families and friends, pressured them into degrading and sometimes sexual scenarios, controlled what they ate and to whom they spoke, and ultimately exploited them for hundreds of thousands of dollars. 

    In Stolen Youth, a group of Ray’s followers sit down with Oscar-nominated filmmaker Zach Heinzerling (Cutie and the Boxer) to retrace their traumatic journey with Ray—revealing how, bit by bit, they fell under Ray’s bizarre spell.

    “I think in cult situations, there can be judgment of the victim—how could you fall for that?” Heinzerling tells Vanity Fair.“There’s no acknowledgement of the complicated nature of that experience.” The survivors were willing to open up on camera to bridge that knowledge gap, says the filmmaker—“to explain what happened, what it was like to be 19 and introduced to your girlfriend’s dad or your friend’s dad. And how, over a slow, methodical progression, it metastasized into something horrible.”

    More in the link.

    I just started this tonight. At the beginning there is a trigger warning about the themes being discussed. I’ve always thought those were ridiculous. About halfway through the first episode I realized that I should not be watching this and that trigger warning was for me. This brought back a ton of repressed shit. That guy is a monster. He would be great in a sales role. 

  3. 56 minutes ago, Planet Houston said:

    Only posting this because I was the driver of the Bronco. It was definitely a holy shit moment. Fuck this guy. I never saw him. I didn’t even see my light turn from red to green, that’s how long his red light was stale. He went to the hospital after the wreck but the cops better have drawn his blood. I miraculously walked away with nothing more than bruises and scrapes. Even luckier that my wife and kids weren’t in the car, because it’s a different story if they were.


    IMG_5037.MOV 1.24 MB · 13 downloads  


    Is that over by Kennealys?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 11 hours ago, Augustus said:

    I didn't want to create a new thread just for this, and I'm guessing the Skyfall thread would have been on Shaggy?  Couldn't find one here.

    I'm also sure that someone--or several people--would've commented on this at the time, but I'm watching Skyfall right now and I was really kind of amazed by this.

    They've just arrived back at Skyfall and Albert Finney's character Kincade is showing Bond the empty gunroom.  Then he tells him they sold everything to some collector in Idaho, except for his father's "hunting rifle."

    He then hands Bond what is clearly a double barrel shotgun.

    How in the blue fuck does a mistake like that get made?  Is it possible the Brits call a shotgun a rifle, as well?

    That was really surprising to me.


  5. https://abc13.com/amp/missing-man-houston-gerald-martin-iii-shot-to-death-1700-tc-jester-boulevard/12750422/

    This is going to be a story soon. HPD found one dead guy shot to death. Put out an APB for the other guy that owned the house that the dead guy was found in.  Put out a statement that they need help trying to find him and to turn him in. Find the second guy a week later in the trunk of the car that they impounded because they forgot to open the trunk. Drug deals. Cartel. Shit show. Local news went silent last week. 

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  6. 4 hours ago, fattyflattie said:

    Closing in on 325k women driven city miles over last 2 Denali’s here.  No real issues to speak of. Nothing that ever went to shop to be fixed, anyhow.  Big fan of the 6.2 

    But they’re all good.  Well, maybe not the RR. 

    No transmission issues?

  7. 16 minutes ago, Planet Houston said:

    Ugh. I had a year-old new Bronco that just got totaled when an asshole with no license and no insurance blew through a red light and broadsided me on the passenger side (thank god). I am very lucky to have walked away fine, and even luckier my wife and kids (8-yo twins) weren’t in the car. I also would have flipped but for rolling into an F-150 waiting to take a left going the opposite direction on my street. Oh and this happened all of 5 blocks from my house. 

    So with all that being said, I think I’m in the market for a safe, luxury SUV. Not sure I need a full-size model as long as I have a tow hitch - we have a great trailer-mounted tray and bag that solved long trips with the smaller cargo space of my Bronco - so I’m looking at mid to large luxury SUVs that are above all safe. Performance is important-ish, I certainly don’t want to be driving a 4 cylinder, but I’m also not looking to break the bank to upgrade to souped up models of the below ideas I have. 

    What say you, Shaggy? What I’m currently contemplating is Tahoe/Yukon, Escalade, X5/X7, GLE/GLS, GV80, XC90, Range Rover Sport, Expedition, Navigator. I left off several I know, and that list is a bit all over the place, but curious what y’all think. 

    A bunch of my buddies that had always been Tahoe guys have made the switch over to Expedition and are happy. My wife went from Range Rover to X7 and will probably be a BMW person for life. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 3 hours ago, SHOOTER12 said:

    Your wife and my wife must be related. Credit where credit is due though. When I had my accident in '96, going through 16 surgeries trying to save the leg but eventually losing it anyway, she never left my side.  It was amputated  in '99 and she stayed with me all the time in the hospital and I couldn't have asked for a more caring and loving wife during rehab etc. Fast forward to 2005, chf due to pneumonia  and later 2 heart attacks,  3 shoulder surgeries, a knee surgery, 2 hernia surgeries, and from 05 on became the coldest, most heartless and uncaring person I've ever met.   Twice I had to have our pastor bring me home from the hospital because she couldn't be bothered. 

    I finally told her at one point that if she ever got seriously ill or injured, she would be repaid in spades.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 1 hour ago, YGIFS said:



    I can never find the clips given the odd google search terms...but the guy George Bluth would hire throughout their childhoods to teach them not to leave the front door open while A/C was on or boat safety?  Can't remember his name but those few cutaway scenes always cracked me up.   

     J. Walter Weatherman

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