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Da Fino

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Da Fino

  1. Went to a nine coarse tasting at March two weeks ago. Dreadful food. That group running all of those places just doesn’t get it.

    Bludorn tonight was incredible. I’ve been missing their old menu. Tonight was oysters several ways, a tomato dish, texas caviar , and a Redfish on the half shell that was the best I’ve ever had. Looking forward to their new place.

  2. I typed out a couple things, but shit they all sound weird in the context of this discussion and not knowing you. Without going into details you don’t want to share, I am interested in the guidance that was given in what sounds like a situation with inherent risks.
    In certain states the conversations that have to be had before going into a pregnancy attempt where there are risks make you wonder what era we actually live in. Could my spouse or doctor face prosecution, death, disability, etc because of a gray area that results in inaction/hesitation? It’s fucking nuts.

    I can expand tomorrow. To be clear, it wasn’t guidance that was given. These were things that were brought up in relation to how they match a couple with a carrier.
  3. Go look at the Elizabeth Weller pregnancy issue that was made public. What happens when you have a nonviable pregnancy but the mothers life isn’t in immediate danger? Water breaks at 18 weeks, pregnancy has virtually zero chance of viability, mother isn’t dying today but doctors would end the pregnancy under any prior circumstance?
    What about a case where a mother is diagnosed with cancer and treatment is dangerous to an early term fetus? What about an older women that has an unplanned pregnancy that puts her in an extremely high risk situation where the doctor believes her life is in danger later in the pregnancy but is not today? What about a prenatal screening that shows the baby has Trisomy 13 or some other catastrophic early life death sentence? Should the mother have to carry to term, have the baby, all the while knowing the baby will not live to see 1 or likely end up stillborn?
    What qualifies as a medical emergency? Does the fact that it will become a medical emergency later in the pregnancy but isn’t today valid for terminating today?

    My wife and I had a consultation with a gestational carrier therapist today. They are really in a weird spot right now. This shit could 100% change our decision to try for another child. I can go into further detail tomorrow. Too tired and pissed off right now.
  4. 10 minutes ago, Porterhouse said:

    Oh GOD. Why do we host this shit?  Nobody cares and nobody likes it and we haven’t been the Cowboys flagship in forever. 

    Hypothetical: would y’all rather listen to McCarthy/Jerry conferences back to back to back, or a hockey segment featuring Julie, a Bob segment discussing which golf courses look, and a segment with a round table of P1s including Triple Fake Tiger guy, attention whore fatass Rachael Carter, and the Hooter Brown guy, hosted by Killer?

    Had to google that name. Haven't been listening this week so I guess I missed why she is relevant. 



  5. Lol you ran that poll the day after thousands of unidentified federal officers used tear gas, rubber bullets, riot claymores, and flashbangs on peaceful protesters on Lafayette Square in DC - all in the middle of the Floyd riots when it was all that the country was focusing on. You can dodge all you want, but I think it's pretty unlikely the two were unrelated. 
    You should have named the poll "Surly Safe Space: yes or no?"
    EDIT: and I'll repost here what I replied to you there then:
    The pattern of "political talk" and its moderation on this board seems to be:
    1. Notable news event occurs, example of military police attacking lawful peaceful protesters
    2. Posters discuss the current event factually
    3. Bad actor poster defends/minimizes/misrepresents the event and misstates material facts of the event
    4. Bad actor is called out for misstating facts and framing the issue as something its not
    5. Bad actor attacks along political lines
    6. Thread is shit upon
    7. Blacklab makes new thread with his own title to re-re-frame the discussion and moves posts there
    The issue isn't politics or not politics. The issue is that people can't handle a viewpoint that isn't in 100% alignment with their own, and if they disagree they shout CR and look for any possible reason to ad-hominem ignore the argument/poster.
    This poll is a bad poll. You'll get the result you want thanks to framing it as such, but its your board to run the way you see fit.

    You are the Briscoe Cain of your side.
  6. aggys may laugh at others, but the fact still remains that U of H (much like other schools such as UT Austin, Okie Lite, and WVa) has more NCAA championships in just one sport (Men's golf) than Texas A&M has in school history, all sports, both genders.
    U of H also has more CWS wins, more Final Four appearances and, since becoming a state university, has as many top 5 final finishes in football as A&M. 
    Additionally, the privately funded endowment of U of H exceeds that of Texas A&M.

    Out of all the ink you’ve spent on Texas A&M, this might be the most interesting.
    • Haha 1
  7. Thx for finding this [mention=5278]OB3[/mention] 
    Mean and nasty OL

    We are about to hear that they are all in the best shape of their lives. Can’t wait. I’m already too confident in this group.
    • Rage+1 1
  8. 15 hours ago, williemackgarza said:

    Picked up a lil summer xmas bonus this morning.
    Been wanting 1 for a while.
    Gotta get an optic but not sure what. Usually go Acog, but not sure here..red dot? Aimpoint? Eotechs get good again? not sure..
    What surly think?

    Elcan. Do it. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. Not an issue remotely belonging to one party.  We as a society own it.

    He’s got a point here.

    Ok.  You don't have to own it.  Splashing water and calling it swimming doesn't make it swimming.  We differ on the solutions.

  10. I believe it. The majority of my married friends don't want to have children, either because of their own traumatic childhood from less than stellar parents, or from seeing the future that awaits children today. My wife and I definitely want to have children, but we don't want them to grow up in Texas as is exists right now. But we couldn't imagine raising kids anywhere but Texas. 

    Interesting to hear this point of view. Genuine curiosity, how old are you and your friends? Just age range.
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