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Da Fino

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Da Fino

  1. 15 minutes ago, 686 said:

    No, IMO. We didn’t control when Stuxnet implemented itself into the VFD’s on the centrifuges; it took the right person picking up the right “gimmie” thumb drive, and putting it into the right computer. Took a long time to all happen. This stuff we’re seeing currently is internal de facto protests IMHO. ~If I can’t stand in the square and hold a poster, I’ll burn the damn factory down.

    Thanks. That makes more sense. 

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  2. 20 minutes ago, CoTex said:

    I sat in an M3 in a showroom once, and out of habit I depressed the clutch and shifted the car from 1st to neutral.  The salesperson, who didn't own a freaking thing in that building except his JC Penney tie, had heart-attack level rage at me.  

    I'm no tranny synchro expert but I believe my move was ok. - salesperson was uppity and made it a point to shit on me.  FU bro, I wanted a Grand Cherokee anyway.



  3. 8 minutes ago, 52-80 said:

    Goddamn.  I never knew the details of this episode.  Started reading the wikipedia on it and now you've got me all pissed off and ruined my Friday.

    I was reading that wiki while thinking, "why didn't I ever hear about this in school?"

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  4. 1 hour ago, mycox said:

    Sounds like ownership wanted to go a different direction based on the article. Toomey might is older than Armybrat so who knows what he's thinking.

    J-Bar-M owner John Toomey, a nonagenarian who built the restaurant as a lifelong barbecue dream, said “While we had some operational differences with Willow and Jasmine, we are deeply grateful for the time and heart they’ve dedicated to J-Bar-M Barbecue.”

     “Our plan was always to expand the restaurant to include evening service and a more extensive bar program so we could offer guests more of a dinner experience,” says Toomey.

    Just saw on a facebook post by a relative of the old man that his grandson and grandson's wife are out also. 

  5. I have been wondering about J-M for a bit. They look pretty empty in most of their instagram marketing. That's a massive building and build-out for an area of town that most people don't consider driving to unless they live in the area. I'm only in that area for Astros games. Can't imagine I'll be back anytime soon now. 

  6. 53 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    Good point.  It's been a few years, but I was watching a podcast the other day and it said the same:  the capabilities of the Regiment today is amazing...which is why it's such a feeder for CAG.  

    I was also surprised that now they have their own dedicated Tier I unit - Range reconnaissance.  Never heard of them before?

    RRC or RRD. They do wild shit. 


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  7. 13 hours ago, SimonBolivar said:

    I've only met a couple but one got a PhD from Notre Dame and is now a teanured Great Texts prof and the other played football there and got a kickass job in Seattle. I've always liked Rice.

    I know two guys that fit this description. Both are great, sharp dudes. 

    12 hours ago, Hefeweizen said:

    My daughter was in love with Rice up until she started seriously looking at colleges.  Their webinars were crap, the on campus visit was crap, and she finally didn't bother scheduling an interview.  By far the worst school experience she had.  UT was pretty good, not top notch, but good for a state school.


    13 hours ago, Bateshorn said:

    Dirty secret: much like UVA, Rice is acquiring a bit of a reputation for all hat, no cattle on the eastern seaboard. 

    Things really changed when Malcolm Gillis retired. It's a shame. 

  8. On 4/4/2022 at 8:49 PM, Covri said:

    I always think tortilla when I think sausage wrap and usually when I order one somewhere it’s on a tortilla. Not that I have not made exactly what is described in the article numerous times ( Stubbs moppin sauce, yellow mustard, raw P&O for me).

    Me too. Tortilla, BBQ sauce, sausage. Donkey dick. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. I hope they died a slow terrifying death as water slowly filled the tank compartment. Until they held their faces up to the top of the compartment trying to get one last breath of air. Until they are completely underwater, and take in a lungful of water that provides no oxygen and they died an agonizing death.
    Why? Because they raped and killed civilians. Fuck then all.

    Drowning is probably second to being burned alive. A napalm bomb over Russian trenches burning their infantry would be a good way to take revenge for the thousands of civilians killed by those fuckers. 

    While saying, “this is going to be hard on my little boy.”
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