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  1. Coach Banks? https://nypost.com/2024/07/25/sports/texas-coach-ex-stripper-get-married-3-years-after-monkey-bite-lawsuit/
  2. See below, from Pres Fenves, 2017. Do you think 55% (15 + 28 + 12) at UT is funny, Js1, or have you not seen this? “Today, we are releasing a report that details the prevalence of sexual assault and misconduct at The University of Texas at Austin. The data is drawn from the Cultivating Learning and Safe Environments (CLASE) survey that the University of Texas System conducted at 13 UT institutions across the state last year. The results of this survey of our students are of tremendous concern to me, and I know these findings are deeply troubling to every member of our community. This survey reveals a problem in our university, as well as society, that has existed in the shadows for too long. CLASE found that 15 percent of undergraduate women at UT Austin reported that they had been raped, either through force, threat of force, incapacitation or other forms of coercion such as lies and verbal pressure. Furthermore, 28 percent of undergraduate women at UT Austin said they were the victims of unwanted sexual touching, and 12 percent experienced attempted rape.”
  3. This could prove a bad move for OU. They’re going to win the conf much less frequently (never?), so they can’t sell that in recruiting, and if you think they’ve played dirty historically, they’re going to see what next-level versions of that look like. Alum support in SEC is much different, in fall there is football & hunting, nothing else comes close in priority. One of our companies has had block of tix to LSU games for decades, so have somewhat inside perspective, at least there. Whole ‘nutha level of recruiting tactics. NIL may change things, b/c now above board(ish), but back to OU, doubtful they can compete w/ $. Time will tell. Frequent conf championships v. rarely/never winning one will likely have an effect.
  4. Shaka lost to ACU with 3 future NBA players on the roster. You literally couldn’t do that if you simply rolled the ball out, told them to win without coaches on the sideline, and left for dinner, watched post-game highlights of W from home.
  5. Versus the 55% here. I never get the holier than thou perspective. Glass houses, throwing stones, something something. https://thedailytexan.com/2017/03/24/fenves-releases-campus-sexual-assault-survey/
  6. Nephew played HS basketball, my sister (his mom) was typically the loudest fan at any game. He hated it. His team played TX School for the Deaf, as a favor to him, I told her that to be fair to both teams, the refs were also hearing impaired. I attended the game, she didn’t yell once. Otw home, she commented how nice the ref gesture was. Nephew only then told her that the refs weren’t deaf, I just told her that so she wouldn’t yell. He still laughs about it & thanks me to this day.
  7. One favorite from cartoon caption contest- cartoon was a fish sitting at the bar, talking to the bartender. Winning caption was “I’m also a fish out of scotch.”
  8. Weird, b/c she seems to love onlyfans.
  9. *coaching *fiancée How much per hour do you have to pay for correct spelling?
  10. Conduct unbecoming can be as simple as not having the judgment to extract himself from the situation in a manner that avoided embarrassing UT. Alleged fight or no fight. Assuming arguendo that she was the aggressor and the only person who acted violently in any way (and, I think that’s highly unlikely), he still didn’t extract himself from the situation, resulting in his arrest & mugshot photo & video. Even if DA ultimately dismisses charges, still doesn’t undo conduct unbecoming. I thought dismissal of Beard & of charges would both happen, I also continue to think there’ll be a settlement to avoid discovery for all. I suspect there’ll also be a settlemt btwn Beard & his (presumably soon-to-be-ex-)fiancée, to avoid her suing & airing Beard dirty laundry, compromising future coaching opportunities. I’d add that now that Minton chose the aggressive path, politically motivated DA may be more not less apt to press charges (not that DA’s are political or anything). All stupid and unnecessary. Still undefeated, it seems- can even make you flush your dream job.
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