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Everything posted by txindep

  1. Group suggesting dirty coaches were all-in for choir boy Urban Meyer, settled for Eagle Scout Sark after Meyer jilted them. Know your audience.
  2. I asked her to tell me more, she explained that if it has a light on it, it’s drawing power even if not on. I tried not to laugh but failed, so now I’m the thoughtless one.
  3. We live downtown ATX, have had power all week (same circuit as City Hall, so Austin Energy “can’t” shut it off). To reduce pwr consumption, save for others, I askd Mrs Txindep to turn off lights/tv’s, lower blinds & heat, run appliances only as necessary. She ran dishwasher & washer/dryer twice each ystrdy (note: kids are grown, only 2 of us here), I walked in last pm to find most lights & 2 tv’s on, but 2 electric toothbrushes in our master bath unplugged. I asked why she’d unplugged the toothbrushes, she said b/c of “ghost” draw.
  4. Still remember the targeting cheap shot by Green away from the play on K St receiver in ‘19. He’ll fit well w/ cowbell player that kicked the Tulsa player, ran like a little girl, then posted smack talk on IG.
  5. Does 55% total = “consent by attending?” https://president.utexas.edu/messages-speeches-2017/results-of-sexual-assault-survey
  6. From 2017, authored by Fenves. Can read this for now. https://president.utexas.edu/messages-speeches-2017/results-of-sexual-assault-survey
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