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Everything posted by Roofle

  1. PCS is the worst. Dealt with it a couple years ago and it was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in my life.
  2. I transferred into undergrad Computer Science at Texas 10 years ago and I’m about 1000% sure I couldn’t pull the same thing off today. Our entrance requirements are becoming absolutely insane.
  3. There's no way 50 on him is even remotely noticeable.
  4. wut. Who makes a fuck about "Title Town"?
  5. They've already announced locations. Austin and T-Town.
  6. Week 3 has been left open every year starting in 2022. Don't fucking do it, CDC...
  7. FCC doesn’t deal with cable TV, yo!
  8. Bleachergate baby back bitches. Mickey Mouse-ass athletic department.
  9. Awwww yiss. Thanks Bob.
  10. And also because the domain is blocked from hotlinking
  11. Appreciate you looking into it
  12. I like what OU did with theirs. I hope we do something like that. I’m really hoping they introduce another club to match the Touchdown Club in the NEZ, but the survey made it sound like they were skipping that and going even more premium.
  13. Very close to leaving and going back to ScattyBevo. If I can't post my premium scat content over here via Tapatalk, what's the point in even being here?
  14. Still TapaAIDS for me
  15. The pictures are a poorly made mock-up that they used ask people what the hell they should include in this new section. I'm sure the proposals that they get will be more cohesive with the rest of the stadium and general campus aesthetic.
  16. Outstanding. If you ever see a drunk asshole out in the 'hood, you've spotted me.
  17. This in Wooten? I loved watching that shit go down.
  18. I love how he keeps getting praised as a "defensive mastermind". This is the laziest shit ever by analysts. They get away with it because Joe off the street doesn't understand defense as well as they understand offense, so they take them at their word. In reality, Thibs has been fucking terrible all around this series and if anything, is getting exposed as being fucking terrible at defending the modern offense. When they pull a defender up to double Harden late in the shot clock 40 feet from the basket, they get exploited every. single. time.
  19. What's the story here? I'm intrigued.
  20. Mack just said that DeLoss was “the cheapest sucker there ever was” and that he was surprised that, when they renamed 23rd street in front of DKR after him, he didn’t try to turn the road into a tollway.
  21. Anyone else watching this on LHN? Huston Street just spoke and was having trouble keeping it together. Also, Bill Little's goiter has grown tenfold recently.
  22. We still think you’re dumb
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