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Everything posted by Roofle

  1. Before first pitch, I texted a friend and said if Springer didn't dong the first pitch he saw that we're going 0-162. So, you're all welcome. 162-0 and back-to-back here we come.
  2. I have what can best be described as a horse dick. It's very difficult for me to have sex because the girls are constantly orgasming so hard that they're always flailing around. Please pray for me. my dick is so tiny
  3. Why the fuck would they push media all the way to the other end of the bubble? Such a bad look for no reason. Pro days are all about hyping the players. Why get in the way of that? As for LHN, when they laid a bunch of staff off last year, they pretty much gave up on producing any meaningful content. I'm honestly surprised they're even having a special for pro day.
  4. That’s beautiful about next year. I hadn’t heard that. After reading up on it, it sounds like this is the last year of suffering.
  5. Roofle

    2018 Shart Thread

    We inexplicably have a shart thread for last year here, but not one for this year. Blast off, fellas.
  6. Holy shit, how did I not know about this?
  7. Are we supposed to like Richard, because holy fuck, he gets more unlikeable each episode. Such a bitch.
  8. Roofle

    New here

    Fake cancer is not to be fucked with, as the fake loss is still too fresh in our hearts.
  9. Are you actually asking? I’m not sure I follow.
  10. PM Moose. Derka out front shoulda told ya.
  11. I had no idea this was a thread we needed but now I can’t live without it.
  12. Yup. All NCAA-hosted events are alcoholless. Since the host institution of regular season games is the home team, they have discretion over alcohol sales. Sadly, all the fun goes away when the NCAA starts hosting come the tournament.
  13. Ogden’s a good pickup for them. He was Beard’s first assistant, no? It was only a short matter of time before he got a HC spot.
  14. Guaurantee ArmyBrat has to take his computer to Geek Squad to get this all sorted out.
  15. If we played everyone tonight, would we have won by 100? I’m gonna go with yes.
  16. Go ahead and describe a Thujone dick to me. Words don’t do it justice.
  17. I can’t tell if he’s fucking around or not
  18. It’s dangerous over there right now. I’ve looked at about 4 threads to see what it’s like over there and I’ve seen 3 GIFs of people shitting so far.
  19. It’s when you shit into someone’s mouth and then freeze them to death
  20. How did he do that? He didn't do anything. The users left of their own volition.
  21. http://twitter.com/FigurelliSports/status/978684958662381568
  22. Well fucking done, Blacklab. Came across great.
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