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Certifiably Surly
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About Txangel9910

  • Birthday 11/02/1981

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  1. Lol! This shirt is older than the entire football team...probably time to turn it into a quilt anyway. But thank you!!
  2. Took longer to walk to the polling location than it did to vote. Not mad at the Longhorn on the sticker...but the young man with the a&m baseball cap that handed it to me seemed miffed...😏🤘🏾
  3. Similar experience, but we were in line for just over 60 minutes and didn't make it to our seats until after Quinn's int/ou's missed fg. 😡
  4. Hopefully not! Unless we start doing the Broadway lottery ticket thing....otherwise - such is the price for being good. 🤘🏾 But to your point, I'd rather not have to donate eggs to afford tickets...
  5. Anyone else staying for the Rams/Lions game. Matt Stafford's return so it should be chippy....
  6. Saw it this afternoon. Was everything I wanted a summertime movie to be. Corny at places....suspend common sense and you'll have a good time.
  7. Welp, that was quite a morning and it's only 9. Tornado sirens went off in Valley Ranch around 6am, and I've been chilling in the shelter since then. Wind is starting to pick up again....
  8. It went to my junk folder, so I thought this was fake - looks like I'm getting tickets too!! 🤘🏾
  9. It looked like a walking person with the multiple vortices....scary
  10. How horrible. The experts say to put babies in car seats, as should the worst happen and your house is hit, they're more protected in the seat.
  11. No Aggies here - I'm a Longhorn undergrad and Tar Heel MBA. Dr Sister is a Wolverine undergrad (hence why I'm looking for tix to that game) and Spartan MD, and little sister is a Yellow Jacket undergrad (and heckuva engineer)
  12. Don't feel bad - made me laugh! And thanks for the "young" - everyone in that pic is 39 years old or older. 🤦🏾‍♀️ Parents would have hit their 50th wedding anniversary this year. Today was sad but y'all made me laugh...I appreciate it 🤘🏾
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