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Posts posted by ATXhorn17

  1. 10 minutes ago, utee94 said:

    The score of this game has no bearing on the fact that the ACC is a terrible fucking football conference.

    Indeed. I attended 5 or 6 ACC football games this season, and the level of competition is MUCH lower than the Big 12, BIG, and SEC. With the obvious exception of Clemson (they have some top-end athletes on D).

  2. 2 hours ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    Probably this. Elko should be in no hurry. Just keep winning 8-9 games a year/knock off UNC every couple years and they’ll bronze him at Duke. 

    Hell — if Elko consistently wins 8-9 games a year at Duke, they’ll re-name the stadium after him. Cutcliffe had 2013-2015 but never really achieved sustained success.

  3. 27 minutes ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

    His highlights are underwhelming.  A lot of him Mossing some 5'6" DII defensive backs, but not many of him actually getting separation and getting open.  He does have some pretty spectacular catches so the hands might be really good.

    He’s gotten offers from ~10 other D1 programs (not just aggy). So coaches must be seeing some potential at the next level. But agreed, he’ll struggle to get separation against faster, lengthy DBs.

  4. 42 minutes ago, ClubWhatever said:

    How is he ever going to grip the ball in those big 10 venues in November.  Dude should have looked ACC.  

    In all seriousness, I feel like NC State (losing O’ Leary), Wake Forest (losing Hartman), and UVA (losing Armstrong) would’ve been good options. And more of a culture fit to a kid from Lake Travis than the frozen tundra of the BIG.

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