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Posts posted by ATXhorn17

  1. 6 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    Ok, here’s a counterpoint on this potential hire.

    Texas has watched that damn OU offense put major points on the board since 2000. All that time, Texas never went out and copied it.

    Even though people claimed the OU offense wasn’t robust enough to win a title post-2000, it’s really been the defense that has always been the major flaw to OU’s success. 

    Maybe this guy allows them to steal that offense. 

    Hmm, I could be wrong, but I doubt college football’s offensive wunderkinds (Riley, Kiffin, Sark, etc) divulge the intricacies of their system to the entire staff. Plus, even if an assistant stole the full playbook, they probably wouldn’t be able to replicate it successfully. A lot of the value a guy like Lincoln Riley provides is in game planning, situational play calling and adapting the scheme year-over-year.

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  2. 55 minutes ago, Elmer_Fudd said:


    This belongs in the poor decision-making Hall of Fame. It’s bigger than just choosing A&M over Stanford in a normal context. He’s throwing away a 100% FREE, fully-subsidized Stanford education plus a stipend/NIL 😵

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  3. 39 minutes ago, RGBIII said:

    Some good Ag got us an update on the looch 44








    That’s one of the most pathetic Twitter exchanges I’ve ever laid eyes on. Billy’s a ~45 year old man who earns his living stalking teenagers, acting like an Internet tough guy, perpetuating bizarre aggy conspiracy theories, and building Jimbo’s bizarre cult of personality. It’s sad.

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  4. 5 minutes ago, HateYouAndMyself said:

    Could also have to do with Jwhit potentially returning. If we are adding a WR from the portal with size as expected plus Jwhit returns there is basically no chance for someone like Hall to see the field next year. Especially not with Cook likely to be play and contribute as a true FR. 

    Nahlin is saying we should “connect the dots” in light of the Agiye Hall move. But that it’s unrelated to the positive WR development from last week (presumably Whittington returning).

    So we probably landed a ‘23 WR we didn’t expect or a new transfer WR.

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