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Posts posted by ATXhorn17

  1. FML. I can’t believe we’re stuck with our “offensive mastermind” for another 2 years… Any other coach in the Big 12 would have our roster competing for a championship.

  2. 4 minutes ago, nineliveslost said:

    without even using the Googles I can tell you no. No Texas coach has lost to Kansas back-to-back and no coach has lost to Kansas twice in their career at Texas.

    He should be fired on the spot if we lose. Right on the fucking field. Before time runs out. Fuck him in the ass if that happens 

    Sadly, Sark and Strong are the only two Texas coaches to lose to the Jayhawks in the modern era. You have to go back to the 1930s to find another example… 

    Is that good lol? 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 35 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

    I love Traylor but I need to see way more before I want that to happen. Luckily we still get two more years of Sark to evaluate.

    Honestly Patterson should take over immediately. 

    At least Patterson would chew out the officials and the entitled divas on this squad like Worthy. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 32 minutes ago, Harvdog said:

    Awwwww….someone’s feelings got hurt.  This is the dumbest post I have seen in a while. You literally don’t understand how recruiting works and post this stupid shit.  Arch isn’t going anywhere but Texas.  We will win our last 2 games and end up 8-4.  

    You're right -- Arch will come to Texas. But if you think 2-0 is a given, you're in denial. Leipold and Aranda are good coaches -- both are perfectly capable of exploiting our weaknesses.

  5. 5 minutes ago, VaLonghorn99 said:

    You see over there in the tobacco country, there is the man, the myth, the legend... Whose worst seasons rival the best since his firing. He left his yellow curse here. 

    Same with Nebs and aggy who fired their old ball game coaches. Maybe it's time for a statue or statues to break it.

    This is such a lazy take. I've watched multiple of UNC's games in person this year... If they played our schedule, Mack would be 6-4 or worse.

  6. 3 minutes ago, DFW Horn said:

    TCU probably has the best, most physical DBs we've played all season.

    Zay wanted no part of it.

    Sad thing is, TCU’s pass defense and DBs aren’t even all that good — they’ve struggled against everyone else.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Stunns38 said:

    PK has gotten a lot of shit deservedly but he has a record of success. His unit has shown improvement throughout the year. Sark on the other hand has always been mediocre and he’s now regressing back to who he has been. He’s only good under a HC who cracks the whip.

    Ironically, if Gary P was our Head Coach and Sark was his OC, I bet we’d win a lot more games.

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  8. 1 minute ago, dcar00 said:

    to quote the late great Dennis Green  "He is who we thought he was"

     7 win steve.

    Don’t get overconfident — he may not get to 7. This team is fully capable of losing in Lawrence. And Aranda can coach circles around Sark.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  9. Just now, Red Five said:

    Bijan had 12 touches in a 17-10 game.

    Criminal. Just absolutely, infuriatingly brain-dead to not get our generational RB the ball in space on a single swing pass… If Bijan had been given the ball ~25 times, he would’ve broken at least one. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  10. Traylor will be Belmont’s next pre-determined, unproven hire. And then we’ll all pretend to be perplexed when the job’s too big for him and he fails spectacularly. 

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