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Everything posted by ATXhorn17

  1. We played like shit. But that doesn’t excuse what the Big 12 just pulled… Horns should pay whatever it takes to leave — even if it means paying OUs portion.
  2. Spoiler alert: We might as well move onto the next coach now.
  3. Let’s hope that Gunnar Gundy isn’t the second-coming of Jerry Neuheisal.
  4. ngl, we have a better chance going for it on 4th here. Than punting
  5. Might as well burn a TO. Probably won’t need that later.
  6. It might be time to accept that Tech is closer to the reality for this team
  7. Fire his ass. PK needs to be gone ASAP.
  8. So when the other team converts 100% of their 3rd towns, it might be time to take a hard look at your Defensive Coordinator.
  9. The team and whole stadium are anticipating an L
  10. Casey Cain should never touch the field again
  11. We can’t trust Bert here… It’ll bite us.
  12. Okay, that announcer can seriously go fuck himself
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