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Posts posted by ATXhorn17

  1. 1 hour ago, JFKFC said:

    No sane person is 100% convinced we will lose tomorrow.

    Tomorrow is a coin flip. It could go either way...and that is the problem. We should all be 100% convinced that we will beat this joke of a hillbilly football team, but we aren't, because of Sark. 

    This. I was being hyperbolic and overly pessimistic, but Sark has consistantly defied our expectations by losing the coin flips... I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt, but there's no evidence suggesting that this week will be any different. No player-led meeting or Inside Texas article sunshine-pumping about our improved team culture will convince me otherwise. It's time for Sark to start delivering Ws.

  2. 2 minutes ago, XForce said:

    Stop being a pussy. Log off and come back Saturday evening. We all will be better for it. 

    Nah, I conciously try to avoid the post-game surlyhorns toxicity. Sorry for having a realistic outlook on the state of the program.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. I’d be shocked if the Horns win tomorrow. 

    People are underestimating WVU’s sheer hatred of Texas — this is a “rivalry” for them. Last time I was in West Virginia, I saw multiple horns down shirts, flags, etc., and I wasn’t even in Morgantown.

    The Mountaineers will be well-rested (9 days off), and I am 100% confident they will play with more effort than Sark’s squad. Also, I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but the Big 12 officials know that our season is hanging on by a thread. With a few “missed” calls, the Big 12 can send our program into a 2-3 start and another coaching search.

    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Haha 1
    • Fuck You 12
  4. My wife and I are headed to the Emerald Isle for the first time in a month... Know it's the off-season, but it worked with our schedules, so hoping it'll still be spectacular despite the rain. In all, we're planning to spend 2x nights in Dublin (book-ending our trip), 2x nights in Galway, 2x nights in Dingle, and 2x nights in Killarney. I've already absorbed a lot of Surly's past recos on places to stay, etc., but if anyone else has advice, I'm all ears!

    Day 1 - Land early AM in Dublin (adjust to jet-lag, Kilmainham Goal, bog bodies, Guinness Storehouse, Gaelic Football / Hurling, Temple Bar)

    Day 2 - Dublin to Galway (Book of Kells in the AM --> Galway --> Quay Street in the evening)

    Day 3 - Galway (day trip to Connemara National Park, Kylemore Abbey)

    Day 4 - Galway to Dingle (Stop at Cliffs of Moher & the Burren along the way)

    Day 5 - Dingle (Slea Head Loop)

    Day 6 - Dingle to Killarney (Ross Castle and Muckross Abbey)

    Day 7 - Killarney (Ring of Kerry / Gap of Dunloe)

    Day 8 - Killarney to Dublin (Make a detour to see Kilkenny)

    Day 9 - Dublin (head back home early AM)

  5. Sark will get 1x freebie “re-do” at DC (probably by mid-season), and we’ll pointlessly drag out his tenure for the last lame duck Big 12 season in 2023.

    He’s a likeable enough guy, so a portion of our dumb ass fanbase will probably argue that “the cake is baked” — even after an embarrassing road loss to UCF, Cougar High or BYU. 

    CDC will hire Traylor or a similarly unproven G5 commodity, and we’ll all be SHOCKED when it fails spectacularly. Rinse and repeat. 

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