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Posts posted by ATXhorn17

  1. As an opponent, Tech doesn’t scare me in the slightest. What’s scary is that this is a young team playing on the road for the first time — there’ll be big mistakes… And historically, Sark’s teams haven’t played well on the road…

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 31 minutes ago, statsman said:

    I see a Big XII flex coming, where Texas has to visit UH in 2023. And that pisses me off. 

    Yup, expect to have night road games at BYU, Cincy, UH and UCF. The Big 12 will want to prove that the new members can compete, so expect a lot of suspect officiating as well.

  3. 32 minutes ago, 1leggedduck said:

    Perhaps in the future the super conferences will conclude that the ncaa is a waste of space and $. It should be gutted and rebuilt, from the ground up, or simply replaced by a new entity designed by the conferences to be independent but not mindless and worthless.

    For what it’s worth, I chatted with a retired AD who spent decades overseeing several of the largest programs in college sports… He was confident that the NCAA will eventually be disbanded, and a consortium of the major programs will form an external regulatory body (example he gave was the IRS) to enforce rules, oversee NIL, etc. 

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