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Everything posted by ATXhorn17

  1. I bet #11 on the red team has a really supportive, overbearing father.
  2. Not really. Him and his dad actively tried to derail the program on their way out.
  3. Casey is a shitty, selfish teammate. When he transferred, very few Longhorn players seemed to give a shit or wish him well. That's not what you want out of your starting QB.
  4. PK consistently coached top defenses at UW and Boise State. But whatever, I guess I’ll take the word of *checks notes* “Mitch Cumsteen” that PK’s a dumbass.
  5. Lol… PK literally adjusted his scheme last season to a 3-3-5 after Jacoby Jones went down… Unfortunately, no schematic shift could rectify shitty players, shitty depth and shitty effort.
  6. Sark > Herman... And he's gonna prove it this year.
  7. So what’s the new OB narrative gonna be? “Sark caved to donor pressure. As of Thursday night, it was Card.”
  8. Surly 2023: "Arch is a gamer. Ewers is QB2 -- he shit himself and played scared during the bama game."
  9. Alternative: Quinn is named starter and beats up on overmatched first opponent before getting destroyed when Texas plays a legit team in Game 2. At the end of the game, his confidence (and probably rib cage) is shattered ahead of conference play... Sounds ideal!!
  10. I mean, laugh if you want. But Coburn, Murphy, Ethan fucking Burke, and Ovie were consistently blowing up plays in the backfield the entire open practice… And I doubt they’ve become All-American caliber overnight…
  11. It’s gonna take Bama 1-2 seconds to shred our o-line and get into the backfield… Hudson’s speed could be a differentiating factor—buying extra time. Have Hudson run for his life for 3-4 quarters. And if it goes poorly (like most of us suspect), you avoid shattering Quinn’s confidence and keep him healthy. He gets some 4th quarter garbage time and then settles into a rhythm against UTSA prior to beginning conference play.
  12. At around ~19:40ish, Quinn starts playing like ass…
  13. Is that an ad for Blazer Tag? Because it looks like Quinn is wearing a vest.
  14. With PK + GP, I low-key think the defense is going to be badass by the end of the season… After all, they had far less raw talent to mold at UW and TCU. Last year, the defense typically looked stout in the 1st half. With better depth, strong effort level, and injury luck, the D is capable of performing at a high level. Biggest risks are 1) Losing buy-in from the team post-Bama waxing and 2) Becton’s S&C philosophy failing us yet again.
  15. Is Nicole44 our version of KarenKeyLargo?
  16. I call BS on the Card news. But if he does start, I hope against all odds that he proves everyone wrong.
  17. “They played fine” is really a ringing endorsement…
  18. Bobby is great at writing a lot without saying anything of substance
  19. Does Neyor still get his full NIL deal if he never plays a single snap?
  20. Adjusting my expectations to an 8-4 ceiling.
  21. Do opposing staffs send GAs to scout at something like this? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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