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Everything posted by ATXhorn17

  1. I’m sorry, but barring critical injuries, there’s absolutely zero excuse for Sark to only win 6 or 7 year #2… If that happens, he’s not the answer—period.
  2. As a $9.95er, he’s incentivized to have a cheery outlook on the Horn’s prospects. But from what I’ve seen—Nahlin, Gerry, and the IT guys are right more often than most other “insiders”… Nahlin was unwavering in calling Arch to Texas for months. He stuck to it when everyone panicked about Arch’s Mexico pic with the UGA NIL booster.
  3. Why is no one talking about the last fight scene of ep 4? I’ve never cringed harder in my life.
  4. Took a look at TCU’s recent draft history at LB. All are taller than Tucker-Dorsey, but they’re comparable in weight—ranging from 210 lbs to 230 lbs. That’s encouraging to see IMO. Ty Summers (2020) 6’2, 230 lbs Travin Howard (2019) 6’1, 210 lbs Paul Dawson (2015) 6’2, 230 lbs Tank Carter (2012) 6’2, 215 lbs Jerry Hughes (2010) 6’2, 215 lbs
  5. Another qualm: So far, the series portrays Obi Wan as a weakling… He’s a Jedi master who has led armies, cut Darth Maul in half, bested Anakin in 1v1 combat, and defeated General Grevious. He has trained since birth as a Jedi—he’d absolutely wipe the floor with those bumbling inquisitors.
  6. Okay start! I never watched the Clone Wars series, but the character design for the inquisitors is lame. Bad make up and worse acting—can’t take them seriously. Oh, and child actors are cringe.
  7. Congrats, UGA—finally got the championship you paid for
  8. Mark it down: the wheels will fall off for Jimbo in 2022. Saban will be out for payback, and IMO the mid-tier SEC teams will all be improved. Arky and Ole Miss are solid. South Carolina is no longer a push-over—they will have Rattler and will play Aggy at home. Leach has proven he can beat Aggy nine times out of ten. Auburn should be better in year 2 of Harsin as well. After 2-3 losses before the mid season mark, Aggy’s “greatest class ever” will be exploring exit strategies.
  9. It’s gonna be hysterical when these guys start entering the portal. When they actually have to live in college station and put up with Jimbo’s tantrums, they’ll start second guessing pretty quickly…
  10. A lazy effort from Disney IMO. Looked cheap and the fight choreography plays out at a snail’s pace. The more we learn about Boba Fett, the less cool he becomes.
  11. Give it a couple years… I’m sure another shady Baylor scandal will rear its head. Happens pretty much anytime they find success
  12. Well, I’m really glad that Baylor paid for the sins of the Briles era and learned their lesson *sarcasm
  13. BRB daydreaming about an alternate universe where Cam Rising stayed
  14. Excited to see Bijan truck this clown in the RRS
  15. Really tired of Bama and their entitled, backwards ass fan base
  16. Juwan Mitchell fits right in at Tennessee—they all can’t tackle for shit
  17. ^agree 100%. This latest installment is similar to 2 and 3—confusing and forgettable.
  19. Xavier’s mom was clearly referring to the people who’ve been shit talking Casey T… Worthy isn’t going anywhere
  20. My Lord, did Tom sleep with your wife or something? Tom at least won a NY6 bowl and had a Big 12 championship game appearance. Charlie is the worst coach we’ve ever had. Full stop. And before you say, “he just needed more time”—he proceeded to drive the USF program into the ground too.
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