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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Reagan1k

  1. Current thinking is either the HD 4.5 when its out or the P / DLC-Comp. I'm committed to playing, just not sure which hand to bet yet.
  2. Are you seeing any issues with Staccato quality, or is this just operational issues? I'm in the market in a couple of months and don't want to step into a hornets nest...should I look at older production?
  3. They just needed better bumper stickers.
  4. Preach! That's my jam too. 1905, 1907, and 1910 are classic rifles. Win. should revive some of those older models in updated chamberings. A 1907 in 5.7x28 or 10mm and a very nice walnut stock would be awesome!!!!!! *one of my biggest regrets is letting a 1907 .351sl property stamped at Folsom Prison get away.
  5. Awesome. I have a Remington too. Some of the early ones are 303 British b/c we were making them on contract for England and Enfield, but we re-tooled and rechambered to .30 Govt. when we needed our own rifles. Think I need to complete the hat trick with Winchester & Eddystone too. Cool rifle / Piece of history!
  6. That Rem 1917 looks to be in good condition as well. Cool rifle....overlooked b/c it wasn't quite as refined as the '03 but a great battle rifle. Is that a factory installed Poly Choke on one of those Brownings? If the barrel isn't choke-marked, then it would be. Pretty cool.
  7. Yep - when pre64 called me they were bummed b/c the cut barrel was pristine. Said the chopper probably had a lot of regret after round #1 was fired.
  8. Send me a list first and save the premium???? I love buying from estates, even when paying true fair market value. Better firearms even if it isn't a "deal". If you need some names of reputable auction houses, send me a message. I buy a fair amount from several auction houses and have a pretty good feel for the way they treat customers on both the buy and sell side.
  9. Never bought or sold, but I have some. A manufacturer I represent will randomly ship me an ounce or two as a thank you for a good quarter or for negotiating a big order. I guess it could add up to something significant, but last I checked the price movement had really been lagging gold.
  10. @AnastasisWhat year is that Python? If it was made any time in oh, let's say the last 100 years, then you should buy it! Would be irresponsible not to.
  11. A 17" barrel 300H&H had to be quite a fireball coming out of the end. It came out of an estate in Wash. state, so I'm guessing it was someone's DIY version of a SHTF bear gun or similar. Sanded down like it was I could tell the grain would be pretty when refinished. Thankfully the action was untouched and well preserved, matching the new (old) barrel well. I keep telling myself my family will appreciate it when they get to split up these 70's. I'm so thoughtful that way!!!!!!!!! Always thinking of others needs and not my own wants.
  12. I've had an old m70 that someone took to with a sander, de-finished the stock and chopped several inches off the barrel to make a truck or cabin gun (i guess). Got tired of looking at the abomination and sent it up to my guy Justin Hale. Based on the fact there is basically no throat erosion, the muzzle blast from a 300H&H must not be conducive to a lot of shooting. He had a replacement barrel we we did a barrel swap and he refinished the stock back to how it should have looked. Here's how a 1952 300 Magnum (H&H) would have rolled out of the factory.
  13. If you're dealing with a self-directed account instead of a sponsored plan with limited choices, it's often worth considering a blond ladder or multiple ladders (either treasury or corporate), especially if you have a timeline for the use of the funds. Pimco, Parametric and others will even automate the process. Keeps a fixed and quantifiable maturity on all assets so you know what is maturing and when.
  14. My wife gave that to my mother a few years back and my mother had the best time with it. It gave her immense pleasure and kept her occupied for many months. That is really a great gift, especially older folks (not to assume @BearSchlong 's age). It's natural to remminense, and that format is cool in that it provides a structure and framework to get the memories onto paper. Those memories and the history get lost over time if they aren't recorded. Nice gift for both the recipient and the ones who care about them. I've written my own - not fully - but I've outlined it with what I'd want to be said about the things that were important to me. I have asked to be floated down the river on a pyre and then be set ablaze by someone shooting it with one of my old Model 70 Winchesters while trumpeters sound a salute. I think that may be the only thing the family skips, but one can hope.
  15. Are they really providing broad diversification? Not being a smartass but that's become a big issue with anything that tracks the S&P and other indexes tied to it. You've got +30% weighted in Tech in those funds and approaching 40% of assets tied up in just 8-10 names. I struggle with this at times, as that's not what I think of when I'm looking for "broad" diversification. The market cap weighting skews things so much toward these few names. When the market rolls over a lot of people don't realize how much of their nut is tied to so few tech names, and then when you get sector rotation and don't capitalize it makes the uniformed scratch their head. It's an interesting and enlightening game to break down your funds by holdings and see where your money really is and how much is tied to a name here or there....Soooo much overlap and concentration in just a few companies! A lot of people would never intentionally invest 25%-30% of their money in just three tech companies and they'd say that's crazy, yet there they sit with a majority of their assets in the S&P 500 index.
  16. I'm trying to come to an understanding of this through helping my nephew. I'm of the older generations and while I work for myself have always been a loyalty guy to the brand and to employees. All of my crew has 15+ years and many have 30+. We just became family and no one has left (for better and worse). My nephew just started a position in December and a new potential employer (different industry / no competition) has called to interview him (unsolicited referral by an employee of the new shop). He's asking my thoughts and my first inclination is that it's a dick move to jump ship within the first couple months, but i realize I'm a dinosaur and that the world has changed. Is it really just Thunderdome now or are there any unwritten rules left?
  17. High probability someone like Midway has them in a replacement barrel option.
  18. OP user name fits....
  19. Fine shotgun lovers click here.....Fine Shotguns and Rifles Lots of aspirational items in that batch. Worth a click through if you appreciate the art of fine firearms.
  20. If eating lean proteins, good fats, and green or colorful vegetables, that is 100% true. You'll tap out at the table before you can consume too much. The key is to avoid the rest of the hidden and empty calories (like the velveeta smothering the vegetables, the processed carbs in the breads, pastas, and really anything in a box). When the body and mainly the digestive tract (starting in the mouth) are given what it was designed to process, it's amazing how efficiently it runs. Just like a combustion engine, bad fuel fubars the whole deal.
  21. I have this phrase pinned to my desktop as a reminder to myself, but have unfortunately had to say it to others as well. I'm very sorry to hear that the direct and predictable results of your actions happened to you. Easy to say from afar but the horrible fact of the matter is that many people love their kids or spouse "to death". Until they get sick and tired of being sick and tired (like the rest of the family is) there isn't a reason for them to stop digging deeper in that hole.
  22. Team Oura. I don't always follow it but I find the activity level suggested is in line with how I am overall when considering sleep, stress, etc. I does not seem random at all and is a) good a giving me goals and b) realistic and a bit of a gentle reminder to slow down at times.
  23. I'm not mad at that Keltec. Having 20 rounds of 5.7 in a compact pistol weighing less than 14oz empty is pretty cool. Handy little sucker to have out hiking or hunting. It would be hell on a group of hogs. Now, granted that the 20 rounds of 5.7 cost more than the gun, but it wouldn't be a bad choice to throw in a truck or have around the camp.
  24. Several card issuers (I know with 100% certainty that AMEX is one that does) run a screen using the Social Security Death Index on a weekly / monthly basis. As soon as they get a hit on a cardholder, they shut down that card and any other cards for which that SS# was a primary. It's fairly easy to see the rationale and how it could prevent fraud. It can pose a problem for those who have automatic payments set up for a household or for small businesses with "company cards". Normally they are a bit shocked when someone calls proactively wanting to pay the debt. Amex will typically let someone else assume the account, but it comes with a credit check and accepting full responsibility for existing and future balances (if there is a compelling reason someone wants to keep the card open - like in the case of a business).
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