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Everything posted by CUM2TX

  1. goodbye to all Urban well wishers and big dick energy. I'm not sticking around for limp dick 7 wins in this shit ass horrible conference. I'm off to basketball and baseball. bye.
  2. just curious if we are going to be required to have allegiance on this site to this DOGSHIT hire? He is proven loser, so if dissent isn't allowed, I'll just leave now.
  3. brando doubling down on being a piece of shit. come to austin not online and see what happens fucker.
  4. never forget, only 10 carries
  5. I fully support giving people 2nd chances. just not as head coach at the University of Texas. holy fuck.
  6. it would be a good psychological move to float the loser Sark, and then hire someone we did't want initially but is better than Sark...such as Campbell.
  7. hey cdc. can you at the very least not give this new guy a fucken raise or extension unless he actually wins the shit ass big12?
  8. I'd rather have Ash, than Sark. I can't even enjoy Tom getting fired for one got damn day?
  9. its time to fire CDC. I knew he was an imbecile.
  10. sportsurge sucks. every stream lags
  11. Why? he isn't smart enough to be a QB, why would he be a coach? Athletes are gifted with bodies, not brains.
  12. no weasing the ju-uice
  13. this is good news. riley to nfl.
  14. when sam said "We just run what coach sends in," is when I lost respect for him. you ever heard of an audible, dude? you ever watch Vince play?
  15. if sam is so mad why doesn't he audible everything?
  16. someone shove a sock in Golic's mouth. for the love of god STFU
  17. most of this year I just thought that Sam was injured. nope.
  18. these superman freshman will have their talent and instincts beaten out of them by herman
  19. imagine if we had a coach who played the best players all year
  20. is it turtle time yet?
  21. ok so this stream is 5 minutes behind
  22. this broadcast is a beat down. STFU STFU STFU. quit talking assholes.
  23. so bijan is done for the night?
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