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Everything posted by TriStone

  1. It is no one. Two words. There is no such word as 'noone,' you dumb fucking semi-literate shits.
  2. Might be cold out, but a little arson will take care of that.
  3. YES! And in 5 or 10 more years MAYBE they'll start to notice. Excellent suggestion.
  4. I agree, but I'm happy to give him at least one full offseason to start unfucking the situation and see how it goes. I've seen enough to know that cycling out coaches/coaching staffs every other year isn't a good plan.
  5. Thank you for that. Now where were we? Oh yeah ... iT's ThA cOaChEs NoT tHa pLayErz FuK sArK duurrrrrrrrrr!
  6. Damn! He's lost a lot of weight. I brawley recognized him.
  7. Well, who asked you to? No need to burden yourself guy, just stick to what you're good at: fucking with aggy.
  8. Until I saw this thread I hadn't thought of SA since college or lowtax since the Uwe Boll thing so I did some quick reading to catch up. So ... pressured by the users into selling the site, then immediately perma-banned from it upon turning over control? Yeah. Fuck that. I'd have taken the site offline and burned the servers in my backyard on a livestream before I allowed that to happen
  9. "I officially abandon UT athletics." "Texas sucks." "Texas sucks. End of story." "I'm walking away." Don't lie about what you said, clown.
  10. Maybe so if he's telegenic. Otherwise he'll be propped up in state-level politics until he decides he's done.
  11. Horseshit, he's just taking one for "the team." His political future is secure.
  12. Yeah I'm sure it happens every week. This just happens to be the first time a player decided to pull out his phone and start recording.
  13. I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume this explanation is accurate. Fuck that nosy little trespassing shithead.
  14. Ya know, say whatever you want about Duke but at least when he said he was done, he kept his word. ^^This fuckin' guy ...
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