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Everything posted by TriStone

  1. That, plus nothing cures racism like a nice Friday group trip to the bar.
  2. Sucks that y'all have to deal with that. Maybe you should look into IT. We're the United Nations of professions.
  3. Seriously this. Not a single racial slur of any type in more than 25 years of professional life. Can't help but wonder where some of these people work.
  4. TriStone


    All four of those people were great on that show.
  5. Not as bad as I expected, aside from the complete dismissal of any possibility that Arch would ever even consider redshirting. They still speak of it as if Quinn and Arch both playing here is impossible.
  6. Not shaping up to be any less ill-informed than the other shows that commented on it.
  7. It was better than Season 2. That's about all I can say about it. I realized when I started S4 yesterday that I had no memory of what happened in S3.
  8. TriStone


    Silent night Religious right Jesse Helms sleeps tonight Something something Madeleine Albright
  9. I got a grand total of 58 of 102 for 929 yards with 6 TDs and 1 pick. "What a pussy!!!!!" /aggy
  10. More cheese puns?!? Ricotta be kidding me!!
  11. Some of you should pop over to SEC Rant and have a quick read. We were the most hated team there long before we ever even considered joining. They've swallowed every morsel of bullshit aggy has served them. I pray the day never comes that we "fit in" over there.
  12. ^^ Does anyone know what the fuck this dude just said here?
  13. Knew a JW kid growing up. He was cool. His parents were cool. Never tried to molest or convert anyone.
  14. No less ridiculous was Cersei morphing into some brilliant strategist. In the books she was a complete idiot.
  15. Not us. We'll follow the rules down to the letter, even if the rules are never enforced.
  16. TriStone

    The Wire

    "I can't wait to go to jail!"
  17. Really odd that Pyle Field's wiki page doesn't mention anything about that.
  18. Forgot about that one. Yes, that one was worse than TBL.
  19. The Big Lebowski is thoroughly unentertaining, and is easily the worst of the Coen Brothers output.
  20. I don't have a link, but the dumbass shit I just saw on Facebook was a gaggle of waterheaded Longhorn fans that think the RRS should be moved to Jerry's Soulless Cavern. The highlights: I see this one a lot. Not sure why these people don't just stay home and watch it on TV. I just LUVVVV the pageantry! Let's strip all of it away!! Narrator: It seats over 92,000. SMH
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