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  1. Yeah, this season the posts weren't as reliable as in the past. Guess it's hard to get motivated when it's literally loss after loss.
  2. At least he'd catch the damng things. I'll take ugly but caught any day over an INT or an incomplete.
  3. This. This is what is so fucking frustrating about being a Longhorn fan right now.
  4. Any news on Scipio's articles?
  5. There were finally naked pics?
  6. You need some art that lacks chins too.
  7. Mullen is under a show cause... why in the literal fuck would we hire someone that would subject our school to a show cause? Ugggh...
  8. Oh dear lord. That this hideous. It's like a Jersey Shore person built a mansion.
  9. Is that an actual awful house, or is that some AI fake thing?
  10. Reporting for lurking, sir.
  11. Bwahahahahah. Mullen got a show cause. Ouch.
  12. Rogue One is great. Mandalorian is great. Solo was like, ehhh... B B+? The sequel trilogy gets a B- F C? The Last Jedi was such a god awful movie by people who don't understand Star Wars.
  13. No one here knows anything other than they care about longhorn football.
  14. Missed that. What did he say?
  15. In other words, committed a crime? That's blackmail in Texas and is a crime. If the amount reduced from Herman's buyout was more than $300k, that's a first-degree possibly lock-me-up-for-life felony in Texas.
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