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Everything posted by senorfussybutt

  1. Anything new you surly people? There's like a million more posts, and looks more about things like meth and bad cities in Texas as opposed to Urbs.
  2. What do you mean you can't sell links?
  3. I'd rather have Ash as HC over that list.
  4. And I'm asking why are we unnecessarily handicapping ourselves? Sure, POTUS's job scope is huge. Counterpoint: a (competent) POTUS has all sorts of procedures and bureaucrats in the background running a well-oiled machine. But your argument is "We're Texas" so we won't actually try to help our coaches actually win?
  5. So here's an honest question: why not pare down the non-Xs-and-Os and non recruiting tasks to an admin type? Or are you saying that these HCs don't know how to delegate?
  6. Fair enough. My point is there is much better whisk(e)y out there at comparable prices to Jack. Jack just has one hell of a marketing department.
  7. Fussy. Fussy. Like, gripes a shit ton.
  8. I got a sensible chuckle out of this one.
  9. Why in the everloving fuck would you drink Jack when you could drink Buffalo Trace for the same price?
  10. Ok you surly bastards... there's like 30 more pages since I last checked. And my phone didn't blow up with anything... And I'm not going to read all 30 pages. Anything interesting happen since about, oh, 11:30pm last night?
  11. [Mr Burns voice] Yessss... Yesssss.... Smitherssssss, they are on to something....[/Mr Burns voice] In actuality, I wish I had inside information; but, I do not.
  12. Haha. I didn't pick it. It picked me.
  13. I know I'm new here... but shouldn't this be about Urbs and football?
  14. Thought Charlie had two really good seasons 11-2 and 12-1 before we hired him. (Yes, the hire turned out to be a flop, but he had 2 great seasons at Louisville). The keeping their G5 staff for too long was both of these coaches downfalls. Strong might still be here if he hadn't waiting until year 3 to make a big change. And Herman might have a conference title if he had had a real DC in 2018 or 2019.
  15. Ugggh. Really unhappy to see that Herman got to do his presser today. Anything interesting happening? (I'm not reading 30 pages of posts).
  16. Is there video of that or a statement? Or are you referring to the "that's not up to me to decide?" quote from the post-game presser?
  17. Everyone keeps saying Herman did something to force CDC's hand? Did I miss something? The Anwar question at the post-game presser?
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