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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Tex48

  1. He isn't a university employee. There's nothing stopping him from paying to be a member and coming to the dinner.
  2. Love it. Guy gives zero fucks about his haters.
  3. Buddy texted this pic to me this morning. I guess this is from his visit? (Sorry for the shit quality)
  4. 878 yards and 12 TDs not bad stats. He was in his Covid Freshman season too.
  5. Maybe this is what we should use the BAMF money on.
  6. I think we work at the same company.
  7. I'm surprised he isn't staying for burnt ends money.
  8. Tex48

    Formula 1 2021

    My buddies and I snuck food and booze into COTA every day without issue. Hell I brought to 6 packs in my backpack on raceday.
  9. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/ There's a whole subreddit devoted to it as well.
  10. My mom and I used to go to Carbondale a bunch when I was in hs/middle school. The golf down there is world class too.
  11. I swear yall post all the memes I see on here a week after I see them on insta. I guess there's a week time delay from when memes go on instagram to facebook
  12. This has been debunked. idk why yall keep on saying this
  13. @immamac double/Triple posts in recruiting threads
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